path: root/inst/unitTests/sim.gmultmix.R
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'inst/unitTests/sim.gmultmix.R')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 375 deletions
diff --git a/inst/unitTests/sim.gmultmix.R b/inst/unitTests/sim.gmultmix.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bb5ccf..0000000
--- a/inst/unitTests/sim.gmultmix.R
+++ /dev/null
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-# -------------------------- Null Poisson removal model ------------------
-n <- 50 # number of sites
-T <- 4 # number of primary periods
-J <- 3 # number of secondary periods
-lam <- 3
-phi <- 0.5
-p <- 0.3
-y <- array(NA, c(n, T, J))
-M <- rpois(n, lam) # Local population size
-N <- matrix(NA, n, T) # Individuals availabe for detection
-for(i in 1:n) {
- N[i,] <- rbinom(T, M[i], phi)
- y[i,,1] <- rbinom(T, N[i,], p)
- Nleft1 <- N[i,] - y[i,,1]
- y[i,,2] <- rbinom(T, Nleft1, p)
- Nleft2 <- Nleft1 - y[i,,2]
- y[i,,3] <- rbinom(T, Nleft2, p)
- }
-y.ijt <- cbind(y[,1,], y[,2,], y[,3,], y[,4,])
-umf1 <- unmarkedFrameGMM(y=y.ijt, numPrimary=T, type="removal")
-system.time(m1 <- gmultmix(~1, ~1, ~1, data=umf1)) #2.3
-# Test 1
-checkEqualsNumeric(coef(m1), c(1.3923561, -0.3183231, -0.7864098),
- tolerance=1e-5)
-(pb1 <- parboot(m1, nsim=50, report=5))
-# -------------------------- Null NegBin removal model -------------------
-n <- 50 # number of sites
-T <- 4 # number of primary periods
-J <- 3 # number of secondary periods
-lam <- 3
-phi <- 0.5
-p <- 0.3
-alpha <- 2
-y <- array(NA, c(n, T, J))
-M <- rnbinom(n, mu=lam, size=alpha) # Local population size
-N <- matrix(NA, n, T) # Individuals availabe for detection
-for(i in 1:n) {
- N[i,] <- rbinom(T, M[i], phi)
- y[i,,1] <- rbinom(T, N[i,], p)
- Nleft1 <- N[i,] - y[i,,1]
- y[i,,2] <- rbinom(T, Nleft1, p)
- Nleft2 <- Nleft1 - y[i,,2]
- y[i,,3] <- rbinom(T, Nleft2, p)
- }
-y.ijt <- cbind(y[,1,], y[,2,], y[,3,], y[,4,])
-umf2 <- unmarkedFrameGMM(y=y.ijt, numPrimary=T, type="removal")
-system.time(m2 <- gmultmix(~1, ~1, ~1, data=umf2, mixture="NB")) #2.3
-backTransform(m2, type="alpha")
-# Test
-checkEqualsNumeric(coef(m2), c(1.118504, 1.414340, -1.394736, 1.056084),
- tol=1e-5)
-(pb2 <- parboot(m2, nsim=50, report=5))
-# --------------------- Poisson removal model w/ covariates --------------
-n <- 50 # number of sites
-T <- 4 # number of primary periods
-J <- 3 # number of secondary periods
-sc <- rnorm(n)
-ysc <- rnorm(n*T)
-ysc <- matrix(ysc, n, T)
-yr <- factor(rep(1:T, n))
-oc <- rnorm(n*J*T)
-oc <- array(oc, c(n, J, T))
-int <- matrix(1:(T*J), nrow=n, ncol=T*J, byrow=TRUE)
-pi <- array(NA, c(n, J, T))
-lam <- exp(-1 + 1*sc)
-phi <- plogis(2 + -2*ysc)
-p <- plogis(1 + -1*oc)
-y <- array(NA, c(n,J,T))
-M <- rpois(n, lam)
-N <- matrix(NA, n, T)
-for(i in 1:n) {
- N[i,] <- rbinom(T, M[i], phi[i,])
- y[i,1,] <- rbinom(T, N[i,], p[i,1,])
- Nleft1 <- N[i,] - y[i,1,]
- y[i,2,] <- rbinom(T, Nleft1, p[i,2,])
- Nleft2 <- Nleft1 - y[i,2,]
