diff options
19 files changed, 1346 insertions, 13 deletions
index 352015a..c7e5799 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: unmarked
-Version: 1.4.1
-Date: 2024-01-08
+Date: 2024-01-23
Type: Package
Title: Models for Data from Unmarked Animals
Authors@R: c(
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ Collate: 'classes.R' 'unmarkedEstimate.R' 'mapInfo.R' 'unmarkedFrame.R'
'unmarkedCrossVal.R' 'piFun.R' 'vif.R' 'makePiFun.R' 'posteriorSamples.R'
+ 'IDS.R'
index aea62db..c4bbc63 100644
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ importFrom(Rcpp, evalCpp)
export(occu, occuFP, occuRN, pcount, pcountOpen, multinomPois, distsamp,
colext, gmultmix, gdistsamp, gpcount, occuPEN, occuPEN_CV, occuMulti,
occuMS, computeMPLElambda, pcount.spHDS, occuTTD, distsampOpen,
- multmixOpen, nmixTTD, gdistremoval, goccu, occuCOP)
+ multmixOpen, nmixTTD, gdistremoval, goccu, occuCOP, IDS)
export(removalPiFun, doublePiFun)
export(makeRemPiFun, makeCrPiFun, makeCrPiFunMb, makeCrPiFunMh)
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ exportClasses(unmarkedFit, unmarkedFitOccu, unmarkedFitOccuFP, unmarkedFitDS,
unmarkedFitPCount, unmarkedFitMPois, unmarkedFitPCO,
unmarkedFrameDSO, unmarkedFitDSO,
unmarkedFrameMMO, unmarkedFitMMO,
- unmarkedFitOccuMulti,
+ unmarkedFitOccuMulti, unmarkedFitIDS,
unmarkedFrame, unmarkedFrameOccu, unmarkedFramePCount,
unmarkedFrameMPois, unmarkedFrameDS, unmarkedMultFrame,
unmarkedFrameGMM, unmarkedFrameGDS, unmarkedFramePCO,
diff --git a/R/IDS.R b/R/IDS.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38338b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/IDS.R
@@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
+setClassUnion("unmarkedFrameOrNULL", members=c("unmarkedFrame", "NULL"))
+ representation(
+ formlist = "list",
+ keyfun = "character",
+ K = "numeric",
+ dataPC = "unmarkedFrameOrNULL",
+ dataOC = "unmarkedFrameOrNULL",
+ maxDist = "list",
+ surveyDurations = "list",
+ unitsOut = "character"),
+ contains = "unmarkedFit")
+get_ds_info <- function(db){
+ J <- length(db) - 1
+ a <- u <- rep(NA, J)
+ a[1] <- pi*db[2]^2
+ if(J > 1){
+ for (j in 2:J){
+ a[j] <- pi*db[j+1]^2 - sum(a[1:(j-1)])
+ }
+ }
+ total_area <- sum(a)
+ u <- a/total_area
+ w <- diff(db)
+ list(total_area=total_area, a=a, u=u, w=w)
+IDS <- function(lambdaformula = ~1,
+ detformulaDS = ~1,
+ detformulaPC = NULL,
+ detformulaOC = NULL,
+ dataDS,
+ dataPC = NULL,
+ dataOC = NULL,
+ availformula = NULL,
+ durationDS = NULL,
+ durationPC = NULL,
+ durationOC = NULL,
+ keyfun = "halfnorm",
+ maxDistPC,
+ maxDistOC,
+ K = 100,
+ unitsOut = "ha",
+ starts = NULL,
+ method = "BFGS",
+ ...
+ ){
+ # Process inputs-------------------------------------------------------------
+ form_hds <- as.formula(paste(c(as.character(detformulaDS),
+ as.character(lambdaformula)), collapse=""))
+ if(is.null(detformulaPC)){
+ form_pc <- as.formula(paste(c(as.character(detformulaDS),
+ as.character(lambdaformula)), collapse=""))
+ } else{
+ form_pc <- as.formula(paste(c(as.character(detformulaPC),
+ as.character(lambdaformula)), collapse=""))
+ }
+ if(is.null(detformulaOC)){
+ form_oc <- as.formula(paste(c(as.character(detformulaDS),
+ as.character(lambdaformula)), collapse=""))
+ } else{
+ form_oc <- as.formula(paste(c(as.character(detformulaOC),
+ as.character(lambdaformula)), collapse=""))
+ }
+ formlist <- list(lam=lambdaformula, ds=form_hds, pc=form_pc, oc=form_oc,
+ phi=availformula)
+ stopifnot(inherits(dataDS, "unmarkedFrameDS"))
+ stopifnot(inherits(dataPC, c("unmarkedFramePCount", "NULL")))
+ stopifnot(inherits(dataOC, c("unmarkedFrameOccu", "NULL")))
+ #stopifnot(!is.null(dataPC) | !is.null(dataOC))
+ has_avail <- FALSE
+ if(!is.null(durationDS) | !is.null(durationPC) | !is.null(durationOC)){
+ has_avail <- TRUE
+ if(is.null(availformula)) availformula <- ~1
+ form_avail <- as.formula(paste("~1", paste(as.character(availformula), collapse="")))
+ stopifnot(!is.null(durationDS))
+ if(!is.null(dataPC)) stopifnot(!is.null(durationPC))
+ if(!is.null(dataOC)) stopifnot(!is.null(durationOC))
+ }
+ if(has_avail & !is.null(dataOC)){
+ stop("Availability estimation doesn't work with detection-nondetection data", call.=FALSE)
+ }
+ stopifnot(is.null(durationDS) || (length(durationDS) == numSites(dataDS)))
+ stopifnot(is.null(durationPC) || (length(durationPC) == numSites(dataPC)))
+ stopifnot(is.null(durationOC) || (length(durationOC) == numSites(dataOC)))
+ surveyDurations <- list(ds=durationDS, pc=durationPC, oc=durationOC)
+ stopifnot(keyfun %in% c("halfnorm", "exp"))
+ keyidx <- switch(keyfun, "halfnorm"={1}, "exp"={2})
+ if(missing(maxDistPC)) maxDistPC <- max(dataDS@dist.breaks)
+ if(missing(maxDistOC)) maxDistOC <- max(dataDS@dist.breaks)
+ # Design matrices------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Need to add offset support here eventually
+ gd_hds <- getDesign(dataDS, form_hds)
+ if(any(is.na(gd_hds$y))){
+ stop("Missing values in only some distance bins is not supported", call.=FALSE)
+ }
+ ds_hds <- get_ds_info(dataDS@dist.breaks)
+ Xavail_ds <- matrix(0,0,0)
+ if(has_avail) Xavail_ds <- getDesign(dataDS, form_avail)$X
+ if(is.null(durationDS)) durationDS <- rep(0,0)
+ gd_pc <- list(y=matrix(0,0,0), X=matrix(0,0,0), V=matrix(0,0,0))
+ ds_pc <- list(total_area=0, db=c(0,0), a=0, w=0, u=0)
+ Xavail_pc <- matrix(0,0,0)
+ if(is.null(durationPC)) durationPC <- rep(0,0)
+ if(!is.null(dataPC)){
+ gd_pc <- getDesign(dataPC, form_pc)
+ ds_pc <- get_ds_info(c(0, maxDistPC))
+ if(has_avail) Xavail_pc <- getDesign(dataPC, form_avail)$X
+ }
+ gd_oc <- list(y=matrix(0,0,0), X=matrix(0,0,0), V=matrix(0,0,0))
+ ds_oc <- list(total_area=0, db=c(0,0), a=0, w=0, u=0)
+ Kmin_oc <- rep(0,0)
+ Xavail_oc <- matrix(0,0,0)
+ if(is.null(durationOC)) durationOC <- rep(0,0)
+ if(!is.null(dataOC)){
+ gd_oc <- getDesign(dataOC, form_oc)
+ ds_oc <- get_ds_info(c(0, maxDistOC))
+ Kmin_oc <- apply(gd_oc$y, 1, max, na.rm=T)
+ if(has_avail) Xavail_oc <- getDesign(dataOC, form_avail)$X
+ }
+ # Density conversion and unequal area correction
+ lam_adjust <- c(ds_hds$total_area, ds_pc$total_area, ds_oc$total_area)
+ names(lam_adjust) <- c("hds", "pc", "oc")
