diff options
5 files changed, 455 insertions, 1 deletions
index b658bba..e102c4e 100644
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ Collate: 'classes.R' 'unmarkedEstimate.R' 'mapInfo.R' 'unmarkedFrame.R'
+ 'goccu.R'
index 7273ce1..d02dbc4 100644
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ importFrom(pbapply, pbsapply, pblapply)
export(occu, occuFP, occuRN, pcount, pcountOpen, multinomPois, distsamp,
colext, gmultmix, gdistsamp, gpcount, occuPEN, occuPEN_CV, occuMulti,
occuMS, computeMPLElambda, pcount.spHDS, occuTTD, distsampOpen,
- multmixOpen, nmixTTD, gdistremoval)
+ multmixOpen, nmixTTD, gdistremoval, goccu)
export(removalPiFun, doublePiFun)
export(makeRemPiFun, makeCrPiFun, makeCrPiFunMb, makeCrPiFunMh)
diff --git a/R/goccu.R b/R/goccu.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d1c0c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/goccu.R
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+ representation(
+ formlist = "list"),
+ contains = "unmarkedFit")
+setClass("unmarkedFrameGOccu", contains = "unmarkedFrameG3")
+setMethod("getDesign", "unmarkedFrameGOccu",
+ function(umf, formula, na.rm=TRUE){
+ out <- methods::callNextMethod(umf, formula=formula, na.rm=na.rm)
+ names(out)[2] <- "Xpsi"
+ names(out)[5] <- "Xpsi.offset"
+ out
+goccu <- function(psiformula, phiformula, pformula, data,
+ linkPsi = c("logit", "cloglog"), starts, method = "BFGS",
+ se = TRUE, ...){
+ linkPsi <- match.arg(linkPsi, c("logit","cloglog"))
+ psiLinkFunc <- ifelse(linkPsi=="cloglog", cloglog, plogis)
+ psiInvLink <- ifelse(linkPsi=="cloglog", "cloglog", "logistic")
+ psiLinkGrad <- ifelse(linkPsi=="cloglog", "cloglog.grad", "logistic.grad")
+ # Pass phiformula as gamma/eps formula so it will be applied to
+ # yearlySiteCovs in getDesign
+ formlist <- list(psiformula=psiformula, phi=phiformula,
+ pformula=pformula)
+ formula <- as.formula(paste(unlist(formlist), collapse=" "))
+ data@y[data@y > 1] <- 1
+ class(data) <- "unmarkedFrameGOccu"
+ # handle offsets
+ gd <- getDesign(data, formula = formula)
+ y <- gd$y
+ Xpsi <- gd$Xpsi
+ Xphi <- gd$Xphi
+ Xp <- gd$Xdet
+ M <- nrow(y)
+ T <- data@numPrimary
+ J <- ncol(y) / T
+ # Identify entirely missing primary periods at each site
+ y_array <- array(t(y), c(J, T, M))
+ missing_session <- t(apply(y_array, c(2,3),
+ function(x) as.numeric(all(is.na(x)))))
+ # Create possible states in each T
+ alpha_potential <- as.matrix(expand.grid(rep(list(c(0, 1)), T)))
+ n_possible <- nrow(alpha_potential)
+ # Known present at each site
+ known_present <- rep(0, M)
+ # Known available at each site and T
+ known_available <- matrix(0, nrow=M, ncol=T)
+ for (i in 1:M){
+ for (t in 1:T){
+ for (j in 1:J){
+ if(y_array[j, t, i] == 1){
+ known_present[i] <- 1
+ known_available[i,t] <- 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Bundle data for TMB
+ dataList <- list(y=y, T=T, link=ifelse(linkPsi=='cloglog', 1, 0),
+ Xpsi=Xpsi, Xphi=Xphi, Xp=Xp,
+ n_possible=n_possible,
+ alpha_potential=alpha_potential,
+ known_present=known_present, known_available=known_available,
+ missing_session=missing_session)
+ # Provide dimensions and starting values for parameters
+ # This part should change to be more like occu() if we add random effects
+ psi_ind <- 1:ncol(Xpsi)
+ phi_ind <- 1:ncol(Xphi) + max(psi_ind)
+ p_ind <- 1:ncol(Xp) + max(phi_ind)
+ nP <- max(p_ind)
+ params <- list(beta_psi = rep(0, length(psi_ind)),
+ beta_phi = rep(0, length(phi_ind)),
+ beta_p = rep(0, length(p_ind)))
+ # Create TMB object
+ tmb_mod <- TMB::MakeADFun(data = c(model = "tmb_goccu", dataList),
+ parameters = params,
+ DLL = "unmarked_TMBExports", silent = TRUE)
+ # Optimize TMB object, print and save results
+ if(missing(starts)) starts <- tmb_mod$par
+ opt <- optim(starts, fn = tmb_mod$fn, gr = tmb_mod$gr, method = method,
+ hessian = se, ...)
