path: root/man/occuCOP.Rd
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+\title{Fit the occupancy model using count dta}
+ psiformula = ~1, lambdaformula = ~1,
+ psistarts, lambdastarts, starts,
+ method = "BFGS", se = TRUE,
+ engine = c("C", "R"), na.rm = TRUE,
+ return.negloglik = NULL, L1 = FALSE, ...)}
+ \item{data}{An \code{\link{unmarkedFrameOccuCOP}} object created with the \code{\link{unmarkedFrameOccuCOP}} function.}
+ \item{psiformula}{Formula describing the occupancy covariates.}
+ \item{lambdaformula}{Formula describing the detection covariates.}
+ \item{psistarts}{Vector of starting values for likelihood maximisation with \code{\link{optim}} for occupancy probability \eqn{\psi}{psi}. These values must be logit-transformed (with \code{\link{qlogis}}) (see details). By default, optimisation will start at 0, corresponding to an occupancy probability of 0.5 (\code{plogis(0)} is 0.5).}
+ \item{lambdastarts}{Vector of starting values for likelihood maximisation with \code{\link{optim}} for detection rate \eqn{\lambda}{lambda}. These values must be log-transformed (with \code{\link{log}}) (see details). By default, optimisation will start at 0, corresponding to detection rate of 1 (\code{exp(0)} is 1).}
+ \item{starts}{Vector of starting values for likelihood maximisation with \code{\link{optim}}. If \code{psistarts} and \code{lambdastarts} are provided, \code{starts = c(psistarts, lambdastarts)}.}
+ \item{method}{Optimisation method used by \code{\link{optim}}.}
+ \item{se}{Logical specifying whether to compute (\code{se=TRUE}) standard errors or not (\code{se=FALSE}).}
+ \item{engine}{Code to use for optimisation. Either \code{"C"} for fast C++ code, or \code{"R"} for native R code.}
+ \item{na.rm}{Logical specifying whether to fit the model (\code{na.rm=TRUE}) or not (\code{na.rm=FALSE}) if there are NAs in the \code{\link{unmarkedFrameOccuCOP}} object.}
+ \item{return.negloglik}{A list of vectors of parameters (\code{c(psiparams, lambdaparams)}). If specified, the function will not maximise likelihood but return the negative log-likelihood for the those parameters in the \code{nll} column of a dataframe. See an example below.}
+ \item{L1}{Logical specifying whether the length of observations (\code{L}) are purposefully set to 1 (\code{L1=TRUE}) or not (\code{L1=FALSE}).}
+ \item{\dots}{Additional arguments to pass to \code{\link{optim}}, such as lower and upper bounds or a list of control parameters.}
+ }
+\description{This function fits a single season occupancy model using count data.}
+ See \code{\link{unmarkedFrameOccuCOP}} for a description of how to supply data to the \code{data} argument. See \code{\link{unmarkedFrame}} for a more general documentation of \code{unmarkedFrame} objects for the different models implemented in \pkg{unmarked}.
+ \subsection{The COP occupancy model}{
+ \code{occuCOP} fits a single season occupancy model using count data, as described in Pautrel et al. (2023).
+ The \strong{occupancy sub-model} is:
+ \deqn{z_i \sim \text{Bernoulli}(\psi_i)}{z_i ~ Bernoulli(psi_i)}
+ \itemize{
+ \item With \eqn{z_i}{z_i} the occupany state of site \eqn{i}{i}. \eqn{z_i=1}{z_i = 1} if site \eqn{i}{i} is occupied by the species, \emph{i.e.} if the species is present in site \eqn{i}{i}. \eqn{z_i=0}{z_i = 0} if site \eqn{i}{i} is not occupied.
+ \item With \eqn{\psi_i}{psi_i} the occupancy probability of site \eqn{i}{i}.
+ }
+ The \strong{observation sub-model} is:
+ \deqn{
+ N_{ij} | z_i = 1 \sim \text{Poisson}(\lambda_{ij} L_{ij}) \\
+ N_{ij} | z_i = 0 \sim 0
+ }{
+ N_ij | z_i = 1 ~ Poisson(lambda_is*L_is)
+ N_ij | z_i = 0 ~ 0
+ }
+ \itemize{
+ \item With \eqn{N_{ij}}{N_ij} the count of detection events in site \eqn{i}{i} during observation \eqn{j}{j}.
+ \item With \eqn{\lambda_{ij}}{lambda_ij} the detection rate in site \eqn{i}{i} during observation \eqn{j}{j} (\emph{for example, 1 detection per day.}).
+ \item With \eqn{L_{ij}}{L_ij} the length of observation \eqn{j}{j} in site \eqn{i}{i} (\emph{for example, 7 days.}).
+ }
+ What we call "observation" (\eqn{j}{j}) here can be a sampling occasion, a transect, a discretised session. Consequently, the unit of \eqn{\lambda_{ij}}{lambda_ij} and \eqn{L_{ij}}{L_ij} can be either a time-unit (day, hour, ...) or a space-unit (kilometer, meter, ...).
+ }
+ \subsection{The transformation of parameters \eqn{\psi} and \eqn{\lambda}}{
+ In order to perform unconstrained optimisation, parameters are transformed.
+ The occupancy probability (\eqn{\psi}) is transformed with the logit function (\code{psi_transformed = qlogis(psi)}). It can be back-transformed with the "inverse logit" function (\code{psi = plogis(psi_transformed)}).
+ The detection rate (\eqn{\lambda}) is transformed with the log function (\code{lambda_transformed = log(lambda)}). It can be back-transformed with the exponential function (\code{lambda = exp(lambda_transformed)}).
