diff options
authorKen Kellner <ken@kenkellner.com>2024-01-20 09:31:36 -0500
committerKen Kellner <ken@kenkellner.com>2024-01-20 09:31:36 -0500
commitc80c1a2ccfce129f6070713c55ca5a0eb5211255 (patch)
parent62ec0f1e8d7338f9f3919d8d9d5ddb82c730babf (diff)
Update umf brackets
11 files changed, 516 insertions, 606 deletions
index 352015a..f4073e6 100644
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ License: GPL (>=3)
LazyLoad: yes
LazyData: yes
Collate: 'classes.R' 'unmarkedEstimate.R' 'mapInfo.R' 'unmarkedFrame.R'
+ 'brackets.R'
'unmarkedFit.R' 'utils.R' 'getDesign.R' 'colext.R' 'distsamp.R'
'multinomPois.R' 'occu.R' 'occuRN.R' 'occuMulti.R' 'pcount.R' 'gmultmix.R'
'pcountOpen.R' 'gdistsamp.R' 'unmarkedFitList.R' 'unmarkedLinComb.R'
diff --git a/R/brackets.R b/R/brackets.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03d8f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/brackets.R
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+# i is the vector of sites to extract
+# Select a subset of sites i---------------------------------------------------
+# i is a numeric vector of sites
+setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrame", "numeric", "missing", "missing"),
+ function(x, i, j){
+ select_sites_internal(x, i)
+setGeneric("select_sites_internal", function(x, i){
+ standardGeneric("select_sites_internal")
+setMethod("select_sites_internal", "unmarkedFrame",
+ function(x, i){
+ M <- numSites(x)
+ if(length(i) == 0) return(x)
+ if(any(i < 0) && any(i > 0))
+ stop("i must be all positive or all negative indices.")
+ if(all(i < 0)) { # if i is negative, then convert to positive
+ i <- (1:M)[i]
+ }
+ y <- getY(x)[i,]
+ if (length(i) == 1) {
+ y <- t(y)
+ }
+ siteCovs <- siteCovs(x)
+ obsCovs <- obsCovs(x)
+ if (!is.null(siteCovs)) {
+ siteCovs <- siteCovs(x)[i, , drop = FALSE]
+ }
+ if (!is.null(obsCovs)) {
+ R <- obsNum(x)
+ .site <- rep(1:M, each = R)
+ oc <- lapply(i, function(ind){
+ obsCovs[.site==ind,,drop=FALSE]
+ })
+ obsCovs <- do.call(rbind, oc)
+ }
+ umf <- x
+ umf@y <- y
+ umf@siteCovs <- siteCovs
+ umf@obsCovs <- obsCovs
+ umf
+setMethod("select_sites_internal", "unmarkedFrameOccuMulti",
+ function(x, i)
+ if(length(i) == 0) return(x)
+ M <- numSites(x)
+ ylist <- lapply(x@ylist,function(x) x[i,,drop=F])
+ siteCovs <- siteCovs(x)
+ obsCovs <- obsCovs(x)
+ if (!is.null(siteCovs)) {
+ siteCovs <- siteCovs(x)[i, , drop = FALSE]
+ }
+ if (!is.null(obsCovs)) {
+ R <- obsNum(x)
+ .site <- rep(1:M, each = R)
+ oc <- lapply(i, function(ind){
+ obsCovs[.site==ind,,drop=FALSE]
+ })
+ obsCovs <- do.call(rbind, oc)
+ }
+ umf <- x
+ umf@y <- ylist[[1]]
+ umf@ylist <- ylist
+ umf@siteCovs <- siteCovs
+ umf@obsCovs <- obsCovs
+ umf
+setMethod("select_sites_internal", "unmarkedMultFrame",
+ function(x, i)
+ M <- numSites(x)
+ if(length(i) == 0) return(x)
+ if(any(i < 0) && any(i > 0))
+ stop("i must be all positive or all negative indices.")
