path: root/vignettes
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authorKen Kellner <ken@kenkellner.com>2021-09-10 16:23:34 -0400
committerKen Kellner <ken@kenkellner.com>2021-09-10 16:23:34 -0400
commitdba95e93d75c84b369e52dfde347c4c23645d5b2 (patch)
tree7e5a798de4705f7c51d0b3bdecb7ee16c0e81e1d /vignettes
parentb513c39d50f9fc3f14215b026d23d299b1051573 (diff)
Add simulate vignette
Diffstat (limited to 'vignettes')
3 files changed, 330 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/vignettes/powerAnalysis.Rnw b/vignettes/powerAnalysis.Rnw
index f2c6816..5bec099 100644
--- a/vignettes/powerAnalysis.Rnw
+++ b/vignettes/powerAnalysis.Rnw
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ coefs <- list(state=c(intercept=0, elev=-0.4), det=c(intercept=0))
Finally, we need to give \code{unmarked} information about the study design.
-This is pretty simple: we just need a list containing values for \code{M}, the number of sites, and code{J} the number of surveys per site.
+This is pretty simple: we just need a list containing values for \code{M}, the number of sites, and \code{J} the number of surveys per site.
For models with multiple primary periods, we'd also need a value of \code{T}, the number of primary periods.
diff --git a/vignettes/simulate.Rnw b/vignettes/simulate.Rnw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ede6c76
--- /dev/null
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+options(continue=" ")
+ colorlinks=true,
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+%%\VignetteIndexEntry{Simulating datasets}
+\title{Simulating datasets}
+\author{Ken Kellner}
+\date{September 10, 2021}
+ \item Introduction
+ \item Components of a call to \code{simulate}
+ \item Simulating an occupancy dataset
+ \item Simulating a more complex dataset: \code{gdistremoval}
+ \item Conclusion
+Simulating datasets is a powerful and varied tool when conducting \code{unmarked} analyses.
+Writing our own code to simulate a dataset based on a given model is an excellent learning tool, and can help us test if a given model is generating the expected results.
+If we simulate a series of datasets based on a fitted model, and calculate a statistic from each of those fits, we can generate a distribution of the statistic - this is what the \code{parboot} function does.
+This can be helpful, for example, when testing goodness of fit.
+Finally, simulation can be a useful component of power analysis when a closed-form equation for power is not available.
+\code{unmarked} provides two different ways of generating simulated datasets, depending on the stage we are at in the modeling process.
+ \item Generating simulated datasets from a fitted model we already have
+ \item Generating simulated datasets from scratch
+For (1), we simply call the \code{simulate} method on our fitted model object and new dataset(s) are generated.
+This is the approach used by \code{parboot}.
+In this vignette we will focus on (2), a more flexible approach to simulation, also using the \code{simulate} method, that allows us to generate a dataset corresponding to any \code{unmarked} model from scratch.
+\section{Components of a call to simulate}
+We will need to provide, at a minimum, four pieces of information to \code{simulate} in order to simulate a dataset from scratch in \code{unmarked}.
+ \item The name of the fitting function for the model we want to simulate from, as a character string
+ \item A list of formulas, one per submodel, containing the names of the covariates we want to include in each
+ \item A list of vectors of regression coefficients (intercepts and slopes), one per submodel, matching the formulas
+ \item A list of design components; for example, the number of sites and number of observations per site
+A number of other arguments are available, e.g. for how to customize how the covariates are randomly generated or for distributions to use when simulating abundances.
+We'll show those later.
+The easiest way to demonstrate how to use \code{simulate} is to look at an example: we'll start with a simple one for occupancy.
+\section{Simulating an occupancy dataset}
+Suppose we want to simulate an occupancy dataset in which site occupancy is affected by elevation.
+The first piece of information needed is the name of model to use: the fitting function for occupancy is \code{occu}, so the first argument to \code{simulate} and the name of the model will be \code{"occu"}.
+Second we must define the desired model structure as a list of formulas, one per submodel.
+"Submodels" here are the hierarchical components of the model; for example, an occupancy model has a state (occupancy) submodel and an observation (detection) submodel.
+These submodels are identified by short names: \code{state} and \code{det}.
+We will use these short names repeatedly.
+In order to identify which submodels are needed and what their short names are, we can simply fit any model of that type (e.g. from the example) and call \code{names(model)}.
+umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y=matrix(c(0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1), nrow=3))
+mod <- occu(~1~1, umf)
+Formulas are supplied as a named list.
