From 72ef68d04bbbd0b9d9450baf15d2a31afa4549e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ken Kellner Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2020 20:22:18 -0400 Subject: Add ubms vignette draft --- makefile | 2 +- src/ubms-vignette.Rmd | 593 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 594 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 src/ubms-vignette.Rmd diff --git a/makefile b/makefile index 8b07b1b..49f7a5d 100644 --- a/makefile +++ b/makefile @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ all: $(RMD_OUT) deploy: @rsync -r --progress --delete --update build/ \ - + squirrel:/var/www/ $(BUILD)/%.html: $(SRC)/%.Rmd $(SRC)/_navbar.yml $(SRC)/style.css Rscript build_Rmd.R $< $@ diff --git a/src/ubms-vignette.Rmd b/src/ubms-vignette.Rmd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c159c93 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ubms-vignette.Rmd @@ -0,0 +1,593 @@ +--- +title: 'Overview of ubms' +subtitle: 'Unmarked Bayesian Models with Stan' +author: Ken Kellner +date: 2020-09-07 +output: + html_document: + number_sections: true + toc: true + toc_float: true + css: style.css + highlight: pygments +bibliography: references.bib +link-citations: yes +csl: plos-one.csl +--- + +```{r, echo=FALSE} +knitr::opts_chunk$set(message=FALSE, warning=FALSE) +``` + +# Introduction + +## What is ubms? + +`ubms` is an R package for fitting models of wildlife occurrence and abundance to with datasets where animals are not individually marked. +It provides a nearly identical interface to the popular `unmarked` package [@Fiske_2011]. +Instead of using maximum likelihood to fit models (as with `unmarked`), +models are fit in a Bayesian framework using [Stan]( [@Carpenter_2017]. +It is generally expected that you are already familiar with `unmarked` when using `ubms`. +You can download `ubms`, report issues, or help with development on [Github]( + +## Why should you use it? + +There are several advantages to using `ubms` over `unmarked`. +First, it is possible to include random effects in `ubms` models, which is not currently possible in `unmarked`. +These are specified using the familiar syntax of [lme4]( [@Bates_2015]. +Second, `ubms` generates posterior distributions for model parameters, including latent occupancy and abundance parameters. +These can be useful for post-hoc analyses and diagnostics. +Finally, fitting models with Stan gives you access to the large ecosystem of Stan-related tools, such as [LOO]( (leave-one-out-cross validation; [@Vehtari_2017]). + +Another alternative to `ubms` would be to fit models in an existing modeling language such as [BUGS](, [JAGS](, or directly in Stan. +`ubms` abstracts away the complex process of defining and writing custom models in these languages which need to be updated each time you make changes to your model. +It also provides many useful helper functions (e.g. `predict`) which would otherwise require custom code. +Finally, because of Stan's efficient sampler [@Hoffman_2014] and because the underlying likelihoods in `ubms` are marginalized, `ubms` will often fit models much faster than equivalent models in BUGS or JAGS [@Yackulic_2020]. + +## What are the drawbacks? + +Relative to `unmarked`, `ubms` has fewer types of models available. +For example, models that incorporate temporary emigration (like `gdistsamp`) [@Chandler2011] are currently not available in `ubms`. +Models should run much faster in `unmarked` as well. +If you do not need one of the specific benefits of `ubms` described above, it makes sense to stick with `unmarked`. +Even if you do plan to use `ubms`, it makes sense to test the models in `unmarked` first. +The similar interface between the two packages makes this very easy, as you will see in the next section. + +Relative to BUGS/JAGS/Stan, `ubms` is less flexible because you cannot customize your model structure. +You are limited to the provided model types. +Furthermore, you cannot currently customize prior distributions (although I plan to add this in the future in some form). +Finally, writing your own BUGS/JAGS model can be valuable for