+ }
+\value{\code{unmarkedFitOccuCOP} object describing the model fit. See the \code{\linkS4class{unmarkedFit}} classes.}
+Pautrel, L., Moulherat, S., Gimenez, O. & Etienne, M.-P. Submitted. \emph{Analysing biodiversity observation data collected in continuous time: Should we use discrete or continuous-time occupancy models?} Preprint at \href{https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.11.17.567350}{https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.11.17.567350}.
+\author{Léa Pautrel}
+ \code{\link{unmarked}},
+ \code{\link{unmarkedFrameOccuCOP}},
+ \code{\link{unmarkedFit-class}}
+options(max.print = 50)
+# We simulate data in 100 sites with 3 observations of 7 days per site.
+nSites <- 100
+nObs <- 3
+# For an occupancy covariate, we associate each site to a land-use category.
+landuse <- sample(factor(c("Forest", "Grassland", "City"), ordered = TRUE),
+ size = nSites, replace = TRUE)
+simul_psi <- ifelse(landuse == "Forest", 0.8,
+ ifelse(landuse == "Grassland", 0.4, 0.1))
+z <- rbinom(n = nSites, size = 1, prob = simul_psi)
+# For a detection covariate, we create a fake wind variable.
+wind <- matrix(rexp(n = nSites * nObs), nrow = nSites, ncol = nObs)
+simul_lambda <- wind / 5
+L = matrix(7, nrow = nSites, ncol = nObs)
+# We now simulate count detection data
+y <- matrix(rpois(n = nSites * nObs, lambda = simul_lambda * L),
+ nrow = nSites, ncol = nObs) * z
+# We create our unmarkedFrameOccuCOP object
+umf <- unmarkedFrameOccuCOP(
+ y = y,
+ L = L,
+ siteCovs = data.frame("landuse" = landuse),
+ obsCovs = list("wind" = wind)
+# We fit our model without covariates
+fitNull <- occuCOP(data = umf)
+# We fit our model with covariates
+fitCov <- occuCOP(data = umf, psiformula = ~ landuse, lambdaformula = ~ wind)
+# We back-transform the parameter's estimates
+## Back-transformed occupancy probability with no covariates
+backTransform(fitNull, "psi")
+## Back-transformed occupancy probability depending on habitat use
+ "psi",
+ newdata = data.frame("landuse" = c("Forest", "Grassland", "City")),
+ appendData = TRUE)
+## Back-transformed detection rate with no covariates
+backTransform(fitNull, "lambda")
+## Back-transformed detection rate depending on wind
+ "lambda",
+ appendData = TRUE)
+## This is not easily readable. We can show the results in a clearer way, by:
+## - adding the site and observation
+## - printing only the wind covariate used to get the predicted lambda
+ data.frame(
+ "site" = rep(1:nSites, each = nObs),
+ "observation" = rep(1:nObs, times = nSites),
+ "wind" = getData(fitCov)@obsCovs
+ ),
+ predict(fitCov, "lambda", appendData = FALSE)
+# We can choose the initial parameters when fitting our model.
+# For psi, intituively, the initial value can be the proportion of sites
+# in which we have observations.
+(psi_init <- mean(rowSums(y) > 0))
+# For lambda, the initial value can be the mean count of detection events
+# in sites in which there was at least one observation.
+(lambda_init <- mean(y[rowSums(y) > 0, ]))
+# We have to transform them.
+ data = umf,
+ psiformula = ~ 1,
+ lambdaformula = ~ 1,
+ psistarts = qlogis(psi_init),
+ lambdastarts = log(lambda_init)
+# If we have covariates, we need to have the right length for the start vectors.
+# psi ~ landuse --> 3 param to estimate: Intercept, landuseForest, landuseGrassland
+# lambda ~ wind --> 2 param to estimate: Intercept, wind
+ data = umf,
+ psiformula = ~ landuse,
+ lambdaformula = ~ wind,
+ psistarts = rep(qlogis(psi_init), 3),
+ lambdastarts = rep(log(lambda_init), 2)
+# And with covariates, we could have chosen better initial values, such as the
+# proportion of sites in which we have observations per land-use category.
+(psi_init_covs <- c(
+ "City" = mean(rowSums(y[landuse == "City", ]) > 0),
+ "Forest" = mean(rowSums(y[landuse == "Forest", ]) > 0),
+ "Grassland" = mean(rowSums(y[landuse == "Grassland", ]) > 0)
+ data = umf,
+ psiformula = ~ landuse,
+ lambdaformula = ~ wind,
+ psistarts = qlogis(psi_init_covs))
+# We can fit our model with a different optimisation algorithm.
+occuCOP(data = umf, method = "Nelder-Mead")
+# We can run our model with a C++ or with a R likelihood function.
+## They give the same result.
+occuCOP(data = umf, engine = "C", psistarts = 0, lambdastarts = 0)
+occuCOP(data = umf, engine = "R", psistarts = 0, lambdastarts = 0)
+## The C++ (the default) is faster.
+system.time(occuCOP(data = umf, engine = "C", psistarts = 0, lambdastarts = 0))
+system.time(occuCOP(data = umf, engine = "R", psistarts = 0, lambdastarts = 0))
+## However, if you want to understand how the likelihood is calculated,
+## you can easily access the R likelihood function.
+print(occuCOP(data = umf, engine = "R", psistarts = 0, lambdastarts = 0)@nllFun)
+# Finally, if you do not want to fit your model but only get the likelihood,
+# you can get the negative log-likelihood for a given set of parameters.
+occuCOP(data = umf, return.negloglik = list(
+ c("psi" = qlogis(0.25), "lambda" = log(2)),
+ c("psi" = qlogis(0.5), "lambda" = log(1)),
+ c("psi" = qlogis(0.75), "lambda" = log(0.5))