diff options
authorKen Kellner <ken@kenkellner.com>2022-11-29 15:22:29 -0500
committerKen Kellner <ken@kenkellner.com>2022-11-29 15:22:29 -0500
commit32f92ee07f4614ab6d2b899d33c54d4c372f3b32 (patch)
Initial analysis
2 files changed, 321 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ACFL_analysis_final.R b/ACFL_analysis_final.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d000cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ACFL_analysis_final.R
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+# Load required packages-------------------------------------------------------
+# Simulate a dataset similar to real data--------------------------------------
+# Ideally this should be done before collecting any data
+design <- list(
+ M = 50*15, # number of "sites" (in this case site-years)
+ Jdist = 2, # number of distance bins
+ Jrem = 3 # number of removal periods
+# Distance breaks
+db <- c(0,25,50)
+# Models, defined as a list of formulas
+# Habitat and year covariate on lambda, detection models are intercept-only
+# Random effect of point
+forms <- list(lambda = ~Habitat+Year+(1|Point), dist=~1, rem=~1)
+# Coefficients
+# Assuming an abundance of ~ 5 individuals at baseline (habitat A)
+# Then we specify that B has an abundance of 6 individuals
+coefs <- list(lambda = c(intercept=log(5), HabitatB=0.18,
+ # 2% decline in abundance per year
+ Year=log(0.98),
+ # standard deviation on point random effect
+ Point=0.1),
+ # detection sigma = median distance
+ dist = c(intercept=log(median(db))),
+ # removal p = ~0.27
+ rem = c(intercept=-1))
+# Functions to control simulated covariates
+# Give each site 15 years of data
+yr_function <- function(n){
+ stopifnot(n %% 15 == 0)
+ sites <- n/15
+ rep(0:14, sites) # 15 years of surveys
+# Site ID
+point_function <- function(n){
+ stopifnot(n %% 15 == 0)
+ sites <- n/15
+ factor(rep(1:sites, each=15))
+# Give each site a fixed habitat type
+hab_function <- function(n){
+ stopifnot(n %% 15 == 0)
+ sites <- n/15
+ hab <- sample(c("A","B"), sites, replace=TRUE)
+ factor(rep(hab, each=15))
+guide <- list(Point = list(dist=point_function),
+ Year = list(dist=yr_function),
+ Habitat = list(dist=hab_function))
+# Simulate a dataset
+umf_sim <- simulate("gdistremoval", formulas=forms, design=design, coefs=coefs,
+ guide=guide, unitsIn='m', dist.breaks=db,
+ output='abund')
+# Fit model to dataset to check
+out <- gdistremoval(lambdaformula=~Habitat+Year+(1|Point), distanceformula=~1,
+ removalformula=~1, data=umf_sim, output='abund')
+# Results are similar to specified coefficients
+# Power analysis---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Use the simulated dataset as the basis for power analysis
+# Determine power to detect differences in density
+# among 2 different habitat types (as specified above 5/6 per sample area)
+# and power to detect a declining trend
+# This ought to be done before collecting data, but for this example
+# the data are already collected, so we're calculating power
+# for the sample size that was actually collected
+# We'll test for power to detect the differences in abundance
+# among habitats that we specified above (contained in coefs vector)
+# Our simulated dataset from above, out, is used to provide the desired
+# sample size and other model settings (such as distance breaks, units, etc.)
+pa <- powerAnalysis(out, coefs=coefs, nsim=100)
+# Mediocre power to detect habitat differences at this sample size (0.71)
+# Reasonable power to detect the yearly trend (0.81)
+# Read in real data------------------------------------------------------------
+# First read in the raw data:
+acfl <- read.csv("acfl_roanoke_river.csv")
+# Use only those years with complete sampling
+acfl <- acfl[acfl$Year %in% c(2022:2019, 2016:2005), ]
+# Process real data------------------------------------------------------------
+# Distance data
+# Each row represents one unique distance/time bin with a count of observed ACFL
+# (which can be 0, so no need to fill in the blanks).