gaining a deeper understanding of how a model works; `ubms`, like `unmarked`, is essentially a black box. + +To summarize the advantages and disadvantages: I see `ubms` as an intermediate step along the continuum from `unmarked` to custom models in BUGS/JAGS. +It is not meant to replace either approach but rather to supplement them, for situations when a Bayesian framework is needed and "off-the-shelf" model structures are adequate. + +# Example: Fitting a single-season occupancy model + +Occupancy models estimate the probability $\psi$ that a species occupies a site, while accounting for detection probability $p < 1$ [@MacKenzie_2002]. +In order to estimate both $p$ and $\psi$, repeated observations (detection/non-detection data) at each site are required. + +## Set up the data + +First, load the dataset we'll be using, which comes with `unmarked`: + +```{r} +library(unmarked) +data(crossbill) +``` + +The `crossbill` dataset is a `data.frame` with many columns. +It contains detection/non-detection data for the European crossbill (*Loxia +curvirostra*) in Switzerland [@Schmid_2004]. + + +```{r} +dim(crossbill) +names(crossbill) +``` + +Check `?crossbill` for details about each column. +The first three columns `id`, `ele`, and `forest` are site covariates. + +```{r} +site_covs <- crossbill[,c("id", "ele", "forest")] +``` + +The following 27 columns beginning with `det` are the binary detection/non-detection data; 9 years with 3 observations per year. +For this example we want to fit a single-season occupancy model; thus we will use only the first three columns (year 1) of `det` as our response variable `y`. + +```{r} +y <- crossbill[,c("det991","det992","det993")] +head(y) +``` + +Note that missing values are possible. +The final 27 columns beginning with `date` are the Julian dates for each observation. +As with `y` we want only the first three columns corresponding to year 1. + +```{r} +date <- crossbill[,c("date991","date992","date993")] +``` + +Finally, we build our `unmarkedFrame` object holding our detection/non-detection data, site covariates, and observation covariates. +Since we will conduct a single-season occupancy analysis, we need to use `unmarkedFrameOccu` specifically. +The resulting `unmarkedFrame` can be used by both `unmarked` and `ubms`. + +```{r} +umf <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y=y, siteCovs=site_covs, obsCovs=list(date=date)) +head(umf) +``` + +## Fit a model + +### Fit the model in unmarked + +First, we fit a null model (no covariates) in `unmarked` using the `occu` function. +The `occu` function requires as input a double formula (for detection and occupancy, respectively) along with our `unmarkedFrame`. + +```{r} +(fit_unm <- occu(~1~1, data=umf)) +``` + +### Fit the model in ubms + +Next, we fit the same model in `ubms`. +The equivalent to `occu` in `ubms` is `stan_occu`. +Functions in `ubms` generally use this `stan_` prefix, based on the approach used in package [rstanarm]( for GLMs. +We need to provide the same arguments to `stan_occu`. +In addition, we will specify that we want 3 MCMC chains (`chains=3`), with 500 iterations per chain (`iter=500`) of which the first half will be warmup iterations. +It is beyond the scope of this vignette to discuss the appropriate number or length of chains; see [the Stan user's guide]( for more details. +Generally 4 chains of 2000 iterations each is recommended (of which 1000 per chain are warmups). +Thus, 500 iterations per chain is probably not enough, but to keep things running quickly it is sufficient for this vignette. +Note that if you are more familiar with BUGS or JAGS, Stan generally requires a smaller number of iterations to reach convergence thanks to its default NUTS sampler [@Hoffman_2014]. +If you have a good multi-core CPU, you can run chains in parallel. +Tell Stan how many cores you want to use by setting the `mc.cores` option. + +```{r, eval=FALSE} +library(ubms) +options(mc.cores=3) + +(fit_stan <- stan_occu(~1~1, data=umf, chains=3, iter=500)) +``` + +```{r, echo=FALSE} +library(ubms) +(fit_stan <- stan_occu(~1~1, data=umf, chains=3, iter=500, refresh=0)) +``` + +### Compare