diff options
authorKen Kellner <kenkellner@users.noreply.github.com>2023-03-07 13:22:29 -0500
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2023-03-07 13:22:29 -0500
commit8c17748fdea81f61be92a87fdb0a13963bc67e8e (patch)
parent8bf6bf43ca45808a5839e091534c6b4a4b494741 (diff)
parent304318512db5c6ad256324f2e506d4c90adba77e (diff)
Merge pull request #247 from kenkellner/plotMarginal
Add plotEffects function
7 files changed, 274 insertions, 4 deletions
index 5454b14..5a04732 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: unmarked
-Date: 2022-12-29
+Date: 2023-03-07
Type: Package
Title: Models for Data from Unmarked Animals
Authors@R: c(
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ Collate: 'classes.R' 'unmarkedEstimate.R' 'mapInfo.R' 'unmarkedFrame.R'
'unmarkedCrossVal.R' 'piFun.R' 'vif.R' 'makePiFun.R' 'posteriorSamples.R'
+ 'plotEffects.R'
index 448be4f..7273ce1 100644
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ importFrom(stats, confint, fitted, coef, vcov, predict, update, profile,
pnorm, qchisq, qnorm, quantile, rbinom,
reshape, rmultinom, rnbinom, rpois, runif, sd, uniroot,
update.formula, sigma)
-importFrom(graphics, plot, hist, abline)
+importFrom(graphics, plot, hist, abline, axis, lines, points, polygon, segments)
importFrom(utils, head, read.csv)
importFrom(grDevices, devAskNewPage, dev.interactive, palette.colors)
importFrom(MASS, mvrnorm)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ exportMethods(backTransform, coef, confint, coordinates, fitted, getData,
"siteCovs<-", summary, update, vcov, yearlySiteCovs,
"yearlySiteCovs<-", "[", smoothed, projected, nonparboot, logLik,
LRT, ranef, bup, crossVal, posteriorSamples, sigma, randomTerms,
- optimizePenalty, unmarkedPowerList)
+ optimizePenalty, unmarkedPowerList, plotEffectsData, plotEffects)
S3method("print", "unmarkedPostSamples")
diff --git a/R/plotEffects.R b/R/plotEffects.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c77f5aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/plotEffects.R
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#type_to_covs <- function(umf, type){
+# if(type %in% c("state","psi","lam","lambda","sigma","dist")){
+# return(methods::slot(umf, "siteCovs"))
+# } else if(type %in% c("det","rem","fp","b")){
+# return(methods::slot(umf, "obsCovs"))
+# } else if(type %in% c("phi","transition","col","ext","gamma","omega","iota")){
+# return(methods::slot(umf, "yearlySiteCovs"))
+# }
+# return(NULL)
+get_base_newdata <- function(object, type){
+ covs <- get_orig_data(object, type)
+ out <- lapply(covs, function(x){
+ if(is.numeric(x)){
+ return(median(x, na.rm=TRUE))
+ } else if(is.factor(x)){
+ return(factor(levels(x)[1], levels=levels(x)))
+ } else {
+ stop("Unknown column type")
+ }
+ })
+ as.data.frame(out)
+get_cov_seq <- function(covariate, object, type){
+ cov_values <- get_orig_data(object, type)[[covariate]]
+ if(is.numeric(cov_values)){
+ rng <- range(cov_values, na.rm=TRUE)
+ return(seq(rng[1], rng[2], length.out=100))
+ } else if(is.factor(cov_values)){
+ return(factor(levels(cov_values), levels=levels(cov_values)))
+ } else {
+ stop("Unknown covariate type")
+ }
+setGeneric("plotEffectsData", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("plotEffectsData"))
+setMethod("plotEffectsData", "unmarkedFit",
+ function(object, type, covariate, level=0.95, ...){
+ #umf <- umf_to_factor(object@data)
+ nd <- get_base_newdata(object, type)
+ if(! covariate %in% names(nd)){
+ stop("Covariate not in this submodel", call.=FALSE)
+ }
+ values <- get_cov_seq(covariate, object, type)
+ nd <- nd[rep(1, length(values)),,drop=FALSE]
+ nd[[covariate]] <- values
+ pr <- predict(object, type=type, newdata=nd, level=level, ...)