+distdata <- acfl %>%
+ group_by(TransectName, Point, Year, DOY, Habitat) %>%
+ summarize(dist25=sum(Count[DistanceBin=="L25"], na.rm=TRUE),
+ dist50=sum(Count[DistanceBin=="G25"], na.rm=TRUE), .groups='drop')
+# Removal data
+# The time bins are labelled 3 (0-3 min), 5 (3-5 min), and 10 (5-10 min).
+# Need to remember to account for the different time lengths of each period later.
+remdata <- acfl %>%
+ group_by(TransectName, Point, Year, DOY, Habitat) %>%
+ summarize(per3=sum(Count[TimeBin==3], na.rm=TRUE),
+ per5=sum(Count[TimeBin==5], na.rm=TRUE),
+ per10=sum(Count[TimeBin==10], na.rm=TRUE), .groups='drop')
+# Check that the counts of observations match between distance and removal
+dsum <- apply(distdata[,6:7], 1, sum)
+rsum <- apply(remdata[,6:8], 1, sum)
+# Make unmarkedFrame
+# No observation covariates, since there aren't any unique covariates by removal period
+# Site covariates
+site_covs <- distdata[,c("TransectName", "Point", "Year", "DOY", "Habitat")]
+site_covs$Habitat <- factor(site_covs$Habitat, levels=c("River Levee",
+ "Hardwood Plantation"))
+site_covs$Year <- site_covs$Year - min(site_covs$Year) # Set first year (2005) as Year 0
+# y matrices distance/removal
+ydist <- as.matrix(distdata[,6:7])
+yrem <- as.matrix(remdata[,6:8])
+# Distance bin breaks
+db <- c(0,25,50)
+# Lengths of removal periods in minutes
+per_lengths <- c(3, 2, 5)
+# Construct unmarked frame
+umf <- unmarkedFrameGDR(yDistance=ydist, yRemoval=yrem, numPrimary=1,
+ siteCovs=site_covs, dist.breaks=db, unitsIn='m',
+ period.lengths=per_lengths)
+# Note there are 825 'sites' - 55 survey points x 15 yearly surveys per point.
+# Fit and compare models-------------------------------------------------------
+# Fit a set of candidate distance/removal models
+# All models include a random intercept on lambda by Point
+# Using default half-normal key function for distance model
+mod_null <- gdistremoval(lambdaformula=~(1|Point), removalformula=~1,
+ distanceformula=~1, data=umf, output="abund")
+# Habitat effect
+mod_hab <- gdistremoval(lambdaformula=~Habitat + (1|Point), removalformula=~1,
+ distanceformula=~1, data=umf, output="abund")
+# Year effect
+mod_year <- gdistremoval(lambdaformula=~Year + (1|Point), removalformula=~1,
+ distanceformula=~1, data=umf, output="abund")
+# Habitat and year effects
+mod_habyear <- gdistremoval(lambdaformula=~Habitat+Year + (1|Point),
+ removalformula=~1, distanceformula=~1,
+ data=umf, output="abund")
+# Habitat and year w/interaction effects
+mod_habxyear <- gdistremoval(lambdaformula=~Habitat*Year + (1|Point),
+ removalformula=~1, distanceformula=~1,
+ data=umf, output="abund")
+mods <- list(null=mod_null, hab=mod_hab, year=mod_year, habyear=mod_habyear, habxyear=mod_habxyear)
+mods <- fitList(fits=mods)
+# Rank the models with AIC
+# nPars AIC delta AICwt cumltvWt
+# habxyear 6 4322.14 0.00 9.7e-01 0.97
+# habyear 5 4329.85 7.71 2.0e-02 0.99
+# year 4 4330.65 8.52 1.4e-02 1.00
+# hab 4 4366.48 44.35 2.3e-10 1.00
+# null 3 4367.29 45.15 1.5e-10 1.00
+# Check model goodness of fit--------------------------------------------------
+# Plot residuals (separately by data type)
+# Parametric bootstrap
+pb <- parboot(mod_habxyear, nsim=30)
+# Model does not appear to fit the data well, but this is a crude test
+# Inference from top model-----------------------------------------------------
+# Summary of top model
+# Abundance:
+# Random effects:
+# Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
+# Point (Intercept) 0.035 0.187
+# Fixed effects:
+# Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
+# (Intercept) 1.8360 0.08391 21.88 4.06e-106
+# HabitatHardwood Plantation 0.4393 0.12746 3.45 5.67e-04
+# Year -0.0270 0.00773 -3.49 4.77e-04
+# HabitatHardwood Plantation:Year -0.0455 0.01476 -3.08 2.07e-03
+# Distance:
+# Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
+# 2.81 0.0222 126 0
+# Removal:
+# Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
+# -0.682 0.0515 -13.2 6.44e-40
+# AIC: 4322.137
+# The baseline abundance in year 1 (river levee) is exp(1.836) or about 6.27 birds.