- y[i,3,] <- rbinom(T, Nleft2, p[i,3,])
- }
-umf3 <- unmarkedFrameGMM(y=matrix(y, nrow=n),
- siteCovs = data.frame(sc=sc),
- obsCovs=list(oc=matrix(oc, nrow=n), int=int),
- yearlySiteCovs=data.frame(ysc=as.numeric(t(ysc)), yr=yr),
- numPrimary=T, type="removal")
-(m3 <- gmultmix(~sc, ~ysc, ~oc, umf3))
-#system.time(m3 <- gmultmix(~sc, ~ysc, ~oc, umf3)) # 4.8
-# Test
-checkEqualsNumeric(coef(m3), c(-1.2513974, 1.3585940, 2.2889517, -2.1197854,
- 1.0450782, -0.8627125), tol=1e-5)
-(pb3 <- parboot(m3, nsim=50, report=5))
-umf4 <- unmarkedFrameGMM(y=matrix(y, nrow=n),
- siteCovs = data.frame(sc=sc),
- obsCovs=list(oc=matrix(oc, nrow=n), int=int),
- yearlySiteCovs=list(ysc=ysc),
- numPrimary=T, type="removal")
-# ------------------------- independent double observer ------------------
-sim.doub <- function(nSites=200, nReps=2, lambda=1, phi=0.6,
- pA=0.8, pB=0.6, alpha=0.5)
- N <- matrix(NA, nSites, nReps)
- y <- array(NA, c(nSites, 3, nReps))
- # Abundance at each site (quadrat)
- M <- rnbinom(nSites, size=alpha, mu=lambda)
- # Number available during each rep (pass)
- for(i in 1:nSites) {
- N[i,] <- rbinom(nReps, M[i], phi)
- }
- # Number observed
- for(i in 1:nSites) {
- for(t in 1:nReps) {
- cp <- c(pA * (1 - pB), pB * (1 - pA), pA * pB)
- cp[4] <- 1 - sum(cp)
- y[i,,t] <- c(rmultinom(1, N[i,t], cp)[1:3])
- }
- }
- return(matrix(y, nSites))
-# Fit the model
-y.sim <- sim.doub()
-T <- ncol(y.sim) / 3
-observer <- matrix(c("A", "B"), 200, T*2, byrow=TRUE)
-umf <- unmarkedFrameGMM(y = y.sim,
- obsCovs = list(observer=observer),
- numPrimary=2, type="double")
-m4 <- gmultmix(~1, ~1, ~observer, umf, mixture="NB")
-checkEqualsNumeric(coef(m4), c(-0.06998556, 0.77150482, 1.31340048,
- -0.94099309, -1.14215950), tol=1e-5)
-backTransform(m4, type="lambda") # Average abundance per site
-backTransform(m4, type="phi") # Availability
-backTransform(linearComb(m4, c(1,0), type="det")) # obsA detection prob
-backTransform(linearComb(m4, c(1,1), type="det")) # obsB detection prob
-backTransform(m4, type="alpha") # Over-dispersion
-# Total pop size
-coef(backTransform(m4, type="lambda")) * nrow(y.sim)
-pb4 <- parboot(m4, nsim=5, report=1)
-nsim <- 500
-simout <- matrix(NA, nsim, 5)
-colnames(simout) <- c("lambda", "phi", "pA", "pB", "alpha")
-for(i in 1:nsim) {
- cat("sim", i, "\n"); flush.console()
- y.sim <- sim.doub()
- T <- ncol(y.sim)/3
- observer <- matrix(c("A", "B"), nrow(y.sim), T*2, byrow=TRUE)
- umf <- unmarkedFrameGMM(y = y.sim, obsCovs=list(observer=observer),
- type="double", numPrimary=T)
- m.sim4 <- gmultmix(~1, ~1, ~observer, umf, mixture="NB")
- e <- coef(m.sim4)
- simout[i,] <- c(exp(e[1]), plogis(e[2:3]), plogis(sum(e[3:4])), exp(e[5]))
- }
-hist(simout[,1]); abline(v=1, col=4)
-hist(simout[,2]); abline(v=0.6, col=4)
-hist(simout[,3]); abline(v=0.8, col=4)
-hist(simout[,4]); abline(v=0.6, col=4)
-hist(simout[,5]); abline(v=0.5, col=4)
-# ------------------------- dependent double observer ------------------