+ pr$covariate <- covariate
+ pr$covariateValue <- values
+ pr
+setGeneric("plotEffects", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("plotEffects"))
+setMethod("plotEffects", "unmarkedFit",
+ function(object, type, covariate, level=0.95, ...){
+ # Get data for plot
+ plot_data <- plotEffectsData(object, type, covariate, level, ...)
+ # Is covariate a factor?
+ is_factor <- is.factor(plot_data$covariateValue)
+ # If not a factor (i.e., numeric)
+ if(!is_factor){
+ # Setup basic plot structure
+ plot(plot_data$covariateValue, plot_data$Predicted, type='l',
+ xlab=covariate, ylab=paste("Predicted", tolower(object[type]@name)),
+ ylim=c(min(plot_data$lower, na.rm=T), max(plot_data$upper, na.rm=T)))
+ #Draw error ribbon
+ polygon(x=c(plot_data$covariateValue, rev(plot_data$covariateValue)),
+ y=c(plot_data$upper, rev(plot_data$lower)),
+ border=NA, col='gray90')
+ #Draw line on top of ribbon
+ lines(plot_data$covariateValue, plot_data$Predicted)
+ # If covariate is a factor
+ } else {
+ # Get number of unique factor levels (groups)
+ ngroup <- nrow(plot_data)
+ # Calculate width of error bar tips based on # of factor levels
+ bw <- ngroup/10
+ # Add basic plot of points
+ plot(1:ngroup, plot_data$Predicted,
+ xlab=covariate, ylab=paste("Predicted", tolower(object[type]@name)),
+ xlim=c(1-bw/2,ngroup+bw/2),
+ xaxt='n',
+ ylim=c(min(plot_data$lower, na.rm=T), max(plot_data$upper, na.rm=T)))
+ # Draw new x-axis with factor labels
+ axis(1, at=1:ngroup, labels=plot_data$covariateValue)
+ # Draw error bars
+ for (i in 1:ngroup){
+ segments(i, plot_data$lower[i], i, plot_data$upper[i])
+ segments(i-bw/2, plot_data$lower[i], i+bw/2, plot_data$lower[i])
+ segments(i-bw/2, plot_data$upper[i], i+bw/2, plot_data$upper[i])
+ }
+ #Draw points on top of bars
+ points(1:ngroup, plot_data$Predicted, pch=19)
+ }
diff --git a/man/plotEffects.Rd b/man/plotEffects.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d176d43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/plotEffects.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+\title{Plot marginal effects of covariates in unmarked models}
+\description{This function generates a plot visualizing the effects
+ of a single covariate on a parameter (e.g. occupancy, abundance) in an unmarked
+ model. If the covariate is numeric, the result is a line plot with an error
+ ribbon where the x-axis is the range of the covariate and the y-axis is the
+ predicted parameter value. If the covariate is an R factor (i.e., categorical),
+ the x-axis instead contains each unique value of the covariate.
+ All covariates in the model besides the one being plotted are held either at
+ their median value (if they are numeric) or at their reference level (if they
+ are factors).
+ Some types of unmarked models may require additional arguments, which are passed
+ to the matching \code{predict} method. For example, \code{unmarkedFitOccuMulti}
+ models require the \code{species} argument to be included in the function
+ call in order to work properly.
+ If you want to customize a plot, the easiest approach is to get data
+ formatted for plotting using \code{plotEffectsData}, and use that. If
+ you want to see and/or modify the code used by \code{plotEffects} to generate
+ the default plots, run \code{getMethod("plotEffects", "unmarkedFit")} in
+ the R console.
+\S4method{plotEffects}{unmarkedFit}(object, type, covariate, level=0.95, ...)
+\S4method{plotEffectsData}{unmarkedFit}(object, type, covariate, level=0.95, ...)
+ \item{object}{A fitted model inheriting class \code{unmarkedFit}}
+ \item{type}{Submodel in which the covariate of interest can be found, for
+ example \code{"state"} or \code{"det"}. This will depend on the fitted model}
+ \item{covariate}{The name of the covariate to be plotted, as a character string}
+ \item{level}{Confidence level for the error ribbons or bars}
+ \item{...}{Other arguments passed to the \code{predict} function, required
+ for some \code{unmarkedFit} types such as \code{unmarkedFitOccuMulti}}
+\value{A plot (\code{plotEffects} or a data frame (\code{plotEffectsData})
+ containing values to be used in a plot.
