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+title: Comparing Recycling Rates Among Buffalo Neighborhoods (Part 1)
+date: 2018-05-13
+ html_document:
+ theme: journal
+ highlight: pygments
+ toc: true
+ toc_float: true
+I've long been a stubborn proponent of base `R` for processing and visualizing data.
+It remains an incredibly robust and flexible tool for these purposes.
+However, I've recently taken a deep dive into the [tidyverse]( family of R packages, which perform the same types of tasks in an arguably more streamlined and clear fashion.
+My approach to learning the `tidyverse` and the related `ggplot2` visualization package has involved [several]( [excellent]( [books](, but I always learn best by actually applying tools to questions I'm interested in.
+So, in addition to applications in my [current research](, I've been looking for other available datasets to explore.
+The city of Buffalo, NY recently created a website called the [Buffalo OpenData]( for publishing data on city services.
+As I'm from the Buffalo region, I decided this was a perfect source for datasets to work with.
+#Downloading the Data
+The Buffalo OpenData portal uses the Socrata Open Data API (SODA). Luckily, there is an R client for Socrata, `RSocrata`, available on CRAN.
+The `RSocrata` package has a variety of functions available, including one for identifying available datasets (`ls.socrata`) and one for downloading them directly into R (`read.socrata`). Here are a few of the available datasets on the Buffalo OpenData Portal:
+buf_datasets = ls.socrata('')
+I'm going to explore the first dataset listed, which provides monthly recycling rates for different Buffalo neighborhoods. The dataset is available in several formats:
+You can get the URL for the CSV dataset with `$downloadURL`:
+csv_url = buf_datasets$distribution[[1]]$downloadURL[1]
+I'll pass the URL to `read.socrata`, then immediately pipe the resulting data frame into a `tibble`. For that (and later data manipulation) I'll also need the `tidyverse` R package.
+rec_raw = read.socrata(csv_url) %>% as_tibble()
+Each row of the dataset represents a neighborhood's monthly recycling statistics.
+There are columns for neighborhood, date, total recycling, total garbage, and the recycling rate.
+Data are available for roughly the past year:
+#Tidying the Dataset
+## Cleaning up Variables
+The first step in cleaning up this dataset is to rename the final three columns, which are a little long.
+names(rec_raw)[3:5] = c('RECYCLE','GARBAGE','RATE')
+Two additional things jumped out at me to fix.
+First the neighborhood names were inconsistently capitalized, which could becoming frustrating later on.
+Second, the `RATE` column appeared to be rounded.
+To fix these issues I made everything in the `NEIGHBORHOOD` column uppercase, and calculated the recycling rate myself:
+rec = rec_raw %>%
+ mutate(NEIGHBORHOOD = str_to_upper(NEIGHBORHOOD)) %>%
+##Summarizing by Neighborhood
+Currently I have monthly recycling stats. For visualization, I decided to summarize information for each neighborhood across all available months.
+I also calculated an additional statistic that represented the proportional change in recycling rate for each neighborhood over the time period of the study:
+\textrm{Percent Change} = \frac{Rate_{end} - Rate_{start}}{Rate_{start}}
+The equivalent function in R:
+perc_change = function(val,date){
+ start = val[which.min(date)]
+ end = val[which.max(date)]
+ (end - start)/start
+The tools in the `tidyverse` make generating summary statistics for each neighborhood straightforward:
+rec = rec %>%
+ group_by(NEIGHBORHOOD) %>%
+ summarize(MnRecycle = mean(RECYCLE,na.rm=T),
+ MnGarbage = mean(GARBAGE,na.rm=T),
+ MnRate = mean(RATE,na.rm=T) * 100,
+ Change = perc_change(RATE, DATE))
+Now I have one row per neighborhood with summary statistics for each.
+#Visualizing the Data
+I used the `ggplot2` library for visualizations. Note that the `geom_sf` function I use later to plot spatial data is not available in the current CRAN version of `ggplot2`, so I installed the latest version from Github instead:
+##Recycling Rate
+Here's a quick and dirty histogram, using `ggplot2`, showing the distribution of recycling rates by neighborhood.
+Most neighborhoods have a rate less than 20%.
+rec %>% ggplot() +
+ labs(title = 'Distribution of recycling rates by neighborhood',
+ x = 'Recycling Rate (%)') +
+ geom_histogram(aes(x=MnRate),bins=15) +
+ geom_vline(xintercept=mean(rec$MnRate),size=2,color='red') +
+ geom_text(aes(x=16.5,y=6,
+ label=paste('Overall mean = ',round(mean(rec$MnRate),2),'%',sep='')))
+##Change in Recycling Rate
+Instead looking at proportional change in recycling rate over the time period of the dataset:
+rec %>%
+ mutate(above0 = ifelse(Change > 0,'Increasing','Decreasing')) %>%
+ ggplot() +
+ labs(title = 'Change in neighborhood recycling rate, May 2017-April 2018',
+ x = '% Change in Recycling Rate',
+ fill = 'Trend') +
+ geom_histogram(aes(x=Change,fill=above0),breaks=seq(-0.15,0.35,0.05)) +
+ geom_vline(xintercept=0,size=2,color='white')
+Most neighborhoods are showing an increasing trend.
+## Seasonal Patterns
+Note that the percent change statistic ignores any seasonal patterns in recycling rate that may exist.
+Summarizing the raw data by month reveals that recycling rates may be slightly higher in the winter, but the trend is not strong.
+library(lubridate) #For handling dates
+rec_raw %>%
+ mutate(MONTH = factor(month(DATE)),
+ SEASON = ifelse(MONTH%in%c(11,12,1,2), 'Winter','Other')) %>%
+ ggplot(aes(x=MONTH,y=RATE, fill=SEASON)) +
+ labs(title = 'Recycling rate by month',
+ x = 'Month', y = 'Recycling rate') +
+ geom_boxplot()
+Regardless, this dataset spans almost exactly one year (May 2017 - April 2018) so seasonal effects should be minimized.