+ covMat <- invertHessian(opt, nP, se)
+ ests <- opt$par
+ names(ests) <- c(colnames(Xpsi), colnames(Xphi), colnames(Xp))
+ fmAIC <- 2 * opt$value + 2 * nP
+ psi_est <- unmarkedEstimate(name = "Occupancy", short.name = "psi",
+ estimates = ests[psi_ind],
+ covMat = covMat[psi_ind, psi_ind, drop=FALSE],
+ fixed = 1:ncol(Xpsi),
+ invlink = psiInvLink,
+ invlinkGrad = psiLinkGrad,
+ randomVarInfo=list()
+ )
+ phi_est <- unmarkedEstimate(name = "Availability", short.name = "phi",
+ estimates = ests[phi_ind],
+ covMat = covMat[phi_ind, phi_ind, drop=FALSE],
+ fixed = 1:ncol(Xphi),
+ invlink = "logistic",
+ invlinkGrad = "logistic.grad",
+ randomVarInfo=list()
+ )
+ p_est <- unmarkedEstimate(name = "Detection", short.name = "p",
+ estimates = ests[p_ind],
+ covMat = covMat[p_ind, p_ind, drop=FALSE],
+ fixed = 1:ncol(Xp),
+ invlink = "logistic",
+ invlinkGrad = "logistic.grad",
+ randomVarInfo=list()
+ )
+ estimate_list <- unmarkedEstimateList(list(psi=psi_est, phi=phi_est,
+ det=p_est))
+ # Create unmarkedFit object--------------------------------------------------
+ umfit <- new("unmarkedFitGOccu", fitType = "goccu", call = match.call(),
+ formula = formula, formlist=formlist, data = data,
+ sitesRemoved = gd$removed.sites,
+ estimates = estimate_list, AIC = fmAIC, opt = opt,
+ negLogLike = opt$value,
+ nllFun = tmb_mod$fn, TMB=tmb_mod)
+ return(umfit)
+# Methods
+setMethod("predict_inputs_from_umf", "unmarkedFitGOccu",
+ function(object, type, newdata, na.rm, re.form=NA){
+ designMats <- getDesign(newdata, object@formula, na.rm=na.rm)
+ X_idx <- switch(type, psi="Xpsi", phi="Xphi", det="Xdet")
+ off_idx <- paste0(X_idx, ".offset")
+ list(X=designMats[[X_idx]], offset=NULL)
+setMethod("get_formula", "unmarkedFitGOccu", function(object, type, ...){
+ fl <- object@formlist
+ switch(type, psi=fl$psiformula, phi=fl$phiformula, det=fl$pformula)
+setMethod("get_orig_data", "unmarkedFitGOccu", function(object, type, ...){
+ clean_covs <- clean_up_covs(object@data, drop_final=FALSE)
+ datatype <- switch(type, psi='site_covs', phi='yearly_site_covs',
+ det='obs_covs')
+ clean_covs[[datatype]]
+setMethod("getP", "unmarkedFitGOccu",
+ function(object){
+ p <- predict(object, "det", level=NULL)$Predicted
+ p <- matrix(p, nrow=numSites(object@data), ncol=obsNum(object@data),
+ byrow=TRUE)
+ p
+setMethod("fitted", "unmarkedFitGOccu",
+ function(object, na.rm= FALSE){
+ M <- numSites(object@data)
+ JT <- obsNum(object@data)
+ psi <- predict(object, "psi", level=NULL)$Predicted
+ psi <- matrix(psi, nrow=M, ncol=JT)
+ phi <- predict(object, "phi", level=NULL)$Predicted
+ phi <- rep(phi, each = JT / object@data@numPrimary)
+ phi <- matrix(phi, nrow=M, ncol=JT, byrow=TRUE)
