path: root/man
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authorKen Kellner <ken@kenkellner.com>2021-09-03 16:03:50 -0400
committerKen Kellner <ken@kenkellner.com>2021-09-03 16:03:50 -0400
commitb513c39d50f9fc3f14215b026d23d299b1051573 (patch)
tree7a866749ff27f1b2a243bafd0cd46b905db0dfa4 /man
parent8a6e0dfe3d521a0b1ca7db15057c12cc39947dbe (diff)
Add documentation for powerAnalysis and simulate
Diffstat (limited to 'man')
5 files changed, 340 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/man/powerAnalysis.Rd b/man/powerAnalysis.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8db3fcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/powerAnalysis.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+\title{Conduct a power analysis on an unmarked model}
+This function uses a simulation-based approach to estimate power for parameters
+in unmarked models. At a minimum, users must provide a fitted \code{unmarked} model object
+(preferably fit with simulated data) which ensures the model has been properly
+specified, a list of effect sizes for each parameter in the model (\code{coefs}),
+and the desired Type I error (\code{alpha}). It is also possible to get power
+for a range of other sample sizes besides the sample size in the fitted
+model object using the \code{design} argument to subsample within the
+provided dataset. See the \code{unmarkedPower} vignette for more details and
+ powerAnalysis(object, coefs=NULL, design=NULL, alpha=0.05, nulls=list(),
+ nsim=100, parallel=FALSE)
+ \item{object}{A fitted model inheriting class \code{unmarkedFit}. This
+ could potentially be fit using real data, but ideally you would simulate
+ an appropriate dataset using \code{simulate}}
+ \item{coefs}{A list containing the desired effect sizes for which you want
+ to estimate power. This list must follow a specific format. There is one
+ named entry in the list per submodel (e.g., occupancy, detection). To
+ get the required submodel names call \code{names(object)} on your fitted model.
+ Then, each list entry is a named vector with the names corresponding to the
+ parameter names for that submodel, and the values corresponding to the
+ desired effect sizes. It may be easier to leave \code{coefs=NULL}, which
+ will generate an error message with a template that you can fill in.
+ }
+ \item{design}{An optional list of design/sample size parameters containing
+ at a minimum two named elements: \code{M}, the number of sites, and \code{J}
+ the number of observations per site. If this list is provided, \code{unmarked}
+ will subsample the provided dataset to the specified number of sites and
+ observations, allowing you to test power for different designs. If
+ your model has multiple primary periods you must also include \code{T},
+ the number of periods, in the list.
+ }
+ \item{alpha}{Desired Type I error rate}
+ \item{nulls}{If provided, a list matching the structure of \code{coefs} which
+ defines the null hypothesis value for each parameter. By default the null
+ is 0 for all parameters.
+ }
+ \item{nsim}{Number of simulations to conduct}
+ \item{parallel}{If \code{TRUE}, run folds in parallel. This may speed up
+ the power analysis in some situations
+ }
+\value{\code{unmarkedPower} object containing the results of the power analysis}
+\author{Ken Kellner \email{contact@kenkellner.com}}
+ \code{\link{unmarkedPowerList}}
+# Simulate an occupancy dataset
+# Covariates to include in simulation
+forms <- list(state=~elev, det=~1)
+# Covariate effects and intercept values
+coefs <- list(state=c(intercept=0, elev=-0.4), det=c(intercept=0))
+# Study design
+design <- list(M=300, J=8) # 300 sites, 8 occasions per site
+# Simulate an unmarkedFrameOccu
+occu_umf <- simulate("occu", formulas=forms, coefs=coefs, design=design)
+# Fit occupancy model to simulated data
+# This will contain all the model structure info powerAnalysis needs
+# The estimates from the model aren't used
+template_model <- occu(~1~elev, occu_umf)
+# If we run powerAnalysis without specifying coefs we'll get a template list
+# Set desired effect sizes to pass to coefs
+effect_sizes <- list(state=c(intercept=0, elev=-0.4), det=c(intercept=0))
+# Run power analysis and look at summary
+(pa <- powerAnalysis(template_model, coefs=effect_sizes, alpha=0.05))
+# Try a smaller sample size in the study design
+(pa2 <- powerAnalysis(template_model, coefs=effect_sizes, alpha=0.05,
+ design=list(M=100, J=2)))
diff --git a/man/simulate-methods.Rd b/man/simulate-methods.Rd
index 38b4fe6..b0144cb 100644
--- a/man/simulate-methods.Rd
+++ b/man/simulate-methods.Rd
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
\title{Methods for Function simulate in Package `unmarked'}
Simulate data from a fitted model.
@@ -30,13 +31,49 @@ Simulate data from a fitted model.