+The list has one element per submodel, and the names of the elements are the short names defined above.
+Each list element is a formula, containing the desired number of covariates to use, and the names of these covariates.
+Below we define our list of formulas, including an effect of elevation on occupancy (note we could name this whatever we want, here we call it \code{elev}).
+We don't want any covariates on detection probability, so the formula defines the model as intercept only: \code{~1}.
+forms <- list(state=~elev, det=~1)
+\subsection{Regression coefficients}
+Next we must tell \code{unmarked} what the values for the intercept and regression coefficients in each submodel should be.
+Once again, this is a named list, one element for each submodel.
+Each list element is a numeric vector.
+The components of each numeric vector must also be named, matching the covariate names in our list of formulas.
+Don't forget we also must specify a value for the intercept in each submodel (can be named \code{Intercept} or \code{intercept}).
+If we are not sure exactly how to structure this list, just skip it for now: \code{unmarked} can generate a template for us to fill in later.
+coefs <- list(state=c(intercept=0, elev=-0.4), det=c(intercept=0))
+We have a list with two elements, each a numeric vector.
+Both contain intercept values, and the \code{state} vector also contains a value corresponding to the desired effect of our covariate \code{elev}.
+\subsection{Study design information}
+Finally, we need to give \code{unmarked} information about the study design.
+This is pretty simple: we just need a list containing values for \code{M}, the number of sites, and \code{J} the number of surveys per site.
+For models with multiple primary periods, we'd also need a value of \code{T}, the number of primary periods.
+design <- list(M=300, J=8) # 300 sites, 8 occasions per site
+\subsection{Put it all together}
+We're now ready to simulate a dataset.
+To do this we use the \code{simulate} function, providing as arguments the name of the model \code{"occu"} and the three lists we constructed above.
+Actually, first, let's not supply the \code{coefs} list, to show how \code{unmarked} will generate a template for us to use:
+simulate("occu", formulas=forms, design=design)
+try(simulate("occu", formulas=forms, design=design))
+We can copy this provided list structure and fill in our own numeric values.
+Once we have our covariates set up properly, add them to the function call:
+occu_umf <- simulate("occu", formulas=forms, coefs=coefs, design=design)
+\code{unmarked} has generated a presence-absence dataset as well as values for covariate \code{elev}.
+We can check that it worked as expected by fitting the corresponding model to the dataset, and making sure the estimated values are similar:
+(occu(~1~elev, occu_umf))
+\subsection{Customizing the covariates}
+By default, a covariate will be continuous and come from a standard normal distribution (mean 0, SD 1).
+However, we can control this using the \code{guide} argument.
+For example, suppose we want elevation to come from a random normal, but with a mean of 2 and a standard deviation of 0.5.
+We can provide a named list to the \code{guide} argument as follows:
+guide <- list(elev=list(dist=rnorm, mean=2, sd=0.5))
+\code{guide} contains one element, called \code{elev}, which is also a list and contains three components:
+ \item{The random distribution function to use, \code{rnorm}}
+ \item{The mean of the distribution}
+ \item{The SD of the distribution}
+occu_umf <- simulate("occu", formulas=forms, coefs=coefs, design=design, guide=guide)
+You can see the \code{elev} covariate now has values corresponding to the desired distribution.
+Note that the elements of the list will depend on the arguments required by the random distribution function.
+For example, to use a uniform distribution instead:
+guide <- list(elev=list(dist=runif, min=0, max=1))
+occu_umf <- simulate("occu", formulas=forms, coefs=coefs, design=design, guide=guide)
+It is also possible to define a categorical (factor) covariate.
+We specify an entry in the \code{guide} list, but instead of a list, we supply a call to \code{factor} which defines the desired factor levels.
+For example, suppose we want to add a new \code{landcover} covariate to our simulated model.
+First, define the new formulas:
+forms2 <- list(state=~elev+landcover, det=~1)
+And then the new guide, including the information about factor levels:
+guide <- list(landcover=factor(levels=c("forest","grass")))
+We'd also need an updated \code{coefs} since we have a new covariate.
+Defining the \code{coefs} when you have factors in your model is a little trickier, since R names the effects as a combination of the factor name and the level name.
+The easiest way to deal with this is to let \code{unmarked} generate a template \code{coefs} for you as shown above, and then fill it in.
+# forest is the reference level for landcover since it was listed first
+coefs2 <- list(state=c(intercept=0, elev=-0.4, landcovergrass=0.2), det=c(intercept=0))
+head(simulate("occu", formulas=forms2, coefs=coefs2, design=design, guide=guide))
+Our output dataset now includes a new categorical covariate.