+ p <- getP(object)
+ psi * phi * p
+# based on ranef for GPC
+setMethod("ranef", "unmarkedFitGOccu", function(object, ...){
+ M <- numSites(object@data)
+ JT <- obsNum(object@data)
+ T <- object@data@numPrimary
+ J <- JT / T
+ gd <- getDesign(object@data, object@formula)
+ y_array <- array(t(gd$y), c(J, T, M))
+ psi <- predict(object, "psi", level=NULL)$Predicted
+ phi <- predict(object, "phi", level=NULL)$Predicted
+ phi <- matrix(phi, nrow=M, ncol=T, byrow=TRUE)
+ p <- getP(object)
+ p_array <- array(t(p), c(J, T, M))
+ Z <- ZZ <- 0:1
+ post <- array(0, c(M, 2, 1))
+ colnames(post) <- Z
+ for(i in 1:M) {
+ f <- dbinom(Z, 1, psi[i])
+ ghi <- rep(0, 2)
+ for(t in 1:T) {
+ gh <- matrix(-Inf, 2, 2)
+ for(z in Z) {
+ if(z < max(y_array[,,i], na.rm=TRUE)){
+ gh[,z+1] <- -Inf
+ next
+ }
+ if(is.na(phi[i,t])) {
+ g <- rep(0, 2)
+ g[ZZ>z] <- -Inf
+ } else{
+ g <- dbinom(ZZ, z, phi[i,t], log=TRUE)
+ }
+ h <- rep(0, 2)
+ for(j in 1:J) {
+ if(is.na(y_array[j,t,i]) | is.na(p_array[j,t,i])) next
+ h <- h + dbinom(y_array[j,t,i], ZZ, p_array[j,t,i], log=TRUE)
+ }
+ gh[,z+1] <- g + h
+ }
+ ghi <- ghi + log(colSums(exp(gh)))
+ }
+ fgh <- exp(f + ghi)
+ prM <- fgh/sum(fgh)
+ post[i,,1] <- prM
+ }
+ new("unmarkedRanef", post=post)
+setMethod("simulate", "unmarkedFitGOccu",
+ function(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, na.rm = TRUE){
+ M <- numSites(object@data)
+ JT <- obsNum(object@data)
+ T <- object@data@numPrimary
+ J <- JT / T
+ gd <- unmarked:::getDesign(object@data, object@formula)
+ y_array <- array(t(gd$y), c(J, T, M))
+ psi <- predict(object, "psi", level=NULL)$Predicted
+ phi <- predict(object, "phi", level=NULL)$Predicted
+ phi <- matrix(phi, nrow=M, ncol=T, byrow=TRUE)
+ p <- getP(object)
+ sim_list <- list()
+ for (i in 1:nsim){
+ z <- rbinom(M, 1, psi)
+ z <- matrix(z, nrow=M, ncol=T)
+ zz <- rbinom(M*T, 1, phi*z)
+ zz <- matrix(zz, M, T)
+ colrep <- rep(1:T, each=J)
+ zz <- zz[,colrep]
+ y <- rbinom(M*T*J, 1, zz*p)
+ y <- matrix(y, M, JT)
+ if(na.rm) y[which(is.na(object@data@y))] <- NA
+ sim_list[[i]] <- y
+ }
+ return(sim_list)
+setMethod("update", "unmarkedFitGOccu",
+ function(object, psiformula, phiformula, pformula, ...,
+ evaluate = TRUE)
+ call <- object@call
+ if (is.null(call))
+ stop("need an object with call slot")
+ formlist <- object@formlist
+ if (!missing(psiformula))
+ call$psiformula <- update.formula(formlist$psiformula, psiformula)
+ if (!missing(phiformula))
+ call$phiformula <- update.formula(formlist$phiformula, phiformula)
+ if (!missing(pformula))
+ call$pformula <- update.formula(formlist$pformula, pformula)
+ extras <- match.call(call=sys.call(-1),
+ expand.dots = FALSE)$...
