path: root/tests/testthat/test_distsampOpen.R
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/testthat/test_distsampOpen.R')
1 files changed, 339 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_distsampOpen.R b/tests/testthat/test_distsampOpen.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd25e8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_distsampOpen.R
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+context("distsampOpen fitting function")
+simData <- function(lambda=1, gamma=0.5, omega=0.8, sigma=40, scale=NULL,
+ M=100, T=5, J=4,type="line", keyfun="halfnorm")
+ y <- array(NA, c(M, J, T))
+ N <- matrix(NA, M, T)
+ S <- G <- matrix(NA, M, T-1)
+ db <- c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100)
+ if(length(db)-1 != J)
+ stop("hey, what")
+ if(type=="point")
+ g <- function(x, sig) exp(-x^2/(2*sig^2))*x
+ if(type=="line")
+ g <- function(x, sig) exp(-x^2/(2*sig^2))
+ if(type=="point")
+ g <- function(x, sig) exp(-x/sig)*x
+ if(type=="line")
+ g <- function(x, sig) exp(-x/sig)
+ shape<- sigma
+ if(type=="point")
+ g <- function(x, shape, scale) (1 - exp(-(r/shape)^-scale)) * x
+ if(type=="line")
+ g <- function(x, sig) (1 - exp(-(x/shape)^-scale) )
+ if(type=="point")
+ g <- function(x,sig) x
+ if(type=="line")
+ g <- function(x,sig) 1
+ cp <- u <- a <- numeric(J)
+ a[1] <- pi*db[2]^2
+ cp[1] <- integrate(g, db[1], db[2], sig=sigma)$value * 2 * pi
+ for(j in 2:J) {
+ a[j] <- pi*db[j+1]^2 - sum(a[1:j])
+ cp[j] <- integrate(g, db[j], db[j+1], sig=sigma)$value * 2*pi
+ }
+ }
+ L <- 1
+ a[1] <- L*db[2]
+ cp[1] <- integrate(g, db[1], db[2], sig=sigma)$value
+ for(j in 2:J) {
+ a[j] <- db[j+1] - sum(a[1:j])
+ cp[j] <- integrate(g, db[j], db[j+1], sig=sigma)$value
+ }
+ }
+ u <- a / sum(a)
+ cp <- cp / a * u
+ cp[j+1] <- 1-sum(cp)
+ a[1] <- pi*db[2]^2
+ for(j in 2:J) {
+ a[j] <- pi*db[j+1]^2 - sum(a[1:j])
+ }
+ }
+ L <- 1
+ a[1] <- L*db[2]
+ for(j in 2:J) {
+ a[j] <- db[j+1] - sum(a[1:j])
+ }
+ }
+ u <- a / sum(a)
+ cp <- a
+ cp[j+1] <- 0
+ for(i in 1:M) {
+ N[i,1] <- rpois(1, lambda)
+ y[i,1:J,1] <- rmultinom(1, N[i,1], cp)[1:J]
+ for(t in 1:(T-1)) {
+ S[i,t] <- rbinom(1, N[i,t], omega)
+ G[i,t] <- rpois(1, gamma)
+ N[i,t+1] <- S[i,t] + G[i,t]
+ y[i,1:J,t+1] <- rmultinom(1, N[i,t+1], cp)[1:J]
+ }
+ }
+ #cp <- array(cp, c(J, M, T))
+ #cp <- matrix(aperm(cp, c(2,1,3)), M)
+ return(list(y=matrix(y, M),N=N,cp=cp))
+test_that("unmarkedFrameDSO build properly", {
+ y <- simData(lambda=4, gamma=2, omega=0.5, sigma=25, M=100, T=15,type="line",
+ keyfun="halfnorm")$y
+ umf <- unmarkedFrameDSO(y = y, numPrimary=15,
+ siteCovs=data.frame(x1=rnorm(100)),
+ dist.breaks = c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100), survey="line",
+ unitsIn="m",tlength=rep(1, 100))
+ expect_error(unmarkedFrameDSO(y=y,numPrimary=15,
+ dist.breaks=c(0,25,50,75,100), survey="line", tlength=c(1,1)))
+ expect_error(unmarkedFrameDSO(y=y,numPrimary=15,
+ dist.breaks=c(0,25,50,75,100), survey="point",
+ tlength=rep(1,100)))
+ expect_error(unmarkedFrameDSO(y=y, numPrimary=15, dist.breaks=c(25,50,75,100),
+ survey='line', unitsIn='m', tlength=rep(1,100)))
+ # subset sites
+ umf_sub <- umf[1:3,]
+ expect_equal(nrow(umf_sub@y), 3)
+test_that("dso halfnorm key function works",{
+ set.seed(456)
+ y <- simData(lambda=4, gamma=2, omega=0.5, sigma=25, M=50, T=7,type="line",
+ keyfun="halfnorm")$y
+ umf <- unmarkedFrameDSO(y = y, numPrimary=7,
+ siteCovs=data.frame(x1=rnorm(50)),
+ dist.breaks = c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100), survey="line",
+ unitsIn="m",tlength=rep(1, 50))