+ switch(dataDS@unitsIn,
+ m = lam_adjust <- lam_adjust / 1e6,
+ km = lam_adjust <- lam_adjust)
+ stopifnot(unitsOut %in% c("m","ha","kmsq"))
+ switch(unitsOut,
+ m = lam_adjust <- lam_adjust * 1e6,
+ ha = lam_adjust <- lam_adjust * 100,
+ kmsq = lam_adjust <- lam_adjust)
+ # Parameter stuff------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Doesn't support hazard
+ pind_mat <- matrix(0, nrow=5, ncol=2)
+ pind_mat[1,] <- c(1, ncol(gd_hds$X))
+ pind_mat[2,] <- max(pind_mat) + c(1, ncol(gd_hds$V))
+ if(!is.null(detformulaPC) & !is.null(dataPC)){
+ pind_mat[3,] <- max(pind_mat) + c(1, ncol(gd_pc$V))
+ }
+ if(!is.null(detformulaOC) & !is.null(dataOC)){
+ pind_mat[4,] <- max(pind_mat) + c(1, ncol(gd_oc$V))
+ }
+ if(has_avail){
+ pind_mat[5,] <- max(pind_mat) + c(1, ncol(Xavail_ds))
+ }
+ if(is.null(starts)){
+ lam_init <- log(mean(apply(dataDS@y, 1, sum, na.rm=TRUE)) / lam_adjust[1])
+ params_tmb <- list(beta_lam = c(lam_init, rep(0, ncol(gd_hds$X)-1)),
+ beta_hds = c(log(median(dataDS@dist.breaks)),rep(0, ncol(gd_hds$V)-1)),
+ beta_pc = rep(0,0),
+ beta_oc = rep(0,0),
+ beta_avail = rep(0,0))
+ if(!is.null(detformulaPC) & !is.null(dataPC)){
+ params_tmb$beta_pc <- c(log(maxDistPC/2), rep(0, ncol(gd_pc$V)-1))
+ }
+ if(!is.null(detformulaOC) & !is.null(dataOC)){
+ params_tmb$beta_oc <- c(log(maxDistOC/2), rep(0, ncol(gd_oc$V)-1))
+ }
+ if(has_avail){
+ params_tmb$beta_avail <- rep(0, ncol(Xavail_ds))
+ }
+ starts <- unlist(params_tmb)
+ } else {
+ if(length(starts) != max(pind_mat)){
+ stop("Length of starts should be ", max(pind_mat), call.=FALSE)
+ }
+ params_tmb <- list(beta_lam = starts[pind_mat[1,1]:pind_mat[1,2]],
+ beta_hds = starts[pind_mat[2,1]:pind_mat[2,2]],
+ beta_pc = rep(0,0),
+ beta_oc = rep(0,0),
+ beta_avail = rep(0,0))
+ if(!is.null(detformulaPC) & !is.null(dataPC)){
+ params_tmb$beta_pc <- starts[pind_mat[3,1]:pind_mat[3,2]]
+ }
+ if(!is.null(detformulaOC) & !is.null(dataOC)){
+ params_tmb$beta_oc <- starts[pind_mat[4,1]:pind_mat[4,2]]
+ }
+ if(has_avail){
+ params_tmb$beta_avail <- starts[pind_mat[5,1]:pind_mat[5,2]]
+ }
+ }
+ # Construct TMB data list----------------------------------------------------
+ tmb_dat <- list(
+ # Common
+ pind = pind_mat, lam_adjust = lam_adjust,
+ # HDS data
+ y_hds = gd_hds$y, X_hds = gd_hds$X, V_hds = gd_hds$V, key_hds = keyidx,
+ db_hds = dataDS@dist.breaks, a_hds = ds_hds$a, w_hds = ds_hds$w,
+ u_hds = ds_hds$u,
+ # PC data
+ y_pc = gd_pc$y, X_pc = gd_pc$X, V_pc = gd_pc$V, key_pc = keyidx,
+ db_pc = c(0, maxDistPC), a_pc = ds_pc$a, w_pc = ds_pc$w, u_pc = ds_pc$u,
+ # occ data
+ y_oc = gd_oc$y, X_oc = gd_oc$X, V_oc = gd_oc$V, key_oc = keyidx,
+ db_oc = c(0, maxDistOC), a_oc = ds_oc$a, w_oc = ds_oc$w, u_oc = ds_oc$u,
+ K_oc = K, Kmin_oc = Kmin_oc,
+ # avail data
+ durationDS = durationDS, durationPC = durationPC, durationOC = durationOC,
+ Xa_hds = Xavail_ds, Xa_pc = Xavail_pc, Xa_oc = Xavail_oc
+ )
+ tmb_obj <- TMB::MakeADFun(data = c(model = "tmb_IDS", tmb_dat), parameters = params_tmb,
+ DLL = "unmarked_TMBExports", silent=TRUE)
+ opt <- optim(unlist(params_tmb), fn=tmb_obj$fn, gr=tmb_obj$gr, method=method, ...)
+ fmAIC <- 2 * opt$value + 2 * length(unlist(params_tmb))
+ sdr <- TMB::sdreport(tmb_obj)
+ lam_coef <- get_coef_info(sdr, "lam", colnames(gd_hds$X),
+ pind_mat[1,1]:pind_mat[1,2])
+ lam_est <- unmarkedEstimate(name="Density", short.name="lam",
+ estimates = lam_coef$ests, covMat = lam_coef$cov, fixed=1:ncol(gd_hds$X),
+ invlink = "exp", invlinkGrad = "exp")
+ dist_coef <- get_coef_info(sdr, "hds", colnames(gd_hds$V),
+ pind_mat[2,1]:pind_mat[2,2])
+ dist_est <- unmarkedEstimate(name="Distance sampling detection", short.name="ds",
+ estimates = dist_coef$ests, covMat = dist_coef$cov, fixed=1:ncol(gd_hds$V),
+ invlink = "exp", invlinkGrad = "exp")
+ est_list <- list(lam=lam_est, ds=dist_est)
+ if(!is.null(detformulaPC) & !is.null(dataPC)){
+ pc_coef <- get_coef_info(sdr, "pc", colnames(gd_pc$V),
+ pind_mat[3,1]:pind_mat[3,2])
+ pc_est <- unmarkedEstimate(name="Point count detection", short.name="pc",
+ estimates = pc_coef$ests, covMat = pc_coef$cov, fixed=1:ncol(gd_pc$V),
+ invlink = "exp", invlinkGrad = "exp")
+ est_list <- c(est_list, list(pc=pc_est))
+ }
+ if(!is.null(detformulaOC) & !is.null(dataOC)){
+ oc_coef <- get_coef_info(sdr, "oc", colnames(gd_oc$V),
+ pind_mat[4,1]:pind_mat[4,2])
+ oc_est <- unmarkedEstimate(name="Presence/absence detection", short.name="oc",
+ estimates = oc_coef$ests, covMat = oc_coef$cov, fixed=1:ncol(gd_oc$V),
+ invlink = "exp", invlinkGrad = "exp")
+ est_list <- c(est_list, list(oc=oc_est))
+ }
+ if(has_avail){
+ avail_coef <- get_coef_info(sdr, "avail", colnames(Xavail_ds),
+ pind_mat[5,1]:pind_mat[5,2])
+ avail_est <- unmarkedEstimate(name="Availability", short.name="phi",
+ estimates=avail_coef$ests, covMat=avail_coef$cov, fixed=1:ncol(Xavail_ds),
+ invlink="exp", invlinkGrad="exp")
+ est_list <- c(est_list, list(phi=avail_est))
+ }
+ est_list <- unmarkedEstimateList(est_list)
+ new("unmarkedFitIDS", fitType = "IDS", call = match.call(),
+ opt = opt, formula = lambdaformula, formlist=formlist,
+ data = dataDS, dataPC=dataPC, dataOC=dataOC,
+ surveyDurations=surveyDurations,
+ maxDist = list(pc=maxDistPC, oc=maxDistOC),
+ keyfun=keyfun,
+ # this needs to be fixed
+ sitesRemoved = gd_hds$removed.sites,
+ unitsOut=unitsOut,
+ estimates = est_list, AIC = fmAIC, negLogLike = opt$value,
+ nllFun = tmb_obj$fn, TMB=tmb_obj)
+setMethod("summary", "unmarkedFitIDS", function(object)
+ cat("\nCall:\n")
+ print(object@call)
+ cat("\n")
+ summaryOut <- summary(object@estimates)
+ cat("AIC:", object@AIC,"\n")
+ cat("Number of distance sampling sites:", numSites(object@data))
+ if(!is.null(object@dataPC)){
+ cat("\nNumber of point count sites:", numSites(object@dataPC))
+ }
+ if(!is.null(object@dataOC)){
+ cat("\nNumber of presence/absence sites:", numSites(object@dataOC))
+ }
+ cat("\noptim convergence code:", object@opt$convergence)
+ cat("\noptim iterations:", object@opt$counts[1], "\n")
+ if(!identical(object@opt$convergence, 0L))
+ warning("Model did not converge. Try providing starting values or increasing maxit control argment.")