+ if(length(extras) > 0) {
+ existing <- !is.na(match(names(extras), names(call)))
+ for (a in names(extras)[existing]) call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
+ if (any(!existing)) {
+ call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
+ call <- as.call(call)
+ }
+ }
+ if (evaluate)
+ eval(call, parent.frame(2))
+ else call
diff --git a/src/TMB/tmb_goccu.hpp b/src/TMB/tmb_goccu.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7788ad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TMB/tmb_goccu.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#define TMB_OBJECTIVE_PTR obj
+// Adapted from Stan code by Maxwell B. Joseph,
+// https://discourse.mc-stan.org/t/divergent-transition-every-iteration-multi-scale-occupancy-model/13739/5
+// name of function below **MUST** match filename
+template<class Type>
+Type tmb_goccu(objective_function<Type>* obj) {
+ //Describe input data
+ DATA_MATRIX(y); //observations
+ DATA_INTEGER(n_possible);
+ DATA_MATRIX(alpha_potential);
+ DATA_VECTOR(known_present);
+ DATA_MATRIX(known_available);
+ DATA_MATRIX(missing_session);
+ vector<Type> psi = Xpsi * beta_psi;
+ vector<Type> phi = Xphi * beta_phi;
+ vector<Type> p = Xp * beta_p;
+ if(link == 1){
+ //psi = cloglog(psi);
+ } else {
+ psi = invlogit(psi);
+ }
+ phi = invlogit(phi);
+ p = invlogit(p);
+ Type loglik = 0.0;
+ int M = y.rows();
+ int J = y.cols() / T;
+ Type obs_lp;
+ Type poss_lp;
+ Type exp_poss_lp;
+ int ystart;
+ vector<Type> ysite;
+ vector<Type> psite;
+ vector<Type> ysub;
+ vector<Type> psub;
+ int tstart;
+ int pstart;
+ for (int i=0; i<M; i++){
+ tstart = i*T;
+ pstart = i*(T*J);
+ ysite = y.row(i);
+ psite = p.segment(pstart, T*J);
+ if(known_present(i) == 1){
+ for (int t=0; t<T; t++){
+ if(missing_session(i, t) == 1) continue;
+ ystart = t*J;
+ psub = psite.segment(ystart, J);
+ ysub = ysite.segment(ystart, J);
+ obs_lp = log(phi(tstart+t));
+ for (int j=0; j<J; j++){
+ if(R_IsNA(asDouble(ysub(j)))) continue;
+ obs_lp += dbinom(ysub(j), Type(1), psub(j), true);
+ }
+ if(known_available(i, t) == 1){
+ loglik += obs_lp;
+ } else {
+ loglik += log(exp(obs_lp) + exp(log(1-phi(tstart+t))));
+ }
+ }
+ loglik += log(psi(i));
+ } else {
+ exp_poss_lp = 0.0;
+ for (int k=0; k<n_possible; k++){
+ poss_lp = log(psi(i));
+ for (int t=0; t<T; t++){
+ if(missing_session(i, t) == 1) continue;
+ ystart = t*J;
+ psub = psite.segment(ystart, J);
+ ysub = ysite.segment(ystart, J);
+ if(alpha_potential(k, t) == 0){
+ poss_lp += log(1 - phi(tstart+t));
+ } else {
+ poss_lp += log(phi(tstart+t));
+ for (int j=0; j<J; j++){
+ if(R_IsNA(asDouble(ysub(j)))) continue;
+ poss_lp += dbinom(ysub(j), Type(1), psub(j), true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ exp_poss_lp += exp(poss_lp);
+ }
+ exp_poss_lp += exp(log(1-psi(i)));
+ loglik += log(exp_poss_lp);
+ }
+ }
+ return -loglik;
+#define TMB_OBJECTIVE_PTR this
diff --git a/src/TMB/unmarked_TMBExports.cpp b/src/TMB/unmarked_TMBExports.cpp
index 5c1bfea..6aa57de 100644
--- a/src/TMB/unmarked_TMBExports.cpp
+++ b/src/TMB/unmarked_TMBExports.cpp
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "tmb_multinomPois.hpp"
#include "tmb_distsamp.hpp"
#include "tmb_gdistremoval.hpp"
+#include "tmb_goccu.hpp"
template<class Type>
Type objective_function<Type>::operator() () {
@@ -23,6 +24,8 @@ Type objective_function<Type>::operator() () {
return tmb_distsamp(this);
} else if(model == "tmb_gdistremoval"){
return tmb_gdistremoval(this);
+ } else if(model == "tmb_goccu"){
+ return tmb_goccu(this);
} else {
error("Unknown model.");