results + +The structure of the output from `unmarked` and `ubms` is intentionally similar. +Estimates of the occupancy and detection parameters are also similar, but not identical. +For a more direct comparison, call the `coef` function on both model objects: + +```{r} +cbind(unmarked=coef(fit_unm), stan=coef(fit_stan)) +``` + +### Understanding the ubms output summary + +Let's look at the output from our `fit_stan` model again: + +```{r} +fit_stan +``` + +The first part (under `Call:`) is the command we used to get this model output. +Underneath are two tables, one per submodel, corresponding to the occupancy and detection parts of the model. +Within each table there is one row per parameter in the submodel. +Since `fit_stan` had no covariates, there is only an intercept term for each submodel. +Model parameters in this summary table are always shown on the appropriate transformed scale, in this case logit. +To get the corresponding probabilities, you can use the `predict` function, which we will demonstrate later. + +For each parameter, the mean and standard deviation of the posterior distribution are given. +Unlike `unmarked` output, there is no $Z$ or $p$-value. +Instead, there is a 95% [uncertainty interval]( provided. + +The final two columns in each summary table `n_eff` and `Rhat` are MCMC diagnostics. +We will discuss their meaning later. + +### Extracting individual parameters + +To extract summary values into an R table for easy manipulation, use the `summary` method. +Note that you have to specify which submodel you want (`"state"` for occupancy or `"det"` for detection). + +```{r} +sum_tab <- summary(fit_stan, "state") +sum_tab$mean[1] +``` + +To extract the entire posterior for a parameter, use the `extract` method. +To avoid name collisions you need to use the full name of the parameter (which contains both the submodel and the parameter name) when extracting. +To see a list of the available full parameter names, use the `names` method. + +```{r} +names(fit_stan) +occ_intercept <- extract(fit_stan, "beta_state[(Intercept)]")[[1]] +hist(occ_intercept, freq=FALSE) +lines(density(occ_intercept), col='red', lwd=2) +``` + +## Compare candidate models + +Now we'll fit a series of candidate models to the `crossbill` data in `ubms` and compare them. + +### Fit the models + +Along with our previous null model, we'll fit a model with site covariates (elevation and forest), a model with an observation covariate (date), and a "global" model with both site and observation covariates. +This is just an example; perhaps other models should also be considered if we were preparing this analysis for publication. +In our model formulas, we have normalized all covariates with `scale` so they have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. +This can help improve model convergence and is generally a good idea. + +```{r, eval=FALSE} +fit_null <- fit_stan + +fit_sc <- stan_occu(~1~scale(forest)+scale(ele), data=umf, + chains=3, iter=500) + +fit_oc <- stan_occu(~scale(date)~1, data=umf, chains=3, iter=500) + +fit_global <- stan_occu(~scale(date)~scale(forest)+scale(ele), data=umf, + chains=3, iter=500) +``` + +```{r, echo=FALSE} +fit_null <- fit_stan +fit_sc <- stan_occu(~1~scale(forest)+scale(ele), data=umf, + chains=3, iter=500, refresh=0) +fit_oc <- stan_occu(~scale(date)~1, data=umf, chains=3, iter=500, refresh=0) +``` + +```{r, warning=TRUE, echo=FALSE} +fit_global <- stan_occu(~scale(date)~scale(forest)+scale(ele), data=umf, + chains=3, iter=500, refresh=0) +``` + +The `fit_global` model gave us some warnings about the effective sample size (`n_eff`) along with a suggested solution. +We will ignore this warning for now but normally it is a good idea to pay close attention to these warnings. + +### Compare the models + +First we combine the models into a `fitList`: + +```{r} +mods <- fitList(fit_null, fit_sc, fit_oc, fit_global) +``` + +Then we generate a model selection table: + +```{r} +round(modSel(mods), 3) +``` + +Instead of AIC, models are compared using leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO) [@Vehtari_2017] via