+ cat("Bootstrap iterations:", length(object@bootstrapSamples), "\n\n")
+ invisible(summaryOut)
+# Need special method since an included dataset may not have a corresponding
+# unique submodel in the unmarked estimates
+setMethod("names", "unmarkedFitIDS", function(x){
+ out <- c("lam","ds")
+ if(!is.null(x@dataPC)) out <- c(out, "pc")
+ if(!is.null(x@dataOC)) out <- c(out, "oc")
+ if("phi" %in% names(x@estimates)) out <- c(out, "phi")
+ out
+# This function converts IDS objects into simpler distsamp objects
+# so we can re-use distsamp methods
+# the abundance model (lam) is combined with one of the detection models
+# to yield a distsamp model
+IDS_convert_class <- function(inp, type, ds_type=NULL){
+ stopifnot(type %in% names(inp))
+ if(is.null(ds_type)) ds_type <- type
+ if(type == "lam") type <- "ds"
+ data <- inp@data
+ if(ds_type == "pc"){
+ tempdat <- inp@dataPC
+ maxDist <- inp@maxDist$pc
+ }
+ if(ds_type == "oc"){
+ tempdat <- inp@dataOC
+ maxDist <- inp@maxDist$oc
+ }
+ if(ds_type %in% c("pc", "oc")){
+ if(is.null(maxDist)) maxDist <- max(data@dist.breaks)
+ data <- unmarkedFrameDS(y=tempdat@y, siteCovs=siteCovs(tempdat),
+ dist.breaks=c(0, maxDist), survey="point",
+ unitsIn=data@unitsIn)
+ }
+ # Select appropriate model estimates; if sigma was not estimated
+ # separately for this model, pick the DS model for detection
+ det_mod <- type
+ if(! det_mod %in% names(inp@estimates)) det_mod <- "ds"
+ est <- inp@estimates@estimates[c("lam", det_mod)]
+ names(est) <- c("state", "det")
+ form <- inp@formlist[[type]]
+ if(type=="phi") form <- as.formula(paste(c(as.character(form), "~1"), collapse=""))
+ new("unmarkedFitDS", fitType="IDS", opt=inp@opt, formula=form,
+ data=data, keyfun=inp@keyfun, unitsOut=inp@unitsOut,
+ estimates=unmarkedEstimateList(est),
+ AIC=inp@AIC, output="density", TMB=inp@TMB)
+# This predict method uses IDS_convert_class to allow pass-through to
+# distsamp predict method
+setMethod("predict", "unmarkedFitIDS", function(object, type, newdata,
+ backTransform=TRUE, appendData=FALSE, level=0.95, ...){
+ stopifnot(type %in% names(object))
+ # Special case of phi and no newdata
+ # We need a separate prediction for each detection dataset
+ if(type == "phi" & missing(newdata)){
+ dists <- names(object)[names(object) %in% c("ds", "pc", "oc")]
+ out <- lapply(dists, function(x){
+ conv <- IDS_convert_class(object, "phi", ds_type=x)
+ predict(conv, "det", backTransform=backTransform, appendData=appendData,
+ level=level, ...)
+ })
+ names(out) <- dists
+ } else { # Regular situation
+ conv <- IDS_convert_class(object, type)
+ type <- switch(type, lam="state", ds="det", pc="det", oc="det", phi="det")
+ out <- predict(conv, type, newdata, backTransform=backTransform, appendData=appendData,
+ level=level, ...)
+ }
+ out
+# Get availability probability
+setGeneric("getAvail", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getAvail"))
+# Get availability for each data type and site as a probability
+setMethod("getAvail", "unmarkedFitIDS", function(object, ...){
+ stopifnot("phi" %in% names(object))
+ phi <- predict(object, "phi")
+ dur <- object@surveyDurations
+ out <- lapply(names(phi), function(x){
+ 1 - exp(-1 * dur[[x]] * phi[[x]]$Predicted)
+ })
+ names(out) <- names(phi)
+ out
+# Fitted method returns a list of matrices, one per data type
+setMethod("fitted", "unmarkedFitIDS", function(object, na.rm=FALSE){
+ dists <- names(object)[names(object) %in% c("ds", "pc")]
+ # If there is an availability model, get availability
+ # Otherwise set it to 1
+ avail <- list(ds=1, pc=1, oc=1)
+ if("phi" %in% names(object)){
+ avail <- getAvail(object)
+ }
+ # fitted for distance and N-mix data components
+ out <- lapply(dists, function(x){
+ conv <- IDS_convert_class(object, type=x)
+ fitted(conv) * avail[[x]]
+ })
+ names(out) <- dists
+ # fitted for occupancy data
+ if("oc" %in% names(object)){
+ conv <- IDS_convert_class(object, type="oc")
+ lam <- predict(conv, 'state')$Predicted
+ A <- pi*max(conv@data@dist.breaks)^2
+ switch(conv@data@unitsIn,
+ m = A <- A / 1e6,
+ km = A <- A)
+ switch(conv@unitsOut,
+ m = A <- A * 1e6,
+ ha = A <- A * 100,
+ kmsq = A <- A)
+ lam <- lam * A
+ p <- getP(conv) * avail$oc
+ out$oc <- 1 - exp(-lam*p) ## analytical integration.
+ }
+ out
+# getP returns detection probability WITHOUT availability
+setMethod("getP", "unmarkedFitIDS", function(object, ...){
+ dets <- names(object)[! names(object) %in% c("lam","phi")]
+ out <- lapply(dets, function(x){
+ conv <- IDS_convert_class(object, type=x)
+ getP(conv)
+ })
+ names(out) <- dets
+ out
+setMethod("residuals", "unmarkedFitIDS", function(object, ...){
+ dists <- names(object)[names(object) %in% c("ds", "pc")]
+ # distance and N-mix data
+ out <- lapply(dists, function(x){
+ conv <- IDS_convert_class(object, type=x)
+ residuals(conv)
+ })
+ names(out) <- dists
+ # occupancy data
+ if("oc" %in% names(object)){
+ y <- object@dataOC@y
+ ft <- fitted(object)$oc
+ out$oc <- y - ft
+ }
+ out
+setMethod("hist", "unmarkedFitIDS", function(x, lwd=1, lty=1, ...){
+ conv <- IDS_convert_class(x, type='ds')
+ hist(conv, lwd=lwd, lty=lty, ...)