\S4method{simulate}{unmarkedFitOccu}(object, nsim, seed, na.rm)
\S4method{simulate}{unmarkedFitOccuRN}(object, nsim, seed, na.rm)
\S4method{simulate}{unmarkedFitPCount}(object, nsim, seed, na.rm)
+\S4method{simulate}{character}(object, nsim=1, seed=NULL, formulas, coefs=NULL,
+ design, guide=NULL, ...)
\item{object}{Fitted model of appropriate S4 class}
\item{nsim}{Number of simulations}
\item{seed}{Seed for random number generator. Not currently implemented}
\item{na.rm}{Logical, should missing values be removed?}
+ A named list of formulas, one per submodel (e.g. a formula for occupancy
+ \code{"state"} and a formula for detection \code{"det"}). To get the correct
+ submodel names for a given model, fit an example for that model, and then
+ call \code{names(fitted_model)}
+ A named list of vectors of coefficients associated with the regression
+ intercepts and slopes for each submodel. List should be named as with
+ \code{formulas} above. Each element of the list should be a named vector,
+ where the names correspond to the names of the parameters in the model
+ (intercept and covariates). If you are not sure how to structure this list,
+ just run \code{simulate} with \code{coefs=NULL}; this will generate
+ a template list you can copy and fill in.
+ A named list of components of the study design. Must include at least \code{M},
+ the number of sites, and \code{J} the number of observations per site. If you
+ are fitting a model with multiple primary periods you must also provide
+ \code{T}, the number of primary periods.
+ An optional list defining the format (continuous or categorical/factor) and distribution,
+ if continuous, of covariates you want to simulate. By default all covariates
+ are simulated from a standard normal. See example below for an example of
+ how to specify entries in the \code{guide} list.
+ Additional arguments that are needed to fully specify the simulated dataset
+ for a particular model. For example, \code{mixture} for \code{pcount} models
+ or \code{keyfun} for \code{distsamp} models.
\item{object = "unmarkedFitColExt"}{A model fit by \code{\link{colext}}}
@@ -45,6 +82,56 @@ Simulate data from a fitted model.
\item{object = "unmarkedFitOccu"}{A model fit by \code{\link{occu}}}
\item{object = "unmarkedFitOccuRN"}{A model fit by \code{\link{occuRN}}}
\item{object = "unmarkedFitPCount"}{A model fit by \code{\link{pcount}}}
+\item{object = "character"}{An \code{unmarkedFrame} of the appropriate type}
+# Simulation of an occupancy dataset from scratch
+# Formulas for each submodel
+# occupancy is a function of elevation, detection is intercept-only
+forms <- list(state=~elev, det=~1)
+# Specify list of coefficients - there must be a value for each
+# covariate plus an intercept for each submodel
+coefs <- list(state=c(intercept=0, elev=-0.4), det=c(intercept=0))
+# Study design
+design <- list(M=300, J=8) # 300 sites, 8 occasions per site
+# If we don't specify coefs, unmarked will generate a template you can copy and use
+simulate("occu", formulas=forms, design=design)
+# Generate unmarkedFrameOccu
+occu_umf <- simulate("occu", formulas=forms, coefs=coefs, design=design)
+head(occu_umf) # note one covariate, elev
+# What if we wanted to add a categorical/factor covariate or
+# customize the distribution of elev?
+# Use the guide argument
+# Updated formulas with new covariate
+forms2 <- list(state=~elev+landcover, det=~1)
+# Guide
+guide <- list(landcover=factor(levels=c("forest","grass")), # landcover is factor, you must provide the levels
+ elev=list(dist=rnorm, mean=2, sd=0.5)) # custom distribution
+# Updated coefficients list
+coefs2 <- list(state=c(intercept=0, elev=-0.4, landcovergrass=0.2), det=c(intercept=0))
+# Simulate new dataset
+head(simulate("occu", formulas=forms2, coefs=coefs2, design=design, guide=guide))
+# Note new categorical covariate
+# For some models you may want to specify other arguments, such as 'mixture'
+# for pcount or 'keyfun' for distsamp
+# See the documentation for the associated fitting function and unmarkedFrame
+# for what arguments are possible to include for a given model
+head(simulate("pcount", formulas=forms, coefs=coefs, design=design, mixture="NB"))
diff --git a/man/unmarkedFrame-class.Rd b/man/unmarkedFrame-class.Rd
index 68d207d..9df4157 100644
--- a/man/unmarkedFrame-class.Rd
+++ b/man/unmarkedFrame-class.Rd
@@ -27,8 +27,6 @@
diff --git a/man/unmarkedPower-class.Rd b/man/unmarkedPower-class.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3df4d77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/unmarkedPower-class.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+\title{Methods for unmarkedPower objects}
+\description{Various functions to summarize and update unmarkedPower objects}
+\S4method{summary}{unmarkedPower}(object, ...)
+\S4method{update}{unmarkedPower}(object, ...)