+ if(all(i < 0)) { # if i is negative, then convert to positive
+ i <- (1:M)[i]
+ }
+ oldy <- getY(x)
+ y <- oldy[i,]
+ siteCovs <- siteCovs(x)
+ obsCovs <- obsCovs(x)
+ if (!is.null(siteCovs)) {
+ siteCovs <- siteCovs(x)[i, , drop = FALSE]
+ }
+ if (!is.null(obsCovs)) {
+ R <- obsNum(x)
+ .site <- rep(1:M, each = obsNum(x)) #NULL ## testing
+ oc <- lapply(i, function(ind){
+ obsCovs[.site==ind,,drop=FALSE]
+ })
+ obsCovs <- do.call(rbind, oc)
+ }
+ u <- unmarkedMultFrame(y=matrix(y, ncol=ncol(oldy)),
+ siteCovs=siteCovs,
+ obsCovs=obsCovs,
+ numPrimary=x@numPrimary)
+ ysc <- x@yearlySiteCovs
+ if(!is.null(ysc)) {
+ T <- x@numPrimary
+ sites <- rep(1:M, each=T)
+ keep <- as.vector(sapply(i, function(x) which(sites %in% x)))
+ ysc <- ysc[keep,, drop=FALSE]
+ u@yearlySiteCovs <- ysc
+ }
+ u
+setMethod("select_sites_internal", "unmarkedFrameOccuMS",
+ function(x, i)
+ multf <- callNextMethod(x, i)
+ unmarkedFrameOccuMS(y=getY(multf), siteCovs=siteCovs(multf),
+ yearlySiteCovs=yearlySiteCovs(multf),
+ obsCovs=obsCovs(multf),
+ numPrimary=x@numPrimary)
+setMethod("select_sites_internal", "unmarkedFrameGMM",
+ function(x, i)
+ M <- nrow(x@y)
+ y <- x@y[i,,drop=FALSE]
+ R <- obsNum(x)
+ T <- x@numPrimary
+ sc <- siteCovs(x)[i,,drop=FALSE]
+ ysc_ind <- rep(1:M, each=T)
+ ysc <- do.call("rbind", lapply(i, function(ind){
+ yearlySiteCovs(x)[ysc_ind == ind,,drop=FALSE]
+ }))
+ oc_ind <- rep(1:M, each=R)
+ oc <- do.call("rbind", lapply(i, function(ind){
+ obsCovs(x)[oc_ind == ind,,drop=FALSE]
+ }))
+ unmarkedFrameGMM(y=y, siteCovs=sc,
+ yearlySiteCovs=ysc,
+ obsCovs=oc,
+ piFun=x@piFun, type=x@samplingMethod,
+ obsToY=x@obsToY, numPrimary=x@numPrimary)
+setMethod("select_sites_internal", "unmarkedFrameGPC",
+ function(x, i)
+ multf <- callNextMethod(x, i) # unmarkedMultFrame
+ class(multf) <- "unmarkedFrameGPC"
+ multf
+setMethod("select_sites_internal", "unmarkedFrameGPC",
+ function(x, i)
+ multf <- as(x, "unmarkedMultFrame")
+ out <- callNextMethod(multf, i) # unmarkedMultFrame
+ as(out, "unmarkedFrameGPC")
+setMethod("select_sites_internal", "unmarkedFrameGDS",
+ function(x, i)
+ multf <- callNextMethod(x, i) # unmarkedMultFrame
+ sur <- x@survey
+ if(sur=="line")
+ unmarkedFrameGDS(y=getY(multf), siteCovs=siteCovs(multf),
+ yearlySiteCovs=yearlySiteCovs(multf),
+ numPrimary=x@numPrimary,
+ dist.breaks=x@dist.breaks,
+ tlength=x@tlength[i],
+ survey=sur,
+ unitsIn=x@unitsIn)
+ else if(sur=="point")
+ unmarkedFrameGDS(y=getY(multf), siteCovs=siteCovs(multf),
+ yearlySiteCovs=yearlySiteCovs(multf),
+ numPrimary=x@numPrimary,
+ dist.breaks=x@dist.breaks,
+ survey=sur,
+ unitsIn=x@unitsIn)
+setMethod("select_sites_internal", "unmarkedFramePCO",
+ function(x, i)
+ multf <- callNextMethod(x, i) # unmarkedMultFrame
+ unmarkedFramePCO(y=getY(multf), siteCovs=siteCovs(multf),
+ yearlySiteCovs=yearlySiteCovs(multf),
+ obsCovs=obsCovs(multf),
+ numPrimary=x@numPrimary,
+ primaryPeriod=x@primaryPeriod[i,,drop=FALSE])
+setMethod("select_sites_internal", "unmarkedFrameOccuTTD",
+ function(x, i)
+ multf <- callNextMethod(x, i) # unmarkedMultFrame
+ unmarkedFrameOccuTTD(y=getY(multf), siteCovs=siteCovs(multf),
+ yearlySiteCovs=yearlySiteCovs(multf),
+ obsCovs=obsCovs(multf),
+ numPrimary=x@numPrimary,
+ surveyLength=x@surveyLength[i,,drop=FALSE])
+setMethod("select_sites_internal", "unmarkedFrameDSO",
+ function(x, i)
+ multf <- callNextMethod(x, i) # unmarkedMultFrame
+ sur <- x@survey
+ pp <- x@primaryPeriod[i,,drop=FALSE]
+ if(sur=="line")
+ unmarkedFrameDSO(y=getY(multf), siteCovs=siteCovs(multf),
+ yearlySiteCovs=yearlySiteCovs(multf),
+ numPrimary=x@numPrimary,
+ dist.breaks=x@dist.breaks,
+ tlength=x@tlength[i],
+ survey=sur,
+ unitsIn=x@unitsIn,
+ primaryPeriod=pp)
+ else if(sur=="point")
+ unmarkedFrameDSO(y=getY(multf), siteCovs=siteCovs(multf),
+ yearlySiteCovs=yearlySiteCovs(multf),
+ numPrimary=x@numPrimary,
+ dist.breaks=x@dist.breaks,
+ survey=sur,
+ unitsIn=x@unitsIn,
+ primaryPeriod=pp)
+# Select a subset of observations j -------------------------------------------
+# j is a numeric vector
+### RBC: Why??? this doesn't allow umf[,c(1,1)]
+setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrame", "missing", "numeric", "missing"),
+ function(x, i, j){
+ select_obs_internal(x, j)
+setGeneric("select_obs_internal", function(x, j){
+ standardGeneric("select_obs_internal")
+setMethod("select_obs_internal", "unmarkedFrame",
+ function(x, j)
+ y <- getY(x)
+ obsCovs <- obsCovs(x)
+ obsToY <- obsToY(x)
+ obs.remove <- rep(TRUE, obsNum(x))
+ obs.remove[j] <- FALSE
+ y.remove <- t(obs.remove) %*% obsToY > 0
+ y <- y[,!y.remove, drop=FALSE]
+ obsCovs <- obsCovs[!rep(obs.remove, numSites(x)),, drop=FALSE]
+ x@obsCovs <- obsCovs
+ x@y <- y
+ x@obsToY <- obsToY[!obs.remove,!y.remove, drop=FALSE]
+ x
+setMethod("select_obs_internal", "unmarkedFrameOccuMulti",
+ function(x, j)
+ y <- getY(x)
+ obsCovs <- obsCovs(x)
+ obsToY <- obsToY(x)
+ obs.remove <- rep(TRUE, obsNum(x))
+ obs.remove[j] <- FALSE
+ y.remove <- t(obs.remove) %*% obsToY > 0
+ ylist <- lapply(x@ylist, function(z) z[,!y.remove, drop=F])
+ obsCovs <- obsCovs[!rep(obs.remove, numSites(x)),, drop=FALSE]
+ x@obsCovs <- obsCovs
+ x@y <- ylist[[1]]
+ x@ylist <- ylist
+ x@obsToY <- obsToY[!obs.remove,!y.remove, drop=FALSE]
+ x
+## for multframes, must remove years at a time
+setMethod("select_obs_internal", "unmarkedMultFrame",
+ function(x, j)
+ J <- obsNum(x)/x@numPrimary
+ obs <- rep(1:x@numPrimary, each = J)
+ years <- 1:x@numPrimary
+ numPrimary <- length(j)
+ obsj <- match(obs, j)
+ j2 <- which(!is.na(obsj))
+ u <- callNextMethod(x, j2)
+ ysc <- yearlySiteCovs(x)
+ if(!is.null(ysc)) {
+ ysc <- ysc[rep(!is.na(match(years, j)), nrow(getY(x))),, drop=FALSE]
+ u@yearlySiteCovs <- ysc
+ }
+ u@numPrimary <- numPrimary
+ return(u)
+setMethod("select_obs_internal", "unmarkedFramePCO",
+ function(x, j)
+ multf <- callNextMethod(x, j) # unmarkedMultFrame
+ unmarkedFramePCO(y=getY(multf), siteCovs=siteCovs(multf),
+ yearlySiteCovs=yearlySiteCovs(multf),
+ obsCovs=obsCovs(multf),
+ numPrimary=length(j),
+ primaryPeriod=x@primaryPeriod[,j,drop=FALSE])
+setMethod("select_obs_internal", "unmarkedFrameOccuTTD",
+ function(x, j)
+ if(any(j>x@numPrimary)) stop("Can't select primary periods that don't exist", call.=FALSE)
+ if(!all(j>0)) stop("All indices must be positive", call.=FALSE)
+ R <- ncol(getY(x))/x@numPrimary
+ pp_vec <- rep(1:x@numPrimary, each=R)
+ keep_cols <- which(pp_vec%in%j)
+ y <- getY(x)[,keep_cols,drop=FALSE]
+ sl <- x@surveyLength[,keep_cols,drop=FALSE]
+ pp_vec2 <- rep(1:x@numPrimary, numSites(x))
+ keep_rows <- which(pp_vec2 %in% j)
+ ysc <- yearlySiteCovs(x)[keep_rows,,drop=FALSE]
+ obs_vec <- rep(rep(1:x@numPrimary, each = R), numSites(x))
+ keep_rows <- which(obs_vec %in% j)
+ oc <- obsCovs(x)[keep_rows,,drop=FALSE]
+ unmarkedFrameOccuTTD(y=y, surveyLength=sl, siteCovs=siteCovs(x),
+ yearlySiteCovs=ysc, obsCovs=oc,
+ numPrimary=length(j))
+# Select a subset of both sites i and observations j --------------------------
+# i and j are numeric vectors
+# many unmarkedFrames do not support this, I think
+# i is as before and j is the obsNum to remove and corresponding y's
+setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrame","numeric", "numeric", "missing"),
+ function(x, i, j)
+ ## first remove sites
+ umf <- x[i,]
+ umf <- umf[,j]
+ umf
+# Select a subset of sites as a list-------------------------------------------
+### list is a ragged array of indices (y's) to include for each site.
+### Typically useful for multilevel boostrapping.
+setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrame","list", "missing", "missing"),
+ function(x, i, j)
+ m <- numSites(x)
+ J <- R <- obsNum(x)
+ o2y <- obsToY(x)
+ if (!identical(o2y, diag(R)))
+ stop("Ragged subsetting of unmarkedFrames is only valid for diagonal obsToY.")
+ J <- ncol(o2y)
+ if (m != length(i)) stop("list length must be same as number of sites.")
+ siteCovs <- siteCovs(x)
+ y <- cbind(.site=1:m, getY(x))
+ obsCovs <- obsCovs(x)
+ site_idx <- rep(1:m, each=R)
+ stopifnot(length(site_idx) == nrow(obsCovs))
+ oc <- lapply(1:m, function(ind){
+ df <- obsCovs[site_idx==ind,,drop=FALSE]
+ obs <- i[[ind]]
+ if (length(obs) > R)
+ stop("All elements of list must be less than or equal to R.")
