path: root/src/ubms-spatial.Rmd
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authorKen Kellner <>2021-02-16 21:42:34 -0500
committerKen Kellner <>2021-02-16 21:42:34 -0500
commit42e7533e5cf2b816f99e29f634a6537646fdd1cc (patch)
tree19ba6d380e247c106c542168fea0a6b843874365 /src/ubms-spatial.Rmd
parent853cd56708f202a0de066842696f3319812aea2c (diff)
Add new ubms spatial models post
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+title: Spatial Models in ubms
+date: 2021-02-15
+bibliography: references.bib
+link-citations: yes
+csl: plos-one.csl
+ html_document:
+ css: style.css
+ highlight: pygments
+# Introduction
+In many studies of animal and plant occurrence and abundance, sites may not be entirely independent.
+For example, sites may be close together, or site size may be smaller than a typical animal's home range.
+In these cases we expect spatial autocorrelation among nearby sites.
+Ideally, this autocorrelation would be accounted for in models.
+A solution to this problem is so-called spatial occupancy models, which include spatial random effects.
+A common approach to handling spatial autocorrelation is the use of an intrinsic conditional autoregressive (ICAR) random effect [@Banerjee_2014].
+The growing accessibility of Bayesian approaches has facilitated fitting these models.
+However, fitting ICAR models is computationally intensive and the ICAR random effect may be correlated with fixed covariates included in the model, making inference difficult [@Hodges_2010].
+To solve these issues, Johnson et al. [-@Johnson_2013] extended restricted spatial regression (RSR) to occupancy models.
+In an RSR model, the random effect is constructed in such a way that it is uncorrelated with the fixed covariates, and it can be significantly less computationally intensive than ICAR to estimate [@Broms_2014].
+Broms et al. [@Broms_2014] provide a nice overview of the concepts.
+Several recent studies have shown that RSR provides better and faster inference than ICAR [e.g. @Broms_2014; @Clark_2019].
+At least two specialized R packages ([`stocc`]( and [`Rcppocc`]( are available for fitting ICAR and RSR occupancy models.
+It is now possible to fit RSRs in Stan with `ubms` as well, allowing those familiar with `unmarked`/`ubms` syntax and workflows to easily fit spatial models.
+Currently only single-season occupancy models are supported, but support will soon be extended to other single-season model types.
+In addition to fitting RSRs, `ubms` also provides tools for applying and visualizing fitted spatial models.
+For now these features are available in a dev branch of `ubms` available on [Github](
+# Example
+We will adapt the demo code and dataset available in R package `stocc` to fit a spatial occupancy model, which will also facilitate a comparison between `stocc` and `ubms` results.
+The `stocc` package was an extremely valuable guide when implementing RSRs in `ubms`, and contains many other useful features related to spatial occupancy modeling.
+```{r, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
+## Format the input data
+The sample dataset that comes with `stocc` is in long format.
+We need to convert it to the wide format that `unmarked` and `ubms` expect.
+# Load datasets
+data(habData) # site covariate data
+data(visitData) # observation cov data
+# Visits per site
+nobs <- table(visitData$site, visitData$obs)
+# Dimensions of y matrix
+J <- max(nobs) # max obs per site
+M <- nrow(habData) # no. of sites
+# Create blank matrices to hold wide-format versions
+y <- detCov1 <- detCov2 <- matrix(NA, nrow=M, ncol=J)
+# Iterate over sites
+for (i in 1:M){
+ # Data from site i
+ sub <- visitData[visitData$site==i,]
+ # Put this data into our wide matrices
+ subJ <- nrow(sub)
+ if(subJ == 0) next
+ y[i,1:subJ] <- sub$obs
+ detCov1[i,1:subJ] <- sub$detCov1
+ detCov2[i,1:subJ] <- as.character(sub$detCov2)
+# Make site and obs cov data frames
+site_cov <- habData
+obs_cov <- data.frame(detCov1=as.vector(t(detCov1)), detCov2=as.vector(t(detCov2)))
+# Convert detCov2 back into a factor (as it was originally)
+obs_cov$detCov2 <- factor(obs_cov$detCov2, levels=c("0","1","2","3"))
+In order to fit a spatial model, we need coordinates included in our site covariates.
+These should be in some projected coordinate system.
+In this dataset, coordinates are contained in columns `x` and `y`:
+Site and observation covariates are otherwise handled the same way as normal for `unmarked` and `ubms` models.
+Here's a quick visualization of how `habCov2` varies across the study area.
+#Which sites were sampled at least once?
+sampled <- apply(y, 1, function(x) any(!