+ \item{object}{An object of class \code{unmarkedPower} created with the
+ \code{powerAnalysis} function}
+ \item{...}{For \code{update}, arguments to change in the updated power analysis.
+ Not used by \code{summary}}
+ For \code{show} and \code{summary}, summary output is printed to the console.
+ For \code{update}, a new \code{powerAnalysis} object corresponding to the
+ new arguments provided.
+\author{Ken Kellner \email{contact@kenkellner.com}}
+ \code{\link{powerAnalysis}}
+# Simulate an occupancy dataset
+forms <- list(state=~elev, det=~1)
+coefs <- list(state=c(intercept=0, elev=-0.4), det=c(intercept=0))
+design <- list(M=300, J=8) # 300 sites, 8 occasions per site
+occu_umf <- simulate("occu", formulas=forms, coefs=coefs, design=design)
+# Fit occupancy model to simulated data
+template_model <- occu(~1~elev, occu_umf)
+# Set desired effect sizes to pass to coefs
+effect_sizes <- list(state=c(intercept=0, elev=-0.4), det=c(intercept=0))
+# Run power analysis
+pa <- powerAnalysis(template_model, coefs=effect_sizes, alpha=0.05)
+# Look at summary
+# Update the analysis with new arguments
+(pa2 <- update(pa, alpha=0.01))
diff --git a/man/unmarkedPowerList.Rd b/man/unmarkedPowerList.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..335d82b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/unmarkedPowerList.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+\title{Create or summarize a series of unmarked power analyses}
+ A list of power analyses created with \code{powerAnalysis} can be combined
+ using \code{unmarkedPowerList}, allowing comparison e.g. between different
+ study designs/sample sizes. Additionally an \code{unmarkedPowerList} can be
+ created directly from an \code{unmarkedFit} template model by specifying
+ a series of study designs (number of sites, number of observations)
+ as a \code{data.frame}. A series of methods for \code{unmarkedPowerList}
+ objects are available including a \code{plot} method.
+\S4method{unmarkedPowerList}{list}(object, ...)
+\S4method{unmarkedPowerList}{unmarkedFit}(object, coefs, design, alpha=0.05,
+ nsim=100, parallel=FALSE, ...)
+\S4method{summary}{unmarkedPowerList}(object, ...)
+\S4method{plot}{unmarkedPowerList,ANY}(x, power=NULL, param=NULL, ...)
+ \item{object,x}{A \code{list} of \code{unmarkedPower} objects, a fitted model
+ inheriting class \code{unmarkedFit}, or an \code{unmarkedPowerList} object,
+ depending on the method
+ }
+ \item{coefs}{A named list of effect sizes, see documentation for
+ \code{powerAnalysis}}
+ \item{design}{A \code{data.frame} with one row per study design to test, and
+ at least 2 named columns: \code{M} for number of sites and \code{J} for
+ number of observations. If you have >1 primary period a \code{T} column
+ must also be provided}
+ \item{alpha}{Type I error rate}
+ \item{nsim}{The number of simulations to run for each scenario/study design}
+ \item{parallel}{If \code{TRUE}, run simulations in parallel}
+ \item{power}{When plotting, the target power. Draws a horizontal line
+ at a given value of power on the plot}
+ \item{param}{When plotting, the model parameter to plot power vs. sample size for.
+ By default this is the first parameter (which is usually an intercept,
+ so not very interesting)}
+ \item{...}{Not used}
+\value{A \code{unmarkedPowerList} object, a summary of the object in the console,
+ or a summary plot, depending on the method}
+\author{Ken Kellner \email{contact@kenkellner.com}}
+ \code{\link{powerAnalysis}}
+# Simulate an occupancy dataset and build template model
+forms <- list(state=~elev, det=~1)
+coefs <- list(state=c(intercept=0, elev=-0.4), det=c(intercept=0))
+design <- list(M=300, J=8) # 300 sites, 8 occasions per site
+occu_umf <- simulate("occu", formulas=forms, coefs=coefs, design=design)
+template_model <- occu(~1~elev, occu_umf)
+# Generate two power analysis
+effect_sizes <- list(state=c(intercept=0, elev=-0.4), det=c(intercept=0))
+pa <- powerAnalysis(template_model, coefs=effect_sizes, alpha=0.05)
+pa2 <- powerAnalysis(template_model, effect_sizes, design=list(M=100,J=2))
+# Build unmarkedPowerList and look at summary
+(pl <- unmarkedPowerList(list(pa,pa2)))
+# Run a bunch of power analyses for different scenarios all at once
+scenarios <- expand.grid(M=c(50,200,400),
+ J=c(3,5,8))
+(pl2 <- unmarkedPowerList(template_model, effect_sizes, design=scenarios, nsim=20))
+# Look at summary plot for elev effect
+plot(pl2, power=0.8, param='elev')