+\author{Ken Kellner \email{contact@kenkellner.com}}
+# Simulate data and build an unmarked frame
+dat_occ <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(500))
+dat_p <- data.frame(x2=rnorm(500*5))
+y <- matrix(NA, 500, 5)
+z <- rep(NA, 500)
+b <- c(0.4, -0.5, 0.3, 0.5)
+re_fac <- factor(sample(letters[1:5], 500, replace=T))
+dat_occ$group <- re_fac
+re <- rnorm(5, 0, 1.2)
+re_idx <- as.numeric(re_fac)
+idx <- 1
+for (i in 1:500){
+ z[i] <- rbinom(1,1, plogis(b[1] + b[2]*dat_occ$x1[i] + re[re_idx[i]]))
+ for (j in 1:5){
+ y[i,j] <- z[i]*rbinom(1,1,
+ plogis(b[3] + b[4]*dat_p$x2[idx]))
+ idx <- idx + 1
+ }
+umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y=y, siteCovs=dat_occ, obsCovs=dat_p)
+# Fit model
+(fm <- occu(~x2 ~x1 + group, umf))
+# Plot marginal effects of various covariates
+plotEffects(fm, "state", "x1")
+plotEffects(fm, "state", "group")
+plotEffects(fm, "det", "x2")
+# Get raw data used for a plot
+plotEffectsData(fm, "state", "group")
+# See code used by plotEffects so you can edit it yourself and customize the plot
+methods::getMethod("plotEffects", "unmarkedFit")
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_gdistremoval.R b/tests/testthat/test_gdistremoval.R
index 8f453a5..3e205fb 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test_gdistremoval.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_gdistremoval.R
@@ -343,6 +343,12 @@ test_that("gdistremoval can fit models",{
expect_is(fl, "unmarkedFitList")
ms <- modSel(fl)
expect_is(ms, "unmarkedModSel")
+ #plotEffects
+ pdf(NULL)
+ plotEffects(fit, 'lambda', "sc1")
+ plotEffects(fit, 'rem', 'oc1')
+ dev.off()
test_that("gdistremoval predict method works",{
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_occuTTD.R b/tests/testthat/test_occuTTD.R
index f152cde..0fb7d81 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test_occuTTD.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_occuTTD.R
@@ -382,6 +382,12 @@ test_that("occuTTD can fit a dynamic model",{
expect_equivalent(dim(s[[1]]), c(100,4))
r <- residuals(fit)
expect_equivalent(dim(r), c(100,4))
+ pdf(NULL)
+ plotEffects(fit, 'psi', 'elev')
+ plotEffects(fit, 'col', 'forest')
+ plotEffects(fit, 'det', 'wind')
+ plotEffects(fit, 'det', 'obs')
+ dev.off()
#Check ranef
r <- ranef(fit)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_plotEffects.R b/tests/testthat/test_plotEffects.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3aea3ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_plotEffects.R
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+dat_occ <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(500))
+dat_p <- data.frame(x2=rnorm(500*5))
+y <- matrix(NA, 500, 5)
+z <- rep(NA, 500)
+b <- c(0.4, -0.5, 0.3, 0.5)
+re_fac <- factor(sample(letters[1:5], 500, replace=T))
+dat_occ$group <- re_fac
+re <- rnorm(5, 0, 1.2)
+re_idx <- as.numeric(re_fac)
+idx <- 1
+for (i in 1:500){
+ z[i] <- rbinom(1,1, plogis(b[1] + b[2]*dat_occ$x1[i] + re[re_idx[i]]))
+ for (j in 1:5){
+ y[i,j] <- z[i]*rbinom(1,1,
+ plogis(b[3] + b[4]*dat_p$x2[idx]))
+ idx <- idx + 1
+ }
+umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y=y, siteCovs=dat_occ, obsCovs=dat_p)
+fm <- occu(~x2 ~x1 + group, umf)
+test_that("plotEffects works", {
+ pdf(NULL)
+ plotEffects(fm, "state", "x1")
+ plotEffects(fm, "state", "group")
+ plotEffects(fm, "det", "x2")
+ dev.off()
+ expect_error(plotEffects(fm, "state", "x2"))
+ dat <- plotEffectsData(fm, "state", "group")
+ expect_true(inherits(dat, "data.frame"))
+ expect_equal(nrow(dat), 5)