+ggplot(data=site_cov, aes(x=x, y=y)) +
+ geom_tile(aes(fill=habCov2)) +
+ geom_point(data=site_cov[sampled,], size=0.5) +
+ scale_fill_gradientn(colors=heat.colors(10)) +
+ theme_bw(base_size=12) +
+ theme(panel.grid=element_blank())
+The black dots represent locations that were sampled at least once.
+Note that not all grid cells with available site covariates were actually sampled; in fact most of them were not.
+For typical models, `ubms` would just ignore a site that was present in the dataset but never sampled (i.e., `y` all `NA`) since these sites cannot contribute any information.
+However for spatial models, generating predictive maps across areas that may not have been sampled is a typical goal.
+To facilitate this, spatial models in `ubms` do not discard sites which were never sampled but that have available site covariates.
+As you'd expect, you simply include these by including a row of all missing values in `y` and your observation covariates, as appropriate.
+For example, in this dataset, sites 1 and 2 were sampled but site 3 was not:
+The final step in data formatting is to construct the `unmarkedFrame`.
+```{r, warning=FALSE}
+umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y=y, siteCovs=site_cov, obsCovs=obs_cov)
+## Choose RSR options
+Next, we need to decide on settings for the RSR.
+Specifically, we need to decide the distance threshold below which two sites will be considered neighbors and thus potentially correlated with each other.
+For example, if site A and site B are 0.5 distance units apart and we set the threshold at 1, A and B will be considered neighbors.
+If A and B are 1.5 distance units apart, they will not be neighbors.
+The distance units are defined by the units of the coordinates you provided.
+To visualize this, we can use the `RSR()` function, which we will use again later when fitting the model.
+The RSR() function requires as input at least one coordinate vector (typically you will have 2, e.g. `x` and `y`) and a value for the `threshold` argument.
+If we set the `plot_site` argument to an integer, `RSR` will return a map highlighting that site and its neighbors under the current threshold setting:
+```{r, fig.width=6}
+with(site_cov, RSR(x, y, threshold=1, plot_site=300))
+With `threshold=1` and our coordinate grid, site 300 has just 4 neighbors.
+Now consider `threshold=10`:
+```{r, fig.width=6}
+with(site_cov, RSR(x, y, threshold=10, plot_site=300))
+The threshold choice depends on your modeling goals and study system, but it is probably best to start with sites having a relatively small number of neighbors.
+We will set `threshold=1` for this example.
+A final argument available in `RSR()` is `moran_cut`.
+This option controls the number of eigenvectors that are used when calculating the spatial random effect (possible values are 1 to the number of sites).
+Generally, with fewer eigenvectors, the model will run faster and the result will be smoother.
+Previous studies have shown that inference is not particularly sensitive to this value, and recommended it be set to 10% of the number of sites [@Broms_2014; @Clark_2019].
+This is the default in `ubms` so we will leave it alone.
+## Fit the model
+We are finally ready to fit our spatial model.
+The formula syntax is identical to normal `ubms` and (and `unmarked`) models, except that we will include a call to `RSR()` with our desired options in our formula for `psi`.
+We also include two fixed detection and two fixed occupancy covariates.
+#Double formula: first part is for detection, second for occupancy
+form <- ~detCov1 + detCov2 ~habCov1 + habCov2 + RSR(x, y, threshold=1)
+We will then fit the model in Stan with `stan_occu()`, first setting our desired number of parallel cores to use to 3.
+This will take Stan a few minutes with default MCMC settings.
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+fit_ubms <- stan_occu(form, umf, chains=3)
+```{r, message=FALSE, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
+ fit_ubms <- readRDS("fit_ubms.Rds")
+} else {
+ options(mc.cores=3)
+ fit_ubms <- stan_occu(form, umf, chains=3, refresh=0)
+ saveRDS(fit_ubms, "fit_ubms.Rds")
+You will likely get some warnings about effective sample size.
+The solution is to run the model for more iterations, but this is good enough for an example.
+## Examine results
+Look at the parameter estimates:
+The precision term (tau, $\tau$) associated with the spatial random effect is the final row of the occupancy model estimates.
+Smaller values of $\tau$ imply greater variability in the spatial random effect.
+There also appears to be a strong effect of `habCov2` on occupancy.
+We can quickly visualize marginal effects of fixed covariates with `plot_marginal`.
+```{r, fig.width=5}
+plot_marginal(fit_ubms, "state")
+You can extract predicted occupancy values for each site (including sites never actually sampled) using the `predict` function:
+```{r, message=FALSE}
+# "state" to get state/occupancy process, as opposed to "det"
+psi <- predict(fit_ubms, "state")
+## Plotting
+It is much more interesting to see how predicted occupancy varies across the study area.
+`ubms` has a built-in function for generating such a map, `plot_spatial`.
