pyunmarkedA Python port of the R package unmarkedKen Kellner22 months
ubms-paperCode for case study from Kellner et al. (2021) paper on the ubms packageKen Kellner3 months
unmarked-paperCode for case study from Kellner et al. (2023) paper on the unmarked package Ken Kellner13 months
ubmsFit models to data from unmarked animals using StanKen Kellner4 months
unmarkedMy fork of the R package unmarkedKen Kellner7 weeks
IPMbookR package for the book "Integrated Population Modeling"Ken Kellner
AHMbookR package for the books "Applied Hierarchical Modeling in Ecology" Vols 1-2Ken Kellner
jagsUIR package to Run JAGS (Just Another Gibbs Sampler) analyses from within R Ken Kellner4 months
blogSimple static-site generator using Rmarkdown, Python, and GNU makeKen Kellner22 months
article-epubTool to convert scientific articles available as HTML to EPUBKen Kellner22 months
Unmarked.jlUnofficial Julia port of the R package unmarkedKen Kellner22 months