+\subsection{Models that require more information}
+More complex models might require more information for simulation.
+Nearly any argument provided to either the fitting function for the model, or the corresponding \code{unmarkedFrame} constructor, can be provided as an optional argument to \code{simulate} to customize the simulation.
+For example, we may want to specify that abundance should be simulated as a negative binomial, instead of a Poisson, for \code{pcount}.
+This information is simply added as additional arguments to \code{simulate}.
+For example, to simulate a \code{pcount} dataset using the negative binomial (\code{"NB"}) distribution:
+head(simulate("pcount", formulas=forms, coefs=coefs, design=design, mixture="NB"))
+In the next section we will show a more detailed example involving these additional arguments.
+\section{Simulating a more complex dataset: gdistremoval}
+The \code{gdistremoval} function fits the model of \cite{Amundson_2014}, which estimates abundance using a combination of distance sampling and removal sampling data.
+When simulating a dataset based on this model, we have to provide several additional pieces of information related to the structure of the distance and removal sampling analyses.
+To begin, we will define the list of formulas.
+A \code{gdistremoval} model, when there is only one primary period, has three submodels: abundance (\code{"lambda"}), distance sampling (\code{"dist"}), and removal sampling (\code{"rem"}).
+We will fit a model with an effect of elevation \code{elev} on abundance and an effect of wind \code{wind} on removal probability.
+forms <- list(lambda=~elev, dist=~1, rem=~wind)
+Next we will define the corresponding coefficients.
+We will set mean abundance at 5.
+The intercept is on the log scale, thus the intercept for \code{lambda} will be \code{log(5)}.
+The scale parameter for the detection function will be 50, and again it is on the log scale.
+The intercept for the removal probability is on the logit scale, so we will set the intercept at -1 (equivalent to a mean removal probability of about 0.27).
+Don't forget the covariate effects on \code{lambda} and removal.
+coefs <- list(lambda=c(intercept=log(5), elev=0.7),
+ dist=c(intercept=log(50)), rem=c(intercept=-1, wind=-0.3))
+Our study will have 300 sites.
+This model is unique in that we have to specify the number of two different types of observations: (1) the number of distance sampling bins (\code{Jdist}), and the number of removal intervals (\code{Jrem}).
+design <- list(M = 300, Jdist=4, Jrem=5)
+Finally we are ready to simulate the dataset.
+In addition to the name of the model, \code{forms}, \code{coefs} and \code{design}, we also need to provide some additional information.
+We need to define the distance breaks for the distance sampling part of the model (there should be \code{Jdist+1} of these), and also the key function to use when simulating the detection process.
+umf <- simulate("gdistremoval", formulas=forms, coefs=coefs, design=design,
+ dist.breaks=c(0,25,50,75,100), keyfun="halfnorm", unitsIn="m")
+The result is a dataset containing a combination of distance, removal, and covariate data.
+We can check to see if fitting a model to this dataset recovers our specified coefficient values:
+(fit <- gdistremoval(lambdaformula=~elev, removalformula=~wind,
+ distanceformula=~1, data=umf))
+Looks good.
+The \code{simulate} function provides a flexible tool for simulating data from any model in \code{unmarked}.
+These datasets can be used for a variety of purposes, such as for teaching examples, testing models, or developing new tools that work with \code{unmarked}.
+Additionally, simulating datasets is a key component of the power analysis workflow in \code{unmarked} - see the power analysis vignette for more examples.
diff --git a/vignettes/unmarked.bib b/vignettes/unmarked.bib
index 996f397..672a401 100644
--- a/vignettes/unmarked.bib
+++ b/vignettes/unmarked.bib
@@ -331,3 +331,19 @@ url = {https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.2041-210X.2
year = {2012}
+ author = {Amundson, Courtney L. and Royle, J. Andrew and Handel, Colleen M.},
+ title = "{A hierarchical model combining distance sampling and time removal to estimate detection probability during avian point counts}",
+ journal = {The Auk},
+ volume = {131},
+ number = {4},
+ pages = {476-494},
+ year = {2014},
+ month = {07},
+ issn = {1938-4254},
+ doi = {10.1642/AUK-14-11.1},
+ url = {https://doi.org/10.1642/AUK-14-11.1},
+ eprint = {https://academic.oup.com/auk/article-pdf/131/4/476/26883760/auk0476.pdf},