+setMethod("plot", c(x="unmarkedFitIDS", y="missing"), function(x, y, ...){
+ r <- residuals(x)
+ f <- fitted(x)
+ nr <- length(r)
+ long_names <- sapply(x@estimates@estimates, function(x) x@name)
+ long_names <- long_names[long_names != "Density"]
+ old_par <- graphics::par()$mfrow
+ graphics::par(mfrow=c(nr,1))
+ for (i in 1:nr){
+ plot(f[[i]], r[[i]], ylab = "Residuals", xlab = "Predicted values",
+ main=long_names[i])
+ abline(h = 0, lty = 3, col = "gray")
+ }
+ graphics::par(mfrow=old_par)
+setMethod("simulate", "unmarkedFitIDS",
+ function(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, na.rm = FALSE){
+ dets <- c("ds","pc","oc")
+ if("phi" %in% names(object)) avail <- getAvail(object)
+ temp <- lapply(dets, function(x){
+ if(! x %in% names(object)) return(NULL)
+ conv <- IDS_convert_class(object, type=x)
+ sims <- simulate(conv, nsim=nsim, na.rm=na.rm)
+ # availability process
+ if("phi" %in% names(object)){
+ sims <- lapply(sims, function(z){
+ avail_expand <- matrix(rep(avail[[x]], ncol(z)), ncol=ncol(z))
+ out <- rbinom(length(z), z, avail_expand)
+ matrix(out, nrow=nrow(z), ncol=ncol(z))
+ })
+ }
+ if(x=="oc"){
+ sims <- lapply(sims, function(z){
+ z[z>1] <- 1
+ z
+ })
+ }
+ sims
+ })
+ #"permute"
+ lapply(1:nsim, function(i){
+ sim <- lapply(temp, function(x) x[[i]])
+ names(sim) <- c("ds","pc","oc")
+ sim
+ })
+setMethod("update", "unmarkedFitIDS",
+ function(object, lambdaformula, detformulaDS, detformulaPC, detformulaOC,
+ dataDS, dataPC, dataOC, ...){
+ call <- object@call
+ if(!missing(lambdaformula)){
+ call[["lambdaformula"]] <- lambdaformula
+ } else {
+ call[["lambdaformula"]] <- object@formlist$lam
+ }
+ if(!missing(detformulaDS)){
+ call[["detformulaDS"]] <- detformulaDS
+ } else {
+ call[["detformulaDS"]] <- split_formula(object@formlist$ds)[[1]]
+ }
+ if(!missing(detformulaPC)){
+ call[["detformulaPC"]] <- detformulaPC
+ } else if(!is.null(object@dataPC) & !is.null(call$detformulaPC)){
+ call[["detformulaPC"]] <- split_formula(object@formlist$pc)[[1]]
+ }
+ if(!missing(detformulaOC)){
+ call[["detformulaOC"]] <- detformulaOC
+ } else if(!is.null(object@dataOC) & !is.null(call$detformulaOC)){
+ call[["detformulaOC"]] <- split_formula(object@formlist$oc)[[1]]
+ }
+ if(!missing(dataDS)){
+ call$dataDS <- dataDS
+ } else {
+ call$dataDS <- object@data
+ }
+ if(!missing(dataPC)){
+ call$dataPC <- dataPC
+ } else {
+ call$dataPC <- object@dataPC
+ }
+ if(!missing(dataOC)){
+ call$dataOC <- dataOC
+ } else {
+ call$dataOC <- object@dataOC
+ }
+ extras <- match.call(call=sys.call(-1),
+ expand.dots = FALSE)$...
+ if (length(extras) > 0) {
+ existing <- !is.na(match(names(extras), names(call)))
+ for (a in names(extras)[existing])
+ call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
+ if (any(!existing)) {
+ call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
+ call <- as.call(call)
+ }
+ }
+ eval(call, parent.frame(2))
+setMethod("parboot", "unmarkedFitIDS",
+ function(object, statistic=SSE, nsim=10, ...)
+ dots <- list(...)
+ statistic <- match.fun(statistic)
+ call <- match.call(call = sys.call(-1))
+ starts <- as.numeric(coef(object))
+ t0 <- statistic(object, ...)
+ lt0 <- length(t0)
+ t.star <- matrix(NA, nsim, lt0)
+ #if(!missing(report))
+ # cat("t0 =", t0, "\n")
+ simList <- simulate(object, nsim = nsim, na.rm = FALSE)
+ dataDS <- object@data
+ dataPC <- object@dataPC
+ has_pc <- "pc" %in% names(object)
+ dataOC <- object@dataOC
+ has_oc <- "oc" %in% names(object)
+ t.star <- lapply(1:nsim, function(i){
+ dataDS@y <- simList[[i]]$ds
+ if(has_pc) dataPC@y <- simList[[i]]$pc
+ if(has_oc) dataOC@y <- simList[[i]]$oc
+ fit <- update(object, dataDS=dataDS, dataPC=dataPC, dataOC=dataOC,
+ durationDS = object@surveyDurations$ds,
+ durationPC = object@surveyDurations$pc,
+ durationOC = object@surveyDurations$oc,
+ starts=starts)
+ statistic(fit)
+ })
+ if(lt0 > 1){
+ t.star <- t(t.star)
+ } else {
+ t.star <- matrix(t.star, ncol=lt0)
+ }
+ if (!is.null(names(t0))){
+ colnames(t.star) <- names(t0)
+ } else{
+ colnames(t.star) <- paste("t*", 1:lt0, sep="")
+ }
+ out <- new("parboot", call = call, t0 = t0, t.star = t.star)
+ return(out)
+setMethod("SSE", "unmarkedFitIDS", function(fit, ...){
+ r <- unlist(residuals(fit))
+ return(c(SSE = sum(r^2, na.rm=T)))
+setMethod("nonparboot", "unmarkedFitIDS",
+ function(object, B = 0, keepOldSamples = TRUE, ...)
+ stop("Not currently supported for unmarkedFitIDS", call.=FALSE)
+setMethod("ranef", "unmarkedFitIDS",
+ function(object, B = 0, keepOldSamples = TRUE, ...)
+ stop("Not currently supported for unmarkedFitIDS", call.=FALSE)
diff --git a/R/simulate.R b/R/simulate.R
index a8887cb..3868a72 100644
--- a/R/simulate.R
+++ b/R/simulate.R
@@ -76,6 +76,19 @@ setMethod("simulate", "character",
} else if(object=="gdistremoval"){
+ } else if(object == "IDS"){
+ out <- list()
+ out$ds <- fit@data
+ out$ds@y <- x$ds
+ if("pc" %in% names(fit)){
+ out$pc <- fit@dataPC
+ out$pc@y <- x$pc
+ }
+ if("oc" %in% names(fit)){
+ out$oc <- fit@dataOC
+ out$oc@y <- x$oc
+ }
+ umf <- out
} else {
umf@y <- x
@@ -185,7 +198,6 @@ setMethod("simulate_fit", "unmarkedFitOccuRN",
data=umf, se=FALSE, control=list(maxit=1))
setMethod("get_umf_components", "unmarkedFitMPois",
function(object, formulas, guide, design, ...){
args <- list(...)