+ obs <- c(obs, rep(NA, R-length(obs)))
+ df[obs,,drop=FALSE]
+ })
+ obsCovs <- do.call(rbind, oc)
+ rownames(obsCovs) <- NULL
+ y <- apply(y, 1, function(row) {
+ site <- row[1]
+ row <- row[-1]
+ obs <- i[[site]]
+ obs <- c(obs, rep(NA, R-length(obs)))
+ row[obs]
+ })
+ if(!is.null(obsCovs(x))){
+ obsCovs(x) <- obsCovs
+ }
+ x@y <- t(y)
+ x
+# Select subset of sites using logical vector----------------------------------
+setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrame", "logical", "missing", "missing"),
+ function(x, i, j) {
+ i <- which(i)
+ x[i, ]
+# Get first few rows of an unmarkedFrame---------------------------------------
+setMethod("head", "unmarkedFrame", function(x, n) {
+ if(missing(n)) n <- 10
+ umf <- x[1:n,]
+ umf
diff --git a/R/gdistremoval.R b/R/gdistremoval.R
index d4b1b39..f230433 100644
--- a/R/gdistremoval.R
+++ b/R/gdistremoval.R
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ setAs("unmarkedFrameGDR", "data.frame", function(from){
data.frame(yDistance, yRemoval, out)
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrameGDR", "numeric", "missing", "missing"),
+setMethod("select_sites_internal", "unmarkedFrameGDR",
function(x, i) {
M <- numSites(x)
T <- x@numPrimary
@@ -119,14 +119,8 @@ setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrameGDR", "numeric", "missing", "missing"),
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrameGDR", "logical", "missing", "missing"),
- function(x, i) {
- i <- which(i)
- x[i, ]
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrameGDR", "missing", "numeric", "missing"),
- function(x, i, j){
+setMethod("select_obs_internal", "unmarkedFrameGDR",
+ function(x, j){
M <- numSites(x)
T <- x@numPrimary
diff --git a/R/occuCOP.R b/R/occuCOP.R
index d42ab07..432771a 100644
--- a/R/occuCOP.R
+++ b/R/occuCOP.R
@@ -248,86 +248,22 @@ setMethod("summary", "unmarkedFrameOccuCOP", function(object,...) {
-## umf[i, j] ----
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrameOccuCOP", "numeric", "numeric", "missing"),
- function(x, i, j) {
- # Gey dimensions of x
- M <- numSites(x)
- J <- obsNum(x)
- if (length(i) == 0 & length(j) == 0) {
- return(x)
- }
- # Check i
- if (any(i < 0) &&
- any(i > 0)) {
- stop("i must be all positive or all negative indices.")
- }
- if (all(i < 0)) {
- i <- (1:M)[i]
- }
- # Check j
- if (any(j < 0) &&
- any(j > 0)) {
- stop("j must be all positive or all negative indices.")
- }
- if (all(j < 0)) {
- j <- (1:J)[j]
- }
- # y observation count data subset
- y <- getY(x)[i, j, drop = FALSE]
- if (min(length(i), length(j)) == 1) {
- y <- t(y)
- }
- # L subset
- L <- x@L[i, j, drop = FALSE]
- if (min(length(i), length(j)) == 1) {
- L <- t(L)
- }
- # siteCovs subset
- siteCovs <- siteCovs(x)
- if (!is.null(siteCovs)) {
- siteCovs <- siteCovs(x)[i, , drop = FALSE]
- }
- # obsCovs subset
- obsCovs <- obsCovs(x)
- if (!is.null(obsCovs)) {
- MJ_site <- rep(1:M, each = J)
- MJ_obs <- rep(1:J, times = M)
- obsCovs <- obsCovs[((MJ_obs %in% j) & (MJ_site %in% i)), , drop = FALSE]
- rownames(obsCovs) <- NULL
- }
- # Recreate umf
- new(
- Class = "unmarkedFrameOccuCOP",
- y = y,
- L = L,
- siteCovs = siteCovs,
- obsCovs = obsCovs,
- obsToY = diag(length(j)),
- mapInfo = x@mapInfo
- )
- })
-## umf[i, ] ----
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrameOccuCOP", "numeric", "missing", "missing"),
- function(x, i) {
- x[i, 1:obsNum(x)]
- })
+## Bracket selectors ----
+setMethod("select_sites_internal", "unmarkedFrameOccuCOP",
+ function(x, i){
+ out <- callNextMethod(x, i)
+ L <- x@L[i,,drop=FALSE]
+ unmarkedFrameOccuCOP(y=getY(out), L = L, siteCovs=siteCovs(out),
+ obsCovs=obsCovs(out))
-## umf[, j] ----
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrameOccuCOP", "missing", "numeric", "missing"),
- function(x, j) {
- x[1:numSites(x), j]
- })
+setMethod("select_obs_internal", "unmarkedFrameOccuCOP",
+ function(x, j){
+ out <- callNextMethod(x, j)
+ L <- x@L[,j,drop=FALSE]
+ unmarkedFrameOccuCOP(y=getY(out), L = L, siteCovs=siteCovs(out),
+ obsCovs=obsCovs(out))
## fl_getY ----
diff --git a/R/unmarkedFrame.R b/R/unmarkedFrame.R
index c936bdf..48aad33 100644
--- a/R/unmarkedFrame.R
+++ b/R/unmarkedFrame.R
@@ -1118,417 +1118,6 @@ setMethod("hist", "unmarkedFrameDS", function(x, ...)
