path: root/man/traceplot.Rd
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1 files changed, 7 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/man/traceplot.Rd b/man/traceplot.Rd
index 8fc103a..444940e 100644
--- a/man/traceplot.Rd
+++ b/man/traceplot.Rd
@@ -1,27 +1,24 @@
-% functions
\title{Traceplots of JAGS output}
- traceplot(x, ...)
- \method{traceplot}{jagsUI}(x, parameters=NULL, ...)
+ traceplot(x, parameters=NULL, Rhat_min=NULL, per_plot=9, ask=NULL)
\item{x}{A jagsUI object}
- \item{parameters}{A vector of names (as characters) of parameters to plot. Parameter names must match parameters included in the model. Non-scalar parameters with multiple values (e.g. \code{alpha} where \code{alpha} is a vector of length 5) can be selected/subsetted (e.g. \code{alpha[1:3]}). Calling non-scalar parameters without subsetting (e.g. \code{alpha}) will plot all values of \code{alpha}. If \code{parameters=NULL}, all nodes will be plotted.}
- \item{...}{Further arguments pass to or from other methods.}
+ \item{parameters}{A vector of names (as characters) of parameters to plot. Parameter names must match parameters included in the model. Calling non-scalar parameters without subsetting (e.g. \code{alpha}) will plot all values of \code{alpha}. If \code{parameters=NULL}, all parameters will be plotted.}
+ \item{Rhat_min}{If provided, only plot parameters with Rhat values that exceed the provided value. A good min value to start with is 1.05.}
+ \item{per_plot}{Maximum number of parameters to include on each plot.}
+ \item{ask}{If \code{TRUE}, ask user for confirmation before generating each new plot; the default is to ask when output is going to the screen, not when it is going to a file.}
- Displays a series of MCMC iteration plots for each monitored parameter in a JAGS analysis. The calculated Rhat value for each parameter is given in the plot title if there is >1 chains.
+ Displays a series of MCMC iteration plots for monitored parameter in a JAGS analysis, along with the calculated Rhat value.
Ken Kellner \email{contact@kenkellner.com}.
-} \ No newline at end of file