@@ -556,3 +568,107 @@ setMethod("simulate_fit", "unmarkedFitGDR",
data=umf, keyfun=keyfun, output=output, unitsOut=unitsOut,
mixture=mixture, K=K, se=FALSE, control=list(maxit=1), method='L-BFGS-B')
+# For simulating entirely new datasets
+setMethod("get_umf_components", "unmarkedFitIDS",
+ function(object, formulas, guide, design, ...){
+ # Distance sampling dataset
+ sc_ds_lam <- generate_data(formulas$lam, guide, design$Mds)
+ sc_ds_det <- generate_data(formulas$ds, guide, design$Mds)
+ dat_ds <- list(sc_ds_lam, sc_ds_det)
+ if(!is.null(formulas$phi)){
+ sc_ds_phi <- generate_data(formulas$phi, guide, design$Mds)
+ dat_ds <- c(dat_ds, list(sc_ds_phi))
+ }
+ keep <- sapply(dat_ds, function(x) !is.null(x))
+ dat_ds <- dat_ds[keep]
+ sc_ds <- do.call(cbind, dat_ds)
+ yblank_ds <- matrix(1, design$Mds, design$J)
+ # Point count dataset
+ sc_pc <- yblank_pc <- NULL
+ if(!is.null(design$Mpc) && design$Mpc > 0){
+ if(is.null(formulas$pc)) form_pc <- formulas$ds
+ sc_pc_lam <- generate_data(formulas$lam, guide, design$Mpc)
+ sc_pc_det <- generate_data(form_pc, guide, design$Mpc)
+ sc_pc <- list(sc_pc_lam, sc_pc_det)
+ if(!is.null(formulas$phi)){
+ sc_pc_phi <- generate_data(formulas$phi, guide, design$Mpc)
+ sc_pc <- c(sc_pc, list(sc_pc_phi))
+ }
+ keep <- sapply(sc_pc, function(x) !is.null(x))
+ sc_pc <- sc_pc[keep]
+ sc_pc <- do.call(cbind, sc_pc)
+ yblank_pc <- matrix(1, design$Mpc, 1)
+ }
+ # Presence/absence dataset
+ sc_oc <- yblank_oc <- NULL
+ if(!is.null(design$Moc) && design$Moc > 0){
+ if(is.null(formulas$oc)){
+ form_oc <- formulas$ds
+ } else {
+ form_oc <- formulas$oc
+ }
+ sc_oc_lam <- generate_data(formulas$lam, guide, design$Moc)
+ sc_oc_det <- generate_data(form_oc, guide, design$Moc)
+ sc_oc <- list(sc_oc_lam, sc_oc_det)
+ if(!is.null(formulas$phi)){
+ sc_oc_phi <- generate_data(formulas$phi, guide, design$Moc)
+ sc_oc <- c(sc_oc, list(sc_oc_phi))
+ }
+ keep <- sapply(sc_oc, function(x) !is.null(x))
+ sc_oc <- sc_oc[keep]
+ sc_oc <- do.call(cbind, sc_oc)
+ yblank_oc <- matrix(1, design$Moc, 1)
+ }
+ mget(c("yblank_ds", "sc_ds", "yblank_pc", "sc_pc", "yblank_oc", "sc_oc"))
+setMethod("simulate_fit", "unmarkedFitIDS",
+ function(object, formulas, guide, design, ...){
+ parts <- get_umf_components(object, formulas, guide, design, ...)
+ args <- list(...)
+ args$tlength <- 0
+ args$survey <- "point"
+ # Distance sampling dataset
+ umf_ds <- unmarkedFrameDS(y=parts$yblank_ds, siteCovs=parts$sc_ds,
+ tlength=args$tlength, survey=args$survey,
+ unitsIn=args$unitsIn,
+ dist.breaks=args$dist.breaks)
+ # Point count dataset
+ umf_pc <- NULL
+ if(!is.null(design$Mpc) && design$Mpc > 0){
+ umf_pc <- unmarkedFramePCount(y=parts$yblank_pc, siteCovs=parts$sc_pc)
+ }
+ # Occupancy dataset
+ umf_oc <- NULL
+ if(!is.null(design$Moc) && design$Moc > 0){
+ umf_oc <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y=parts$yblank_oc, siteCovs=parts$sc_oc)
+ }
+ keyfun <- ifelse(is.null(args$keyfun), "halfnorm", args$keyfun)
+ unitsOut <- ifelse(is.null(args$unitsOut), "ha", args$unitsOut)
+ K <- ifelse(is.null(args$K), 300, args$K)
+ if(is.null(args$maxDistPC)) args$maxDistPC <- max(args$dist.breaks)
+ if(is.null(args$maxDistOC)) args$maxDistOC <- max(args$dist.breaks)
+ IDS(lambdaformula = formulas$lam,
+ detformulaDS = formulas$ds,
+ detformulaPC = formulas$pc, detformulaOC = formulas$oc,
+ dataDS = umf_ds, dataPC = umf_pc, dataOC = umf_oc,
+ availformula = formulas$phi,
+ durationDS = args$durationDS, durationPC = args$durationPC,
+ durationOC = args$durationOC,
+ maxDistPC = args$maxDistPC, maxDistOC = args$maxDistOC,
+ keyfun=keyfun, unitsOut=unitsOut, K=K ,control=list(maxit=1))
diff --git a/R/unmarkedFit.R b/R/unmarkedFit.R
index 97ccfe4..84740b3 100644
--- a/R/unmarkedFit.R
+++ b/R/unmarkedFit.R
@@ -453,6 +453,7 @@ setMethod("fitted", "unmarkedFitDS", function(object, na.rm = FALSE)
m = A <- A / 1e6,
km = A <- A)
+ m = A <- A * 1e6,
ha = A <- A * 100,
kmsq = A <- A)
lambda <- lambda * A
@@ -1660,11 +1661,13 @@ setMethod("getP", "unmarkedFitDS",
point = {
for(i in 1:M) {
a[i, 1] <- pi*db[2]^2
- for(j in 2:J)
+ if(J > 1){
+ for(j in 2:J)
a[i, j] <- pi*db[j+1]^2 - sum(a[i, 1:(j-1)])
- u[i,] <- a[i,] / sum(a[i,])
- })
+ u[i,] <- a[i,] / sum(a[i,])
+ }
+ })
@@ -2089,6 +2092,7 @@ setMethod("simulate", "unmarkedFitDS",
m = A <- A / 1e6,
km = A <- A)
+ m = A <- A * 1e6,
ha = A <- A * 100,
kmsq = A <- A)
lambda <- lambda * A
@@ -2104,7 +2108,6 @@ setMethod("simulate", "unmarkedFitDS",
setMethod("simulate", "unmarkedFitPCount",
function(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, na.rm = TRUE)
diff --git a/R/unmarkedFrame.R b/R/unmarkedFrame.R
index c936bdf..b97f23b 100644
--- a/R/unmarkedFrame.R
+++ b/R/unmarkedFrame.R
@@ -1133,10 +1133,7 @@ setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrame", "numeric", "missing", "missing"),
if(all(i < 0)) { # if i is negative, then convert to positive
i <- (1:M)[i]
- y <- getY(x)[i,]
- if (length(i) == 1) {
- y <- t(y)
- }
+ y <- getY(x)[i,,drop=FALSE]
siteCovs <- siteCovs(x)
obsCovs <- obsCovs(x)
if (!is.null(siteCovs)) {
diff --git a/man/IDS.Rd b/man/IDS.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ec3923
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/IDS.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+Fit the integrated distance sampling model of Kery et al. (2022).
+\description{Model abundance using a combination of distance sampling data (DS)
+ and other similar data types, including simple point counts (PC) and
+ occupancy/detection-nondetection (OC/DND) data.}
+IDS(lambdaformula = ~1, detformulaDS = ~1, detformulaPC = NULL, detformulaOC = NULL,
+ dataDS, dataPC = NULL, dataOC = NULL, availformula = NULL,
+ durationDS = NULL, durationPC = NULL, durationOC = NULL, keyfun = "halfnorm",
+ maxDistPC, maxDistOC, K = 100, unitsOut = "ha",
+ starts = NULL, method = "BFGS", ...)