+ # Check K that is too small
+ expect_error(distsampOpen(~1, ~1, ~1, ~x1, data = umf, K=5,keyfun="halfnorm"))
+ fm <- distsampOpen(~1, ~1, ~1, ~x1, data = umf, K=10,keyfun="halfnorm")
+ expect_equivalent(coef(fm), c(1.4185,1.0471,-0.8275,3.1969,-0.0790),
+ tol=1e-4)
+ pr <- predict(fm, type='lambda')
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(pr[1,]),
+ c(4.1308,0.4965,3.2622,5.2306), tol=1e-4)
+ pval <- getP(fm)
+ expect_equal(dim(pval), dim(y))
+ expect_equal(pval[1,1:4], c(0.2110,0.0776,0.0104,0.0005),
+ tol=1e-4)
+ r <- residuals(fm)
+ expect_equal(dim(r), dim(y))
+ expect_equal(r[1,1:2], c(-0.8717,-0.3207),tol=1e-4)
+ ran <- ranef(fm)
+ expect_equal(bup(ran)[1,1], 2.8916, tol=1e-4)
+ set.seed(123)
+ sim <- simulate(fm, nsim=2)
+ expect_equal(length(sim), 2)
+ expect_equal(sum(sim[[1]]), 442)
+ fm2 <- update(fm, pformula=~1)
+ expect_equal(length(coef(fm2)), 4)
+ fm <- distsampOpen(~1, ~1, ~1, ~x1, data = umf, K=10,keyfun="halfnorm",
+ mixture="ZIP")
+ expect_warning(pr <- predict(fm, 'lambda'))
+ expect_is(pr, "data.frame")
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(pr[1,]), c(4.0742, NA,NA,NA), tol=1e-4)
+ #Point
+ set.seed(123)
+ y <- simData(lambda=4, gamma=2, omega=0.5, sigma=25, M=50, T=7,type="point",
+ keyfun="halfnorm")$y
+ umf <- unmarkedFrameDSO(y = y, numPrimary=7,
+ siteCovs=data.frame(x1=rnorm(50)),
+ dist.breaks = c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100), survey="point",
+ unitsIn="m")
+ fm <- distsampOpen(~1, ~1, ~1, ~x1, data = umf, K=10,keyfun="halfnorm")
+ expect_equivalent(coef(fm), c(1.2766,0.4651,0.23799,3.24919,0.00821),
+ tol=1e-4)
+ #Check error with random effects in formula
+ expect_error(distsampOpen(~(1|dummy), ~1, ~1, ~1, data=umf, K=30))
+test_that("distsampOpen works with NAs", {
+ set.seed(456)
+ y <- simData(lambda=4, gamma=2, omega=0.5, sigma=25, M=15, T=2,type="line",
+ keyfun="halfnorm")$y
+ y[5,1:4] <- NA
+ y[2,1] <- NA
+ sc = data.frame(x1=rnorm(15))
+ sc$x1[3] <- NA
+ ysc = data.frame(x2=rnorm(15*2))
+ ysc$x2[1] <- NA
+ umf <- unmarkedFrameDSO(y = y, numPrimary=2,
+ siteCovs=sc,
+ yearlySiteCovs=ysc,
+ dist.breaks = c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100), survey="line",
+ unitsIn="m",tlength=rep(1, 15))
+ expect_warning(fm <- distsampOpen(~x1, ~x2, ~1, ~1, data=umf, K=7, keyfun="halfnorm"))
+ expect_equivalent(coef(fm), c(1.3058,-0.2966,-7.9133,-7.9281,8.6582,3.3108), tol=1e-4)
+ set.seed(123)
+ ysim <- simData(lambda=5, gamma=2, omega=0.5, sigma=40, M=50, T=5,type="line",
+ keyfun="halfnorm")
+ y <- ysim$y
+ y[2,1] <- NA
+ umf <- unmarkedFrameDSO(y = y, numPrimary=5,
+ dist.breaks = c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100), survey="line",
+ unitsIn="m",tlength=rep(1, 50))
+ fm <- distsampOpen(~1, ~1, ~1, ~1, data=umf, K=10, keyfun="halfnorm")
+ expect_warning(r <- ranef(fm))
+ expect_equal(cor(bup(r)[,1],ysim$N[,1]), 0.6593, tol=1e-4)
+test_that("distsampOpen exp keyfunction works", {
+ set.seed(123)
+ y <- simData(lambda=4, gamma=2, omega=0.5, sigma=25, M=50, T=5,type="line",
+ keyfun="exp")$y
+ umf <- unmarkedFrameDSO(y = y, numPrimary=5,
+ siteCovs=data.frame(x1=rnorm(50)),
+ dist.breaks = c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100), survey="line",
+ unitsIn="m",tlength=rep(1, 50))
+ fm <- distsampOpen(~1, ~1, ~1, ~x1, data = umf, K=10,keyfun="exp")
+ expect_equivalent(coef(fm), c(1.47976,0.38259,0.15922,3.2837,-0.01028),
+ tol=1e-4)
+ #Point
+ set.seed(123)
+ y <- simData(lambda=4, gamma=2, omega=0.5, sigma=25, M=30, T=3,type="point",
+ keyfun="exp")$y