+#Georeferencing the Neighborhoods
+## Finding Spatial Data
+To plot these data spatially (and to connect them to other spatially-referenced datasets), I needed information about the shape and location of each neighborhood.
+The [metadata]( for this dataset refers to the neighborhood boundaries in the Buffalo ArcGIS database, but strangely this spatial information does not appear to be available on the OpenData portal.
+I was forced to turn to Google instead, and quickly found a database of neighborhood boundary shapefiles provided by [Zillow](
+The Zillow shapefiles are at the state level, so I downloaded the zipped-up file for New York and extracted it:
+src_url = ''
+if (!file.exists('../data/')){
+ dir.create('../data')
+ download.file(src_url,'../data/')
+To read in the shapefile I used the `sf` package, which can handle multiple different spatial data formats and also supports piping in the `tidyverse` style.
+I selected only the neighborhoods in the city of Buffalo, and also converted the neighborhood names to be all uppercase (to match the recycling data).
+```{r,warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
+nb = st_read('../data/ZillowNeighborhoods-NY.shp',quiet=T) %>%
+ filter(City == 'Buffalo') %>%
+ mutate(NEIGHBORHOOD = str_to_upper(Name)) %>%
+## Joining the Datasets
+The next step was to join the recycling data to the neighborhood spatial data by matching `NEIGHBORHOOD` names.
+I expected that there would be some mismatches to fix.
+I checked which neighborhoods in the spatial dataset didn't have recycling data:
+nb %>% full_join(rec,by='NEIGHBORHOOD') %>% filter( %>% as_tibble()
+and which neighborhoods in recycling dataset didn't have spatial data:
+nb %>% full_join(rec,by='NEIGHBORHOOD') %>% filter( %>% as_tibble()
+There are a few obvious issues of inconsistent naming which I fixed before doing a final join of the recycling and spatial datasets.
+nb = nb %>%
+ `MLK PARK` = 'M.L.K. PARK',
+spatial_rec = nb %>%
+ left_join(rec,by='NEIGHBORHOOD')
+#Building Maps
+Now that the neighborhoods are georeferenced, I can visualize them in space using `ggplot2`.The first step is to calculate centroids for each neighborhood and extract their coordinates.
+I need these coordinates later so I can label individual neighborhoods.
+```{r,warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}
+nb_centers = spatial_rec %>%
+ st_centroid() %>%
+ mutate(X = st_coordinates(.)[,1],
+ Y = st_coordinates(.)[,2])
+## Recycling Rate
+I used `ggplot` with `geom_sf` to plot the neighborhood polygons and color them according to recycling rate.
+I also added labels to the three highest and three lowest neighborhoods by rate with `geom_label`, using the coordinates I extracted above.
+spatial_rec %>%
+ ggplot() +
+ geom_sf(aes(fill=MnRate)) +
+ scale_fill_gradient(low='red',high='green') +
+ labs(title = 'Recycling rate in Buffalo neighborhoods',
+ fill = '% Waste \n Recycled',
+ x=NULL, y=NULL) +
+ theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
+ axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
+ axis.text.y = element_blank(),
+ axis.ticks.y = element_blank()) +
+ geom_label(data=nb_centers %>% top_n(3,MnRate),
+ mapping=aes(X,Y,label=NEIGHBORHOOD),
+ color='darkgreen',alpha=0.7) +
+ geom_label(data=nb_centers %>% top_n(-3,MnRate),
+ mapping=aes(X,Y,label=NEIGHBORHOOD),
+ color='red',alpha=0.7)
+Lower recycling rates are concentrated in the center of the city, while neighborhoods in the northern part of the city have higher rates.
+## Change in Recycling Rate
+Buffalo has recently made [a push to improve recycling rates](, so it would also be interesting to see which neighborhoods have shown the greatest improvement in recycling rate over the last year.
+I created a nearly identical figure using the percent change in rate statistic I calculated earlier:
+spatial_rec %>%
+ ggplot() +
+ geom_sf(aes(fill=Change)) +
+ scale_fill_gradient(low='red',high='green') +
+ labs(title = 'Change in recycling rate in Buffalo neighborhoods',
+ fill = '% Change \n in Rate',
+ x=NULL, y=NULL) +
+ theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
+ axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
+ axis.text.y = element_blank(),
+ axis.ticks.y = element_blank()) +
+ geom_label(data=nb_centers %>% top_n(3,Change),
+ mapping=aes(X,Y,label=NEIGHBORHOOD),
+ color='darkgreen',alpha=0.7) +
+ geom_label(data=nb_centers %>% top_n(-3,Change),
+ mapping=aes(X,Y,label=NEIGHBORHOOD),
+ color='red',alpha=0.7)
+There's less spatial aggregation in percent change.
+However there seems to be a general trend in which neighborhoods with the greatest increase in recycling rate were among those that had lower overall recycling rates.
+This makes sense as these neighborhoods probably had the most room for quick improvements.
+However, a cursory analysis reveals that this trend is weak at best:
+spatial_rec %>%
+ ggplot(aes(x=MnRate,y=Change)) +
+ labs(title= 'Mean recycling rate and % change in recycling have a weak relationship',
+ x='Mean Recycling Rate',
+ y='% Change in Recycling Rate') +
+ geom_point() +
+ geom_smooth(method=lm)
+#Next Steps
+So far I haven't done much with this dataset other than look at surface patterns.
+Now that I have the recycling data georeferenced, I plan to model recycling rate as a function of other variables that are spatially referenced - for example, U.S. Census block data.