+```{r,message=FALSE, fig.width=6}
+The plot also shows the location of sampled sites and whether the species was ever detected at each one.
+You can also look at the spatial distribution of random effects $\eta$:
+```{r,message=FALSE, fig.width=6}
+plot_spatial(fit_ubms, "eta")
+## Model selection
+It is important to confirm that the spatial random effect is actually improving the predictive power of the model; if it isn't, we ought to remove it.
+To check this, first fit a similar model without the RSR:
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+fit_nonspatial <- stan_occu(~detCov1 + detCov2 ~habCov1 + habCov2, umf, chains=3)
+```{r, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
+ fit_nonspatial <- readRDS("fit_nonspatial.Rds")
+} else {
+ options(mc.cores=3)
+ fit_nonspatial <- stan_occu(~detCov1 + detCov2 ~habCov1 + habCov2, umf,
+ chains=3, refresh=0)
+ saveRDS(fit_nonspatial, "fit_nonspatial.Rds")
+Combine the models to compare into a `fitList` (note: they must have the same number of chains and MCMC iterations):
+fl <- fitList(fit_ubms, fit_nonspatial)
+Then, compare the spatial and non-spatial models with leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO)[@Vehtari_2017] using the `modSel()` function:
+```{r, warning=FALSE}
+A measure of predictive accuracy (`elpd`) is shown for each model, and the model with the highest predictive accuracy is listed first.
+The difference in `elpd` between the top and model and each subsequent model (`elpd_diff`), along with a measure of the uncertainty of that difference (`se_diff`), are also shown.
+If the magnitude of `elpd_diff` is large relative to the associated uncertainty, we can conclude that there is a difference in predictive power between the two models.
+In this case `elpd_diff` between the spatial (`fit_ubms`) and non-spatial (`fit_nonspatial`) models is several times the size of `se_diff`, so including the spatial random effect appears to improve model predictive accuracy.
+# Compare with stocc
+The implementation of spatial models in `ubms` owes much to the `stocc` package.
+The two packages give essentially identical results.
+To show this, we will fit the same model in `stocc` and compare the occupancy predictions with `ubms`.
+The code for fitting the model in `stocc` is taken directly from the package demo.
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+names <- list(
+ visit=list(site="site",obs="obs"),
+ site=list(site="site", coords=c("x","y"))
+ )
+fit_stocc <- spatial.occupancy(
+ detection.model = ~ detCov1 + detCov2,
+ occupancy.model = ~ habCov1 + habCov2,
+ spatial.model = list(model="rsr", threshold=1, moran.cut=0.1*nrow(habData)),
+ =, habData, names),
+ prior = list(a.tau=0.5, b.tau=0.00005, Q.b=0.1, Q.g=0.1),
+ control = list(burnin=1000/5, iter=4000/5, thin=5)
+ )
+```{r, echo=FALSE,message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
+names <- list(
+ visit=list(site="site",obs="obs"),
+ site=list(site="site", coords=c("x","y"))
+ )
+ fit_stocc <- readRDS("fit_stocc.Rds")
+} else {
+ # Takes a few minutes
+ fit_stocc <- spatial.occupancy(
+ detection.model = ~ detCov1 + detCov2,
+ occupancy.model = ~ habCov1 + habCov2,
+ spatial.model = list(model="rsr", threshold=1, moran.cut=0.1*nrow(habData)),
+ =, habData, names),
+ prior = list(a.tau=0.5, b.tau=0.00005, Q.b=0.1, Q.g=0.1),
+ control = list(burnin=1000/5, iter=4000/5, thin=5)
+ )
+ saveRDS(fit_stocc, "fit_stocc.Rds")
+Here's a similar plot of predicted occupancy across the study area:
+```{r, fig.width=6}
+# Predicted occupancy
+psi_stocc <- fit_stocc$occupancy.df$psi.est
+# Sites that were sampled at least once
+sampled <- apply(getY(umf), 1, function(x) any(!
+plot_data <- cbind(habData, psi=psi_stocc)
+ggplot(data=plot_data, aes(x=x,y=y)) +
+ geom_point(aes(col=psi), size=5, pch=15) +
+ scale_color_gradientn(colors=terrain.colors(10)) +
+ geom_point(data=plot_data[sampled,],aes(x=x,y=y), size=0.5) +
+ labs(col="psi") +
+ theme_bw(base_size=12) +
+ theme(panel.grid=element_blank(),
+ strip.background=element_rect("white"))
+As you can see, the predicted occupancy maps for `ubms` and `stocc` are almost identical.
+Note, however, that coefficient estimates may not be identical because `stocc` uses a probit link function, while `ubms` uses a logit link.
+# References
+<div id="refs"></div>