-################################# SELECTORS ##############################
-# i is the vector of sites to extract
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrame", "numeric", "missing", "missing"),
- function(x, i)
- M <- numSites(x)
- if(length(i) == 0) return(x)
- if(any(i < 0) && any(i > 0))
- stop("i must be all positive or all negative indices.")
- if(all(i < 0)) { # if i is negative, then convert to positive
- i <- (1:M)[i]
- }
- y <- getY(x)[i,]
- if (length(i) == 1) {
- y <- t(y)
- }
- siteCovs <- siteCovs(x)
- obsCovs <- obsCovs(x)
- if (!is.null(siteCovs)) {
- siteCovs <- siteCovs(x)[i, , drop = FALSE]
- }
- if (!is.null(obsCovs)) {
- R <- obsNum(x)
- .site <- rep(1:M, each = R)
- oc <- lapply(i, function(ind){
- obsCovs[.site==ind,,drop=FALSE]
- })
- obsCovs <- do.call(rbind, oc)
- }
- umf <- x
- umf@y <- y
- umf@siteCovs <- siteCovs
- umf@obsCovs <- obsCovs
- umf
-## remove obs only
-### RBC: Why??? this doesn't allow umf[,c(1,1)]
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrame", "missing", "numeric", "missing"),
- function(x, i, j)
- y <- getY(x)
- obsCovs <- obsCovs(x)
- obsToY <- obsToY(x)
- obs.remove <- rep(TRUE, obsNum(x))
- obs.remove[j] <- FALSE
- y.remove <- t(obs.remove) %*% obsToY > 0
- y <- y[,!y.remove, drop=FALSE]
- obsCovs <- obsCovs[!rep(obs.remove, numSites(x)),, drop=FALSE]
- x@obsCovs <- obsCovs
- x@y <- y
- x@obsToY <- obsToY[!obs.remove,!y.remove, drop=FALSE]
- x
-# i is as before and j is the obsNum to remove and corresponding y's
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrame","numeric", "numeric", "missing"),
- function(x, i, j)
- ## first remove sites
- umf <- x[i,]
- umf <- umf[,j]
- umf
-### list is a ragged array of indices (y's) to include for each site.
-### Typically useful for multilevel boostrapping.
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrame","list", "missing", "missing"),
- function(x, i, j)
- m <- numSites(x)
- J <- R <- obsNum(x)
- o2y <- obsToY(x)
- if (!identical(o2y, diag(R)))
- stop("Ragged subsetting of unmarkedFrames is only valid for diagonal obsToY.")
- J <- ncol(o2y)
- if (m != length(i)) stop("list length must be same as number of sites.")
- siteCovs <- siteCovs(x)
- y <- cbind(.site=1:m, getY(x))
- obsCovs <- obsCovs(x)
- site_idx <- rep(1:m, each=R)
- stopifnot(length(site_idx) == nrow(obsCovs))
- oc <- lapply(1:m, function(ind){
- df <- obsCovs[site_idx==ind,,drop=FALSE]
- obs <- i[[ind]]
- if (length(obs) > R)
- stop("All elements of list must be less than or equal to R.")
- obs <- c(obs, rep(NA, R-length(obs)))
- df[obs,,drop=FALSE]
- })
- obsCovs <- do.call(rbind, oc)
- rownames(obsCovs) <- NULL
- y <- apply(y, 1, function(row) {
- site <- row[1]
- row <- row[-1]
- obs <- i[[site]]
- obs <- c(obs, rep(NA, R-length(obs)))
- row[obs]
- })
- if(!is.null(obsCovs(x))){
- obsCovs(x) <- obsCovs
- }
- x@y <- t(y)
- x
-#[ Methods for multispecies occupancy frames
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrameOccuMulti", "numeric", "missing", "missing"),
- function(x, i)
- if(length(i) == 0) return(x)
- M <- numSites(x)
- ylist <- lapply(x@ylist,function(x) x[i,,drop=F])
- siteCovs <- siteCovs(x)
- obsCovs <- obsCovs(x)
- if (!is.null(siteCovs)) {
- siteCovs <- siteCovs(x)[i, , drop = FALSE]
- }
- if (!is.null(obsCovs)) {
- R <- obsNum(x)
- .site <- rep(1:M, each = R)
- oc <- lapply(i, function(ind){
- obsCovs[.site==ind,,drop=FALSE]
- })
- obsCovs <- do.call(rbind, oc)
- }
- umf <- x
- umf@y <- ylist[[1]]
- umf@ylist <- ylist
- umf@siteCovs <- siteCovs
- umf@obsCovs <- obsCovs
- umf
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrameOccuMulti", "missing", "numeric", "missing"),
- function(x, i, j)
- y <- getY(x)
- obsCovs <- obsCovs(x)
- obsToY <- obsToY(x)
- obs.remove <- rep(TRUE, obsNum(x))
- obs.remove[j] <- FALSE
- y.remove <- t(obs.remove) %*% obsToY > 0
- ylist <- lapply(x@ylist, function(z) z[,!y.remove, drop=F])
- obsCovs <- obsCovs[!rep(obs.remove, numSites(x)),, drop=FALSE]
- x@obsCovs <- obsCovs
- x@y <- ylist[[1]]
- x@ylist <- ylist
- x@obsToY <- obsToY[!obs.remove,!y.remove, drop=FALSE]
- x
-## for multframes, must remove years at a time
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedMultFrame", "missing", "numeric", "missing"),
- function(x, i, j)
- J <- obsNum(x)/x@numPrimary
- obs <- rep(1:x@numPrimary, each = J)
- years <- 1:x@numPrimary
- numPrimary <- length(j)
- obsj <- match(obs, j)
- j2 <- which(!is.na(obsj))
- u <- callNextMethod(x, i, j2)
- ysc <- yearlySiteCovs(x)
- if(!is.null(ysc)) {
- ysc <- ysc[rep(!is.na(match(years, j)), nrow(getY(x))),, drop=FALSE]
- u@yearlySiteCovs <- ysc
- }
- u@numPrimary <- numPrimary
- return(u)
-## for multframes, must remove years at a time
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedMultFrame", "numeric", "missing", "missing"),
- function(x, i, j)
- M <- numSites(x)
- if(length(i) == 0) return(x)
- if(any(i < 0) && any(i > 0))
- stop("i must be all positive or all negative indices.")