+ \item{lambdaformula}{Formula for abundance}
+ \item{detformulaDS}{Formula for distance-based (DS) detection probability}
+ \item{detformulaPC}{Formula for point count detection probability. If
+ \code{NULL}, will share a model with DS detection probability}
+ \item{detformulaOC}{Formula for occupancy/detection-nondetection detection
+ probability. If \code{NULL}, will share a model with DS detection probability}
+ \item{dataDS}{An object of class \code{unmarkedFrameDS}. Required}
+ \item{dataPC}{An object of class \code{unmarkedFramePCount}. If \code{NULL},
+ no PC data will be used in the model}
+ \item{dataOC}{An object of class \code{unmarkedFrameOccu}. If \code{NULL},
+ no OC/DND data will be used in the model}
+ \item{availformula}{Optional. If specified, formula for availability. Only possible to
+ use if you have variable detection survey lengths (see below)}
+ \item{durationDS}{Optional. Vector of survey durations at each distance sampling site}
+ \item{durationPC}{Optional. Vector of survey durations at each PC site}
+ \item{durationOC}{Optional. Vector of survey durations at each OC/DND site}
+ \item{keyfun}{Distance sampling key function; either "halfnorm" or "exp"}
+ \item{maxDistPC}{Maximum observation distance for PC surveys; defaults to
+ maximum of distance bins from the distance sampling data}
+ \item{maxDistOC}{Maximum observation distance for OC/DND surveys; defaults to
+ maximum of distance bins from the distance sampling data}
+ \item{K}{Integer, upper bound for integrating out latent abundance. Only used if
+ you have included OC/DND data}
+ \item{unitsOut}{Units of density for output. Either "ha" or "kmsq" for
+ hectares and square kilometers, respectively}
+ \item{starts}{A numeric vector of starting values for the model parameters}
+ \item{method}{Optimization method used by \code{\link{optim}}}
+ \item{\dots}{Additional arguments to optim, such as lower and upper
+ bounds}
+\value{An object of class unmarkedFitIDS}
+This function facilitates a combined analysis of distance sampling data (DS) with other similar
+data types, including simple point counts (PC) and occupancy/detection-nondetection (OC/DND) data.
+The combined approach capitalizes on the strengths and minimizes the weaknesses
+of each type. The PC and OC/DND data are viewed as latent distance sampling surveys
+with an underlying abundance model shared by all data types. All analyses
+must include some distance sampling data, but can include either PC or DND data
+or both. If surveys are of variable duration, it is also possible to estimate
+Input data must be provided as a series of separate \code{unmarkedFrame}s:
+\code{unmarkedFrameDS} for the distance sampling data, \code{unmarkedFramePCount}
+for the point count data, and \code{unmarkedFrameOccu} for OC/DND data.
+See the help files for these objects for guidance on how to organize the data.
+ Simulations indicated estimates of availability were very unreliable when
+ including detection/non-detection data, so the function will not allow you
+ to use DND data and estimate availability at the same time.
+ In general estimation of availability can be difficult; use simulations
+ to see how well it works for your specific situation.
+ Kery M, Royle JA, Hallman T, Robinson WD, Strebel N, Kellner KF. 2024.
+ Integrated distance sampling models for simple point counts. Ecology.
+\author{Ken Kellner \email{contact@kenkellner.com}}
+# Simulate data based on a real dataset
+# Formulas for each model
+formulas <- list(lam=~elev, ds=~1, phi=~1)
+# Sample sizes
+design <- list(Mds=2912, J=6, Mpc=506)
+# Model parameters
+coefs <- list(lam = c(intercept=3, elev=-0.5),
+ ds = c(intercept=-2.5),
+ phi = c(intercept=-1.3))
+# Survey durations
+durs <- list(ds = rep(5, design$Mds), pc=runif(design$Mpc, 3, 30))
+sim_umf <- simulate("IDS", # name of model we are simulating for
+ nsim=1, # number of replicates
+ formulas=formulas,
+ coefs=coefs,
+ design=design,
+ # arguments used by unmarkedFrameDS
+ dist.breaks = seq(0, 0.30, length.out=7),
+ unitsIn="km",
+ # arguments used by IDS
+ # could also have e.g. keyfun here
+ durationDS=durs$ds, durationPC=durs$pc, durationOC=durs$oc,
+ maxDistPC=0.5, maxDistOC=0.5,
+ unitsOut="kmsq")
+# Look at the results
+lapply(sim_umf, head)
+# Fit a model
+(mod_sim <- IDS(lambdaformula = ~elev, detformulaDS = ~1,
+ dataDS=sim_umf$ds, dataPC=sim_umf$pc,
+ availformula = ~1, durationDS=durs$ds, durationPC=durs$pc,
+ maxDistPC=0.5,
+ unitsOut="kmsq"))
+# Compare with known parameter values
+# Note: this is an unusually good estimate of availability
+# It is hard to estimate in most cases
+cbind(truth=unlist(coefs), est=coef(mod_sim))
+# Predict density at each distance sampling site
+head(predict(mod_sim, 'lam'))
diff --git a/man/SSE.Rd b/man/SSE.Rd
index e5354ee..e3204f2 100644
--- a/man/SSE.Rd
+++ b/man/SSE.Rd
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
\title{Compute Sum of Squared Residuals for a Model Fit.}
Compute the sum of squared residuals for an unmarked fit object. This
diff --git a/man/fitted-methods.Rd b/man/fitted-methods.Rd
index 7ef7ede..9ead41c 100644
--- a/man/fitted-methods.Rd
+++ b/man/fitted-methods.Rd
@@ -14,9 +14,11 @@
\title{Methods for Function fitted in Package `unmarked'}
\description{Extracted fitted values from a fitted model.
diff --git a/man/getP-methods.Rd b/man/getP-methods.Rd
index 7a3b87e..32028ab 100644
--- a/man/getP-methods.Rd
+++ b/man/getP-methods.Rd
@@ -17,8 +17,10 @@
\title{Methods for Function getP in Package `unmarked'}
Methods for function \code{getP} in Package `unmarked'. These methods return a matrix of the back-transformed detection parameter (\eqn{p} the detection probability or \eqn{\lambda} the detection rate, depending on the model). The matrix is of dimension MxJ, with M the number of sites and J the number of sampling periods; or of dimension MxJT for models with multiple primary periods T.
diff --git a/man/nonparboot-methods.Rd b/man/nonparboot-methods.Rd
index 40dd72f..53ff723 100644
--- a/man/nonparboot-methods.Rd
+++ b/man/nonparboot-methods.Rd
@@ -17,9 +17,11 @@
\title{ Nonparametric bootstrapping in unmarked }
Call \code{nonparboot} on an unmarkedFit to obtain non-parametric
diff --git a/man/parboot.Rd b/man/parboot.Rd
index 6b6493f..597eb54 100644
--- a/man/parboot.Rd
+++ b/man/parboot.Rd
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
\title{Parametric bootstrap method for fitted models inheriting class.}
diff --git a/man/predict-methods.Rd b/man/predict-methods.Rd
index 8b1fb38..79fa019 100644
--- a/man/predict-methods.Rd
+++ b/man/predict-methods.Rd
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
\title{ Methods for Function predict in Package `unmarked' }
diff --git a/man/ranef-methods.Rd b/man/ranef-methods.Rd
index 1eb0704..66452d7 100644
--- a/man/ranef-methods.Rd
+++ b/man/ranef-methods.Rd
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
\title{ Methods for Function \code{ranef} in Package \pkg{unmarked} }
Estimate posterior distributions of the random variables (latent
diff --git a/man/simulate-methods.Rd b/man/simulate-methods.Rd
index 21bd377..5d37dad 100644
--- a/man/simulate-methods.Rd
+++ b/man/simulate-methods.Rd
@@ -17,10 +17,12 @@
\title{Methods for Function simulate in Package `unmarked'}
Simulate data from a fitted model.
