# jagsUI 1.6.2 * Fix broken tests on CRAN # jagsUI 1.6.1 * Extensive refactoring of internal code * Don't drop output dimensions when only one parameter saved * Summary method now returns the summary matrix * Add tests * Add vignette # jagsUI 1.5.2 * Remove View function due to problematic interactions with RStudio * Improvements to traceplot and densityplot * Make sure output is reproducible when parallel=FALSE * Minor bugfixes # jagsUI 1.5.1 * Fix issue when chains adapted for different numbers of iterations * Fix crash when DIC was requested but JAGS couldn't calculate it * Stop auto-converting 1 row/1 col matrices into vectors * Improve pp.check plotting function * Add some warnings about functions and arguments that will be deprecated soon # jagsUI 1.5.0 * Fix issues with NAs in parameters. * Fix missing arguments in autojags(). * Handle errors in output processing so that samples are not lost completely. * Make sure a specified random seed is used for initial value functions. * Fix error where summary stats were printed in the wrong order for some parameters. * Don't collapse 1 row/1col matrices into vectors automatically. # jagsUI 1.4.9 * Fix bug with DIC output introduced in 1.4.7. # jagsUI 1.4.8 * Minor changes to prep for CRAN submission. * Fix more issues with random seeds and problems with DIC. * Fix issue with setting seed affecting other random number generation. * Allow turning deviance/DIC monitoring on/off when updating an existing model. * Overhaul handling of adaptation; default to running a sequence of adapt() calls until JAGS reports adapation is adequate. Suggest minimum of 1000 adaptation iterations otherwise in man pages. * Change output of summary function. Add ability to control factories. # jagsUI 1.4.4 * Change default approach to generating random seeds. * Add S3 method for View() * Convert traceplot() to an S3 method from S4. * Fix to allow running in parallel when dependencies are in non-standard libraries. * Fix bug when updating jagsbasic class. # jagsUI 1.4.2 * Changes to NAMESPACE to get clean build check on R-devel. * Add ability to specify number of CPU cores to use when running in parallel. * Fix a problem where saving output for a single scalar parameter broke output processing. * Fix a problem where nonscalar estimated parameters with missing (i.e., non-estimated) values broke the display of summary stats. * Explicitly import functions from default packages to meet new standards for building with R-devel. * Change minimum required version of rjags to 3-13. # jagsUI 1.3.7 * Add verbose argument to functions to allow suppression of all text output in the console as the function runs. * Change method for closing connection to clusters when running in parallel to avoid closing unrelated connections. * Adjust output for jags.basic. * Fix problem with max.iter argument in autojags(). Clarify documentation and output for autojags(). * Add option save.all.iter in autojags() function to combine MCMC samples from all iterative updates into final posterior. * Fix issue with calculating stats that sometimes occurred with a constant posterior distribution. * Fix error where autojags did not handle NA rhat values properly. * Added more helpful warning when at least one rhat value = NA. # jagsUI 1.3.1 * Initial CRAN upload.