- if(all(i < 0)) { # if i is negative, then convert to positive
- i <- (1:M)[i]
- }
- oldy <- getY(x)
- y <- oldy[i,]
- siteCovs <- siteCovs(x)
- obsCovs <- obsCovs(x)
- if (!is.null(siteCovs)) {
- siteCovs <- siteCovs(x)[i, , drop = FALSE]
- }
- if (!is.null(obsCovs)) {
- R <- obsNum(x)
- .site <- rep(1:M, each = obsNum(x)) #NULL ## testing
- oc <- lapply(i, function(ind){
- obsCovs[.site==ind,,drop=FALSE]
- })
- obsCovs <- do.call(rbind, oc)
- }
- u <- unmarkedMultFrame(y=matrix(y, ncol=ncol(oldy)),
- siteCovs=siteCovs,
- obsCovs=obsCovs,
- numPrimary=x@numPrimary)
- ysc <- x@yearlySiteCovs
- if(!is.null(ysc)) {
- T <- x@numPrimary
- sites <- rep(1:M, each=T)
- keep <- as.vector(sapply(i, function(x) which(sites %in% x)))
- ysc <- ysc[keep,, drop=FALSE]
- u@yearlySiteCovs <- ysc
- }
- u
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrameOccuMS", "numeric", "missing", "missing"),
- function(x, i, j)
- multf <- callNextMethod(x, i, j)
- unmarkedFrameOccuMS(y=getY(multf), siteCovs=siteCovs(multf),
- yearlySiteCovs=yearlySiteCovs(multf),
- obsCovs=obsCovs(multf),
- numPrimary=x@numPrimary)
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrameGMM", "numeric", "missing", "missing"),
- function(x, i, j)
- M <- nrow(x@y)
- y <- x@y[i,,drop=FALSE]
- R <- obsNum(x)
- T <- x@numPrimary
- sc <- siteCovs(x)[i,,drop=FALSE]
- ysc_ind <- rep(1:M, each=T)
- ysc <- do.call("rbind", lapply(i, function(ind){
- yearlySiteCovs(x)[ysc_ind == ind,,drop=FALSE]
- }))
- oc_ind <- rep(1:M, each=R)
- oc <- do.call("rbind", lapply(i, function(ind){
- obsCovs(x)[oc_ind == ind,,drop=FALSE]
- }))
- unmarkedFrameGMM(y=y, siteCovs=sc,
- yearlySiteCovs=ysc,
- obsCovs=oc,
- piFun=x@piFun, type=x@samplingMethod,
- obsToY=x@obsToY, numPrimary=x@numPrimary)
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrameGPC", "numeric", "missing", "missing"),
- function(x, i, j)
- multf <- callNextMethod(x, i, j) # unmarkedMultFrame
- class(multf) <- "unmarkedFrameGPC"
- multf
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrameGPC", "missing", "numeric", "missing"),
- function(x, i, j)
- multf <- as(x, "unmarkedMultFrame")
- out <- callNextMethod(multf, i, j) # unmarkedMultFrame
- as(out, "unmarkedFrameGPC")
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrameGDS", "numeric", "missing", "missing"),
- function(x, i, j)
- multf <- callNextMethod(x, i, j) # unmarkedMultFrame
- sur <- x@survey
- if(sur=="line")
- unmarkedFrameGDS(y=getY(multf), siteCovs=siteCovs(multf),
- yearlySiteCovs=yearlySiteCovs(multf),
- numPrimary=x@numPrimary,
- dist.breaks=x@dist.breaks,
- tlength=x@tlength[i],
- survey=sur,
- unitsIn=x@unitsIn)
- else if(sur=="point")
- unmarkedFrameGDS(y=getY(multf), siteCovs=siteCovs(multf),
- yearlySiteCovs=yearlySiteCovs(multf),
- numPrimary=x@numPrimary,
- dist.breaks=x@dist.breaks,
- survey=sur,
- unitsIn=x@unitsIn)
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFramePCO", "numeric", "missing", "missing"),
- function(x, i, j)
- multf <- callNextMethod(x, i, j) # unmarkedMultFrame
- unmarkedFramePCO(y=getY(multf), siteCovs=siteCovs(multf),
- yearlySiteCovs=yearlySiteCovs(multf),
- obsCovs=obsCovs(multf),
- numPrimary=x@numPrimary,
- primaryPeriod=x@primaryPeriod[i,,drop=FALSE])
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFramePCO", "missing", "numeric", "missing"),
- function(x, i, j)
- multf <- callNextMethod(x, i, j) # unmarkedMultFrame
- unmarkedFramePCO(y=getY(multf), siteCovs=siteCovs(multf),
- yearlySiteCovs=yearlySiteCovs(multf),
- obsCovs=obsCovs(multf),
- numPrimary=length(j),
- primaryPeriod=x@primaryPeriod[,j,drop=FALSE])
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrameOccuTTD", "numeric", "missing", "missing"),
- function(x, i, j)
- multf <- callNextMethod(x, i, j) # unmarkedMultFrame
- unmarkedFrameOccuTTD(y=getY(multf), siteCovs=siteCovs(multf),
- yearlySiteCovs=yearlySiteCovs(multf),
- obsCovs=obsCovs(multf),
- numPrimary=x@numPrimary,
- surveyLength=x@surveyLength[i,,drop=FALSE])
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrameDSO", "numeric", "missing", "missing"),