-sim.dep.double <- function(nSites=200, numPrimary=2, lambda=1, phi=0.6,
- pA=0.8, pB=0.6, obsmat, alpha=0.5)
- if(numPrimary==1 & phi<1) {
- phi <- 1
- warning("phi has been set to 1 because it can't be estimated when numPrimary=1")
- }
- N <- matrix(NA, nSites, numPrimary)
- y <- array(NA, c(nSites, 2, numPrimary))
- # Abundance at each site
- M <- rnbinom(nSites, size=alpha, mu=lambda)
- # Number available during each rep
- for(i in 1:nSites) {
- N[i,] <- rbinom(numPrimary, M[i], phi)
- }
- if(!all(names(table(obsmat)) == c("A", "B")))
- stop("This function assumes that 'obsmat' is a matrix of A's and B's")
- obsmat <- array(obsmat, c(nSites, 2, numPrimary))
- # Number observed
- for(i in 1:nSites) {
- for(t in 1:numPrimary) {
- if(obsmat[i,1,t]=="A") {
- cp <- c(pA, pB * (1 - pA))
- cp[3] <- 1 - sum(cp)
- }
- if(obsmat[i,1,t]=="B") {
- cp <- c(pB, pA * (1 - pB))
- cp[3] <- 1 - sum(cp)
- }
- y[i,,t] <- c(rmultinom(1, N[i,t], cp)[1:2])
- }
- }
- return(matrix(y, nSites))
-# piFun
-depDoubPiFun <- function(p) {
- M <- nrow(p)
- pi <- matrix(NA, M, 2)
- pi[,1] <- p[,1]
- pi[,2] <- p[,2]*(1-p[,1])
- return(pi)
-obsToY <- matrix(1, 2, 2)
-numPrimary <- 2
-obsToY <- kronecker(diag(numPrimary), obsToY)
-# Fit the model
-nSites <- 200
-T <- 1
-observer <- matrix(c("A", "B", "B", "A"), nSites, T*2, byrow=TRUE)
-y.sim <- sim.dep.double(nSites=nSites, numPrimary=T, lambda=3,
- pA=0.8, pB=0.6, obsmat=observer)
-obsToY <- matrix(1, 2, 2)
-obsToY <- kronecker(diag(T), obsToY)
-umf <- unmarkedFrameGMM(y = y.sim,
- obsCovs = list(observer=observer),
- numPrimary=T, obsToY=obsToY, piFun="depDoubPiFun")
-m5 <- gmultmix(~1, ~1, ~observer-1, umf, mixture="NB")
-m6 <- gmultmix(~1, ~1, ~1, umf, mixture="NB")
-(pAhat <- plogis(coef(m5, type="det")[1]))
-(pBhat <- plogis(coef(m5, type="det")[2]))
-1 - (1-pAhat)*(1-pBhat)
-plogis(coef(m6, type="det"))
-# export data for DOBSERV
-dataout <- data.frame(obs1=ifelse(observer[,1]=="A", 1, 2),
- Species="MALL", y.sim)
-write.csv(dataout, "C:/R/dobserv/simdata.csv", row.names=FALSE)
-nsim <- 50
-simout <- matrix(NA, nsim, 4)
-colnames(simout) <- c("lambda", "phi", "pA", "pB")
-for(i in 1:nsim) {
- cat("sim", i, "\n")
- T <- 5
- observer <- matrix(c("A", "B", "B", "A"), nSites, T*2, byrow=TRUE)
- y.sim <- sim.dep.double(nSites=200, alpha=1000, numPrimary=T,
- obsmat=observer)
- obsToY <- matrix(1, 2, 2)
- obsToY <- kronecker(diag(T), obsToY)
- umf <- unmarkedFrameGMM(y = y.sim, obsCovs=list(observer=observer),
- numPrimary=T, obsToY=obsToY, piFun="depDoubPiFun")
- m.sim5 <- gmultmix(~1, ~1, ~observer-1, umf, mixture="P", se=FALSE)
- e <- coef(m.sim5)
- simout[i,] <- c(exp(e[1]), plogis(e[2:4]))
- cat(" mle =", simout[i,], "\n")
- }
-par(mfrow=c(2,2), mai=c(0.8,0.8,0.2,0.2))
-hist(simout[,1]); abline(v=1, col=4, lwd=2)
-hist(simout[,2]); abline(v=0.6, col=4, lwd=2)
-hist(simout[,3]); abline(v=0.8, col=4, lwd=2)
-hist(simout[,4]); abline(v=0.6, col=4, lwd=2)