+# There are significant differences in abundance between the two habitats and over time
+# Plot predicted abundance by habitat and year
+nd <- data.frame(Habitat=factor(levels(umf@siteCovs$Habitat),
+ levels=levels(umf@siteCovs$Habitat)),
+ Year=rep(0:17, each=2))
+pr <- predict(mod_habxyear, 'lambda', newdata=nd, re.form=NA)
+pr <- cbind(pr, nd)
+# Point-level predictions
+pr_point <- predict(mod_habxyear, 'lambda')
+pr_point <- cbind(pr_point, siteCovs(umf))
+tiff("Figure_5.tiff", height=5, width=7, units='in', res=300, compression='lzw')
+ggplot(data=pr, aes(x=Year+2005, y=Predicted)) +
+ geom_point(data=pr_point, aes(col=Habitat), alpha=0.2) +
+ geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=lower, ymax=upper, fill=Habitat), alpha=0.2) +
+ geom_line(aes(col=Habitat)) +
+ labs(y="ACFL abundance and 95% CI", x="Year") +
+ theme_bw(base_size=14) +
+ theme(panel.grid=element_blank(), legend.pos=c(0.8,0.8),
+ strip.background=element_rect("white"))
+# Abundance estimates at each site based on empirical Bayes methods
+r <- ranef(mod_habxyear)
+# Compare latent abundance estimates among habitat types
+hab_comp <- function(x){
+ c(river = mean(x[umf@siteCovs$Habitat == "River Levee"]),
+ hardwood = mean(x[umf@siteCovs$Habitat == "Hardwood Plantation"]))
+out_mat <- predict(r, func=hab_comp)
+t(apply(out_mat, 1, function(x) c(mean=mean(x), quantile(x, c(0.025,0.975)))))
diff --git a/unm-scholar.R b/unm-scholar.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9cd6a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unm-scholar.R
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+id <- "HdZX5qUAAAAJ"
+art <- get_publications(id, cstart = 0, pagesize = 100, flush = FALSE)
+pub <- as.character(art$pubid[1])
+art_dat <- get_article_cite_history(id, pub)
+art_dat$year <- as.Date(paste(art_dat$year, 1, 1, sep="-"))
+art_dat$cumcites <- cumsum(art_dat$cites)
+bplot <- ggplot(data=art_dat, aes(x=year, y=cumcites)) +
+ geom_bar(stat='identity') +
+ theme_bw(base_size=14) +
+ theme(panel.grid=element_blank()) +
+ labs(y="Total citations", x="Year")
+art_dat_line <- art_dat[-nrow(art_dat),]
+lplot <- ggplot(data=art_dat_line, aes(x=year, y=cites)) +
+ geom_line() +
+ geom_point() +
+ theme_bw(base_size=14) +
+ theme(panel.grid=element_blank()) +
+ labs(y="Citations per year", x="Year")
+png("Fig1.png", height=7, width=7, units='in', res=300)
+plot_grid(bplot, lplot, nrow=2)