- function(x, i, j)
- multf <- callNextMethod(x, i, j) # unmarkedMultFrame
- sur <- x@survey
- pp <- x@primaryPeriod[i,,drop=FALSE]
- if(sur=="line")
- unmarkedFrameDSO(y=getY(multf), siteCovs=siteCovs(multf),
- yearlySiteCovs=yearlySiteCovs(multf),
- numPrimary=x@numPrimary,
- dist.breaks=x@dist.breaks,
- tlength=x@tlength[i],
- survey=sur,
- unitsIn=x@unitsIn,
- primaryPeriod=pp)
- else if(sur=="point")
- unmarkedFrameDSO(y=getY(multf), siteCovs=siteCovs(multf),
- yearlySiteCovs=yearlySiteCovs(multf),
- numPrimary=x@numPrimary,
- dist.breaks=x@dist.breaks,
- survey=sur,
- unitsIn=x@unitsIn,
- primaryPeriod=pp)
-setMethod("[", c("unmarkedFrameOccuTTD", "missing", "numeric", "missing"),
- function(x, i, j)
- if(any(j>x@numPrimary)) stop("Can't select primary periods that don't exist", call.=FALSE)
- if(!all(j>0)) stop("All indices must be positive", call.=FALSE)
- R <- ncol(getY(x))/x@numPrimary
- pp_vec <- rep(1:x@numPrimary, each=R)
- keep_cols <- which(pp_vec%in%j)
- y <- getY(x)[,keep_cols,drop=FALSE]
- sl <- x@surveyLength[,keep_cols,drop=FALSE]
- pp_vec2 <- rep(1:x@numPrimary, numSites(x))
- keep_rows <- which(pp_vec2 %in% j)
- ysc <- yearlySiteCovs(x)[keep_rows,,drop=FALSE]
- obs_vec <- rep(rep(1:x@numPrimary, each = R), numSites(x))
- keep_rows <- which(obs_vec %in% j)
- oc <- obsCovs(x)[keep_rows,,drop=FALSE]
- unmarkedFrameOccuTTD(y=y, surveyLength=sl, siteCovs=siteCovs(x),
- yearlySiteCovs=ysc, obsCovs=oc,
- numPrimary=length(j))
-setMethod("head", "unmarkedFrame", function(x, n) {
- if(missing(n)) n <- 10
- umf <- x[1:n,]
- umf
############################### COERCION #################################
setAs("data.frame", "unmarkedFrame", function(from)
diff --git a/man/extract-methods.Rd b/man/extract-methods.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index a891b9d..0000000
--- a/man/extract-methods.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-\title{Methods for bracket extraction [ in Package `unmarked'}
-Methods for bracket extraction \code{[} in Package `unmarked'
-\S4method{[}{unmarkedEstimateList,ANY,ANY,ANY}(x, i, j, drop)
-\S4method{[}{unmarkedFit,ANY,ANY,ANY}(x, i, j, drop)
-\S4method{[}{unmarkedFrame,numeric,numeric,missing}(x, i, j)
-\S4method{[}{unmarkedFrame,list,missing,missing}(x, i, j)
-\S4method{[}{unmarkedMultFrame,missing,numeric,missing}(x, i, j)
-\S4method{[}{unmarkedMultFrame,numeric,missing,missing}(x, i, j)
-\S4method{[}{unmarkedFrameGMM,numeric,missing,missing}(x, i, j)
-\S4method{[}{unmarkedFrameGDS,numeric,missing,missing}(x, i, j)
-\S4method{[}{unmarkedFramePCO,numeric,missing,missing}(x, i, j)
- \item{x}{Object of appropriate S4 class}
- \item{i}{Row numbers}
- \item{j}{Observation numbers (eg occasions, distance classes, etc...)}
- \item{drop}{Not currently used}
- }
-\item{x = "unmarkedEstimateList", i = "ANY", j = "ANY", drop = "ANY"}{Extract a
- unmarkedEstimate object from an unmarkedEstimateList by name (either 'det'
- or 'state')}
-\item{x = "unmarkedFit", i = "ANY", j = "ANY", drop = "ANY"}{Extract a
- unmarkedEstimate object from an unmarkedFit by name (either 'det'
- or 'state')}
-\item{x = "unmarkedFrame", i = "missing", j = "numeric", drop = "missing"}{
- Extract observations from an unmarkedFrame.}
-\item{x = "unmarkedFrame", i = "numeric", j = "missing", drop = "missing"}{
- Extract rows from an unmarkedFrame }
-\item{x = "unmarkedFrame", i = "numeric", j = "numeric", drop = "missing"}{
- Extract rows and observations from an unmarkedFrame }
-\item{x = "unmarkedMultFrame", i = "missing", j = "numeric", drop = "missing"}{
- Extract primary sampling periods from an unmarkedMultFrame}
-\item{x = "unmarkedFrame", i = "list", j = "missing", drop = "missing"}{
- List is the index of observations to subset for each site. }
-\item{x = "unmarkedMultFrame", i = "numeric", j = "missing", drop = "missing"}{
- Extract rows (sites) from an unmarkedMultFrame}
-\item{x = "unmarkedGMM", i = "numeric", j = "missing", drop = "missing"}{