diff --git a/man/unmarkedFit-class.Rd b/man/unmarkedFit-class.Rd
index d8b1aea..8237311 100644
--- a/man/unmarkedFit-class.Rd
+++ b/man/unmarkedFit-class.Rd
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@
@@ -36,6 +38,7 @@
@@ -55,10 +58,12 @@
diff --git a/src/TMB/tmb_IDS.hpp b/src/TMB/tmb_IDS.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf1c5b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TMB/tmb_IDS.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+#define TMB_OBJECTIVE_PTR obj
+// name of function below **MUST** match filename
+template <class Type>
+Type tmb_IDS(objective_function<Type>* obj) {
+ DATA_MATRIX(pind);
+ DATA_VECTOR(lam_adjust);
+ DATA_MATRIX(y_hds);
+ DATA_INTEGER(key_hds);
+ DATA_VECTOR(db_hds);
+ DATA_VECTOR(a_hds);
+ DATA_VECTOR(w_hds);
+ DATA_VECTOR(u_hds);
+ DATA_MATRIX(y_pc);
+ DATA_INTEGER(key_pc);
+ DATA_VECTOR(db_pc);
+ DATA_VECTOR(a_pc);
+ DATA_VECTOR(w_pc);
+ DATA_VECTOR(u_pc);
+ DATA_MATRIX(y_oc);
+ DATA_INTEGER(key_oc);
+ DATA_VECTOR(db_oc);
+ DATA_VECTOR(a_oc);
+ DATA_VECTOR(w_oc);
+ DATA_VECTOR(u_oc);
+ DATA_IVECTOR(Kmin_oc);
+ DATA_VECTOR(durationDS);
+ DATA_VECTOR(durationPC);
+ DATA_VECTOR(durationOC);
+ DATA_MATRIX(Xa_hds);
+ PARAMETER_VECTOR(beta_avail);
+ int survey = 1; // Only point counts supported
+ Type loglik = 0;
+ // HDS
+ int M = y_hds.rows();
+ int J = y_hds.cols();
+ vector<Type> lam_hds = X_hds * beta_lam;
+ lam_hds = exp(lam_hds);
+ lam_hds = lam_hds * lam_adjust(0);
+ vector<Type> sigma_hds = V_hds * beta_hds;
+ sigma_hds = exp(sigma_hds);
+ vector<Type> p_avail(M);
+ p_avail.setOnes();
+ if(beta_avail.size() > 0){
+ vector<Type> phi = Xa_hds * beta_avail;
+ phi = exp(phi);
+ p_avail = 1 - exp(-1 * durationDS.array() * phi.array());
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i<M; i++){
+ vector<Type> cp = distance_prob(key_hds, sigma_hds(i), Type(0), survey,
+ db_hds, w_hds, a_hds, u_hds);
+ for (int j=0; j<J; j++){
+ loglik -= dpois(y_hds(i,j), lam_hds(i) * cp(j) * p_avail(i), true);
+ }
+ }
+ //printf("hds done");
+ // Point count
+ M = y_pc.rows();
+ if(M > 0){
+ vector<Type> lam_pc = X_pc * beta_lam;
+ lam_pc = exp(lam_pc);
+ lam_pc = lam_pc * lam_adjust(1);
+ //vector<Type> sigma_pc = V_pc * beta_pc;
+ vector<Type> sigma_pc;
+ if(beta_pc.size() > 0){
+ sigma_pc = V_pc * beta_pc;
+ } else{
+ sigma_pc = V_pc * beta_hds;
+ }
+ sigma_pc = exp(sigma_pc);
+ vector<Type> p_avail_pc(M);
+ p_avail_pc.setOnes();
+ if(beta_avail.size() > 0){
+ vector<Type> phi = Xa_pc * beta_avail;
+ phi = exp(phi);
+ p_avail_pc = 1 - exp(-1 * durationPC.array() * phi.array());
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i<M; i++){
+ vector<Type> cp = distance_prob(key_pc, sigma_pc(i), Type(0), survey,
+ db_pc, w_pc, a_pc, u_pc);
+ loglik -= dpois(y_pc(i,0), lam_pc(i) * cp(0) * p_avail_pc(i), true);
+ }
+ }
+ //printf("pc done");
+ // R-N occupancy
+ M = y_oc.rows();
+ if(M > 0){
+ vector<Type> lam_oc = X_oc * beta_lam;
+ lam_oc = exp(lam_oc);
+ lam_oc = lam_oc * lam_adjust(2);
+ //vector<Type> sigma_oc = V_oc * beta_oc;
+ vector<Type> sigma_oc;
+ if(beta_oc.size() > 0){
+ sigma_oc = V_oc * beta_oc;
+ } else{
+ sigma_oc = V_oc * beta_hds;
+ }
+ sigma_oc = exp(sigma_oc);
+ vector<Type> p_avail_oc(M);
+ p_avail_oc.setOnes();
+ if(beta_avail.size() > 0){
+ vector<Type> phi = Xa_oc * beta_avail;
+ phi = exp(phi);
+ p_avail_oc = 1 - exp(-1 * durationOC.array() * phi.array());
+ }
+ Type f;
+ Type g;
+ Type p;
+ Type site_lp;
+ for (int i=0; i<M; i++){
+ vector<Type> q = 1 - distance_prob(key_oc, sigma_oc(i), Type(0), survey,
+ db_oc, w_oc, a_oc, u_oc) * p_avail_oc(i);
+ //vector<Type> q = 1 - distance_prob(key_oc, sigma_oc(i), Type(0), survey,
+ // db_oc, w_oc, a_oc, u_oc);
+ site_lp = 0.0;
+ for (int k=Kmin_oc(i); k<(K_oc+1); k++){
+ f = dpois(Type(k), lam_oc(i), false);
+ p = 1 - pow(q(0), Type(k));
+ g = dbinom(y_oc(i,0), Type(1), p, false);
+ site_lp += f * g;
+ }
+ loglik -= log(site_lp);
+ }
+ }
+ return loglik;
+#define TMB_OBJECTIVE_PTR this
diff --git a/src/TMB/unmarked_TMBExports.cpp b/src/TMB/unmarked_TMBExports.cpp
index 6aa57de..a8fdc7c 100644
--- a/src/TMB/unmarked_TMBExports.cpp
+++ b/src/TMB/unmarked_TMBExports.cpp
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "tmb_multinomPois.hpp"
#include "tmb_distsamp.hpp"
#include "tmb_gdistremoval.hpp"
+#include "tmb_IDS.hpp"
#include "tmb_goccu.hpp"
template<class Type>
@@ -24,6 +25,8 @@ Type objective_function<Type>::operator() () {
return tmb_distsamp(this);
} else if(model == "tmb_gdistremoval"){
return tmb_gdistremoval(this);
+ } else if(model == "tmb_IDS"){
+ return tmb_IDS(this);
} else if(model == "tmb_goccu"){
return tmb_goccu(this);
} else {
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_IDS.R b/tests/testthat/test_IDS.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61d348d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_IDS.R
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+context("IDS fitting function")
+test_that("IDS can fit models with covariates", {
+ set.seed(123)
+ formulas <- list(lam=~elev, ds=~1, phi=~1)
+ # Based on values from real data
+ design <- list(Mds=1000, J=6, Mpc=300)
+ # Based on values from real data
+ coefs <- list(lam = c(intercept=3, elev=-0.5),
+ ds = c(intercept=-2.5),
+ phi = c(intercept=-1.3))