+ umf <- unmarkedFrameDSO(y = y, numPrimary=3,
+ siteCovs=data.frame(x1=rnorm(30)),
+ dist.breaks = c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100), survey="point",
+ unitsIn="m")
+ fm <- distsampOpen(~1, ~1, ~1, ~x1, data = umf, K=10,keyfun="exp")
+ expect_equivalent(coef(fm), c(1.5032,-3.6228,9.25622,3.09501,0.05183),
+ tol=1e-4)
+test_that("distsampOpen uniform keyfun works", {
+ set.seed(123)
+ y <- simData(lambda=4, gamma=2, omega=0.5, sigma=25, M=50, T=5,type="line",
+ keyfun="uniform")$y
+ umf <- unmarkedFrameDSO(y = y, numPrimary=5,
+ siteCovs=data.frame(x1=rnorm(50)),
+ dist.breaks = c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100), survey="line",
+ unitsIn="m",tlength=rep(1, 50))
+ fm <- distsampOpen(~1, ~1, ~1, data = umf, K=15,keyfun="unif")
+ expect_equivalent(coef(fm), c(1.4586,0.7262,-0.05239),
+ tol=1e-4)
+ set.seed(123)
+ y <- simData(lambda=4, gamma=2, omega=0.5, sigma=25, M=50, T=5,type="point",
+ keyfun="uniform")$y
+ umf <- unmarkedFrameDSO(y = y, numPrimary=5,
+ siteCovs=data.frame(x1=rnorm(50)),
+ dist.breaks = c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100), survey="point",
+ unitsIn="m")
+ fm <- distsampOpen(~1, ~1, ~1, data = umf, K=15,keyfun="unif")
+ expect_equivalent(coef(fm), c(1.4730,0.6887,-0.1756),
+ tol=1e-4)
+test_that("distsampOpen hazard keyfun works", {
+ set.seed(123)
+ y <- simData(lambda=4, gamma=2, omega=0.5, sigma=25, scale=1,
+ M=30, T=3,type="line", keyfun="hazard")$y
+ umf <- unmarkedFrameDSO(y = y, numPrimary=3,
+ siteCovs=data.frame(x1=rnorm(30)),
+ dist.breaks = c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100), survey="line",
+ unitsIn="m",tlength=rep(1, 30))
+ fm <- distsampOpen(~1, ~1, ~1, ~x1, data = umf, K=30,keyfun="hazard")
+ expect_equivalent(coef(fm), c(1.2671,0.6878,-1.715,4.0409,0.00578,-0.08012),
+ tol=1e-4)
+test_that("distsampOpen NB abundance model works",{
+ set.seed(123)
+ y <- simData(lambda=4, gamma=2, omega=0.5, sigma=25, M=30, T=3,type="line",
+ keyfun="exp")$y
+ umf <- unmarkedFrameDSO(y = y, numPrimary=3,
+ siteCovs=data.frame(x1=rnorm(30)),
+ dist.breaks = c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100), survey="line",
+ unitsIn="m",tlength=rep(1, 30))
+ fm <- distsampOpen(~1, ~1, ~1, ~x1, data = umf, K=10,keyfun="exp",
+ mixture="NB")
+ expect_equivalent(coef(fm), c(1.0517,0.5117,0.01159,3.34406,0.14606,8.23921), tol=1e-4)
+test_that("distsampOpen dynamics models work",{
+ set.seed(123)
+ y <- simData(lambda=4, gamma=2, omega=0.5, sigma=25, M=100, T=10,type="line",
+ keyfun="uniform")$y
+ umf <- unmarkedFrameDSO(y = y, numPrimary=10,
+ siteCovs=data.frame(x1=rnorm(100)),
+ dist.breaks = c(0, 25, 50, 75, 100), survey="line",
+ unitsIn="m",tlength=rep(1, 100))
+ fm <- distsampOpen(~1, ~1, ~1, data = umf, K=25,keyfun="unif",
+ dynamics="notrend")
+ expect_equivalent(coef(fm), c(1.4080889, -0.1006024), tol=1e-5)
+ fm <- distsampOpen(~1, ~1, ~1, data = umf, K=25, keyfun="unif",
+ dynamics="trend")
+ expect_equivalent(coef(fm), c(1.518695, -0.0143889), tol=1e-5)
+ fm <- distsampOpen(~1, ~1, ~1, data = umf, K=25, keyfun="unif",
+ dynamics="autoreg")
+ expect_equivalent(coef(fm), c(1.518686, -0.018026, -5.628779), tol=1e-5)
+ #Sketchy estimates
+ #Maybe just because data were simulated using a different process?
+ #Leaving these in for now just to make sure they run without errors
+ expect_warning(fm <- distsampOpen(~1, ~1, ~1, data = umf, K=25, keyfun="unif",
+ dynamics="gompertz"))
+ expect_warning(fm <- distsampOpen(~1, ~1, ~1, data = umf, K=25, keyfun="unif",
+ dynamics="ricker"))