- Extract rows (sites) from an unmarkedFrameGMM object}
-\item{x = "unmarkedGDS", i = "numeric", j = "missing", drop = "missing"}{
- Extract rows (sites) from an unmarkedFrameGDS object}
-\item{x = "unmarkedPCO", i = "numeric", j = "missing", drop = "missing"}{
- Extract rows (sites) from an unmarkedFramePCO object}
-mallardUMF <- unmarkedFramePCount(mallard.y, siteCovs = mallard.site,
- obsCovs = mallard.obs)
-mallardUMF[1:5, 1:2]
diff --git a/man/unmarkedEstimateList-class.Rd b/man/unmarkedEstimateList-class.Rd
index 41f1778..3aa42b0 100644
--- a/man/unmarkedEstimateList-class.Rd
+++ b/man/unmarkedEstimateList-class.Rd
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
\title{Class "unmarkedEstimateList"}
\description{Class to hold multiple unmarkedEstimates in an
diff --git a/man/unmarkedFit-class.Rd b/man/unmarkedFit-class.Rd
index e9d1c01..5fa6528 100644
--- a/man/unmarkedFit-class.Rd
+++ b/man/unmarkedFit-class.Rd
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
\title{Class "unmarkedFit" }
\description{Contains fitted model information which can be manipulated or
diff --git a/man/unmarkedFrame-bracket-methods.Rd b/man/unmarkedFrame-bracket-methods.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bc9f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/unmarkedFrame-bracket-methods.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+\name{[-methods for unmarkedFrames}
+\title{Methods for bracket extraction [ of unmarkedFrames}
+ These methods extract subsets of sites, primary periods, or observations
+ from \code{unmarkedFrame} objects using numeric vectors of indices,
+ a list of indices, or a logical vector.
+\S4method{[}{unmarkedFrame,numeric,missing,missing}(x, i, j)
+\S4method{[}{unmarkedFrame,missing,numeric,missing}(x, i, j)
+\S4method{[}{unmarkedFrame,numeric,numeric,missing}(x, i, j)
+\S4method{[}{unmarkedFrame,list,missing,missing}(x, i, j)
+\S4method{[}{unmarkedFrame,logical,missing,missing}(x, i, j)
+ \item{x}{An object of class \code{unmarkedFrame}}
+ \item{i}{Sites to select}
+ \item{j}{Observation numbers (eg occasions, distance classes, etc.) to so select
+ for single-season models, and primary periods to select for multi-season and
+ temporary emigration models}
+ A new \code{unmarkedFrame} object of the class as the input.
+mallardUMF <- unmarkedFramePCount(mallard.y, siteCovs = mallard.site,
+ obsCovs = mallard.obs)
+mallardUMF[1:5, 1:2]
diff --git a/man/unmarkedFrame-class.Rd b/man/unmarkedFrame-class.Rd
index ab41506..ddcd347 100644
--- a/man/unmarkedFrame-class.Rd
+++ b/man/unmarkedFrame-class.Rd
@@ -58,18 +58,6 @@
\title{Class "unmarkedFrame" }
\description{Methods for manipulating, summarizing and viewing
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_occuCOP.R b/tests/testthat/test_occuCOP.R
index ca880bd..26c72f0 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test_occuCOP.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_occuCOP.R
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ test_that("unmarkedFrameOccuCOP is constructed correctly", {
# Create subsets
expect_no_error(umf_sub_i <- umf[1:3, ])
expect_no_error(umf_sub_j <- umf[, 1:2])
- expect_no_error(umf_sub_ij <- umf[1:3, 1:2])
+ expect_no_error(expect_warning(umf_sub_ij <- umf[1:3, 1:2]))
# unmarkedFrameOccuCOP organisation ----------------------------------------------
expect_true(inherits(umf, "unmarkedFrameOccuCOP"))
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ test_that("unmarkedFrameOccuCOP is constructed correctly", {
expect_output(print(umf_sub_i), "Data frame representation of unmarkedFrame object")
expect_output(print(umf[1,]), "Data frame representation of unmarkedFrame object")
expect_output(print(umf[,1]), "Data frame representation of unmarkedFrame object")
- expect_output(print(umf[1,1]), "Data frame representation of unmarkedFrame object")
+ expect_output(expect_warning(print(umf[1,1])), "Data frame representation of unmarkedFrame object")
# summary method for unmarkedFrameOccuCOP
expect_output(summary(umf), "unmarkedFrameOccuCOP Object")