+ # Survey durations, loosely based on real data
+ durs <- list(ds = rep(5, design$Mds), pc=runif(design$Mpc, 3, 30))
+ sim_umf <- simulate("IDS", # name of model we are simulating for
+ nsim=1, # number of replicates
+ formulas=formulas,
+ coefs=coefs,
+ design=design,
+ # arguments used by unmarkedFrameDS
+ dist.breaks = seq(0, 0.30, length.out=7),
+ unitsIn="km",
+ # arguments used by IDS
+ # could also have e.g. keyfun here
+ durationDS=durs$ds, durationPC=durs$pc, durationOC=durs$oc,
+ maxDistPC=0.5, maxDistOC=0.5,
+ unitsOut="kmsq")
+ set.seed(123)
+ mod_sim <- IDS(lambdaformula = ~elev, detformulaDS = ~1,
+ dataDS=sim_umf$ds, dataPC=sim_umf$pc,
+ availformula = ~1, durationDS=durs$ds, durationPC=durs$pc,
+ maxDistPC=0.5, maxDistOC=0.5,
+ unitsOut="kmsq")
+ expect_equivalent(coef(mod_sim), c(3.0271179,-0.4858101,-2.5050244,-1.3729505), tol=1e-5)
+ # Predict
+ pr <- predict(mod_sim, type = 'lam')
+ expect_equal(nrow(pr), 1000) # predicts only for the distance sampled sites
+ pr <- predict(mod_sim, type = 'lam', newdata=sim_umf$pc)
+ pr <- predict(mod_sim, type = 'ds')
+ expect_equal(nrow(pr), 1000)
+ expect_equal(pr$Predicted[1], exp(-2.5), tol=0.05)
+ pr <- predict(mod_sim, type = 'pc')
+ expect_equal(nrow(pr), 300)
+ expect_equal(pr$Predicted[1], exp(-2.5), tol=0.05)
+ pr <- predict(mod_sim, type = 'phi')
+ expect_equal(pr$ds$Predicted[1], exp(-1.37), tol=0.05)
+ # residuals
+ r <- residuals(mod_sim)
+ expect_equal(lapply(r, dim), list(ds=c(1000,6), pc = c(300,1)))
+ # parboot
+ pb <- parboot(mod_sim, nsim=2)
+ pdf(NULL)
+ plot(mod_sim)
+ hist(mod_sim)
+ dev.off()
+ expect_error(nonparboot(mod_sim))
+ expect_error(ranef(mod_sim))
+ # Separate detection models
+ mod_sep <- IDS(lambdaformula = ~elev, detformulaDS = ~1, detformulaPC = ~1,
+ dataDS=sim_umf$ds[1:100,], dataPC=sim_umf$pc[1:100,],
+ availformula = ~1, durationDS=durs$ds[1:100], durationPC=durs$pc[1:100],
+ maxDistPC=0.5, maxDistOC=0.5,
+ unitsOut="kmsq")
+ expect_equal(length(coef(mod_sim)), 4)
+ expect_equal(length(coef(mod_sep)), 5)
+test_that("IDS can fit models with occupancy data", {
+ set.seed(123)
+ formulas <- list(lam=~elev, ds=~1, oc=~1)
+ # Based on values from real data
+ design <- list(Mds=100, J=6, Mpc=100, Moc=100)
+ # Based on values from real data
+ coefs <- list(lam = c(intercept=3, elev=-0.5),
+ ds = c(intercept=-2.5),
+ oc = c(intercept = -2))
+ sim_umf <- simulate("IDS", # name of model we are simulating for
+ nsim=1, # number of replicates
+ formulas=formulas,
+ coefs=coefs,
+ design=design,
+ # arguments used by unmarkedFrameDS
+ dist.breaks = seq(0, 0.30, length.out=7),
+ unitsIn="km",
+ # arguments used by IDS
+ # could also have e.g. keyfun here
+ maxDistPC=0.5, maxDistOC=0.5,
+ unitsOut="kmsq")
+ mod_oc <- IDS(lambdaformula = ~elev, detformulaDS = ~1, detformulaOC = ~1,
+ dataDS=sim_umf$ds, dataPC=sim_umf$pc, dataOC=sim_umf$oc,
+ maxDistPC=0.5, maxDistOC=0.5,
+ unitsOut="kmsq")
+ expect_equivalent(coef(mod_oc), c(3.0557091, -0.4200719, -2.5384331, -2.0610341),
+ tol=1e-5)
+ pr <- predict(mod_oc, type='oc')
+ expect_equal(pr$Predicted[1], 0.1273222, tol=1e-5)
+ res <- residuals(mod_oc)
+ expect_equal(lapply(res, dim), list(ds=c(100,6), pc = c(100,1), oc=c(100,1)))
+ pb <- parboot(mod_oc, nsim=1)
+ # Don't estimate availability if OC data
+ expect_error(
+ mod_oc <- IDS(lambdaformula = ~elev, detformulaDS = ~1, detformulaOC = ~1,
+ availformula = ~1,
+ dataDS=sim_umf$ds, dataPC=sim_umf$pc, dataOC=sim_umf$oc,
+ maxDistPC=0.5, maxDistOC=0.5,
+ durationDS=durs$ds, durationPC=durs$pc, durationOC=durs$pc,
+ unitsOut="kmsq")
+ )
+ # Just occupancy data
+ mod_oc <- IDS(lambdaformula = ~elev, detformulaDS = ~1, detformulaOC = ~1,
+ dataDS=sim_umf$ds, dataOC=sim_umf$oc,
+ maxDistOC=0.5,
+ unitsOut="kmsq")
+ expect_equal(names(mod_oc), c("lam","ds","oc"))
+test_that("IDS handles missing values", {
+ set.seed(123)
+ design <- list(Mds=100, J=6, Mpc=100, Moc=100)
+ formulas <- list(lam=~elev, ds=~1, phi=~1)
+ # Based on values from real data
+ coefs <- list(lam = c(intercept=3, elev=-0.5),
+ ds = c(intercept=-2.5),
+ phi = c(intercept=-1.3))
+ # Survey durations, loosely based on real data
+ durs <- list(ds = rep(5, design$Mds), pc=runif(design$Mpc, 3, 30))
+ sim_umf <- simulate("IDS", # name of model we are simulating for
+ nsim=1, # number of replicates
+ formulas=formulas,
+ coefs=coefs,
+ design=design,
+ # arguments used by unmarkedFrameDS
+ dist.breaks = seq(0, 0.30, length.out=7),
+ unitsIn="km",
+ # arguments used by IDS
+ # could also have e.g. keyfun here
+ maxDistPC=0.5, maxDistOC=0.5,
+ unitsOut="kmsq")
+ sim_umf$pc@y[1,1] <- NA
+ sim_umf$pc@y[2,] <- NA
+ sim_umf$oc@y[1,1] <- NA
+ sim_umf$oc@y[2,] <- NA
+ expect_warning(
+ mod_sim <- IDS(lambdaformula = ~elev, detformulaDS = ~1, detformulaOC = ~1,
+ dataDS=sim_umf$ds, dataPC=sim_umf$pc, dataOC=sim_umf$oc,
+ maxDistPC=0.5, maxDistOC=0.5,
+ unitsOut="kmsq")
+ )
+ expect_equivalent(coef(mod_sim), c(2.9354934,-0.4759405,-2.5314594,-2.3259133),
+ tol=1e-5)
+ sim_umf$ds@y[1,1] <- NA
+ sim_umf$ds@y[2,] <- NA
+ expect_error(
+ expect_warning(
+ mod_sim <- IDS(lambdaformula = ~elev, detformulaDS = ~1, detformulaOC = ~1,
+ dataDS=sim_umf$ds, dataPC=sim_umf$pc, dataOC=sim_umf$oc,
+ maxDistPC=0.5, maxDistOC=0.5,
+ unitsOut="kmsq")
+ ))