the `loo` package. +Based on this cross-validation, the expected predictive accuracy (`elpd`) for each model is calculated. +The model with the largest `elpd` (`fit_global`) performed best. +The `elpd_diff` column shows the difference in `elpd` between a model and the top model; if this difference is several times larger than the standard error of the difference (`se_diff`), we are confident the model with the larger `elpd` performed better. +LOO model weights, analogous to AIC weights, are also calculated. +We can see that the `fit_global` model is clearly the best performing model. + +You can obtain LOO information for a single model using the `loo` method: + +```{r} +loo(fit_global) +``` + +The `looic` value is analogous to AIC. + +You can also obtain the WAIC (Widely Applicable Information Criterion) if you prefer [@Vehtari_2017]: + +```{r} +waic(fit_global) +``` + +## Diagnostics and model fit + +We'll define the global model as our top model: + +```{r} +fit_top <- fit_global +fit_top +``` + +### MCMC diagnostics + +Again looking at the summary of `fit_top`, it appears all chains have adequately converged based on $\hat{R}$ values. +Ideally, you want all $\hat{R} > 1.05$. +To visualize convergence, look at the traceplots: + +```{r} +traceplot(fit_top) +``` + +Our effective sample size `n_eff` is lacking for some parameters as we were previously warned. +The rule of thumb is to have `n_eff` > 100 * number of chains (300). +The easy solution would be to re-run this model with more iterations. + +### Model fit + +Calculating residuals is tricky for occupancy models. +There isn't one widely accepted way of doing it. +`ubms` implements the approach of Wright [@Wright_2019] in which residuals are calculated separately for the state and observation processes. +To quickly plot residuals against fitted values, use the `plot` method: + +```{r} +plot(fit_top) +``` + +Note that the residuals are automatically binned, which is appropriate for a binomial response [@Gelman2007]. +If the model fits the data well, you would expect 95% of the binned residual points to fall within the shaded area. +You can also plot residuals against covariate values using the `plot_residuals` function: + +```{r} +plot_residuals(fit_top, submodel="state", covariate="forest") +``` + +`ubms` also supports goodness-of-fit tests (posterior predictive checks) for some models. +In the case of occupancy models, there is support for the MacKenzie-Bailey (M-B) chi-square test [@MacKenzie_2004a] via the `gof` function. +For each posterior draw, the M-B statistic is calculated for the actual data and for a simulated dataset. +The proportion of draws for which the simulated statistic is larger than the actual statistic should be near 0.5 if the model fits well. + +```{r} +(fit_top_gof <- gof(fit_top, quiet=TRUE)) +plot(fit_top_gof) +``` + +Our model appears to have adequate fit based on this posterior predictive check. + +You can use the `posterior_predict` function to simulate new datasets, which you can use to calculate your own fit statistic. +The following command generates one simulated dataset per posterior draw. + +```{r} +sim_y <- posterior_predict(fit_top, "y") +dim(sim_y) +``` + +The output is a matrix with dimensions draws x observations (in site-major order). +As an example, we can calculate the proportion of zeros in each simulated dataset + +```{r} +prop0 <- apply(sim_y, 1, function(x) mean(x==0, na.rm=TRUE)) +``` + +and compare that to the proportion of zeros in the actual dataset. + +```{r} +actual_prop0 <- mean(getY(fit_top) == 0, na.rm=TRUE) + +#Compare +hist(prop0, col='gray') +abline(v=actual_prop0, col='red', lwd=2) +``` + +## Model inference + +### Marginal covariate effects + +Based on the 95% uncertainty intervals, both forest and elevation have a positive effect on occupancy probability (both intervals do not contain 0). +Similarly, Julian date has a positive impact on detection probability. +We can quickly visualize these marginal covariate effects with the `plot_marginal` function: + +```{r} +plot_marginal(fit_top, "state") +plot_marginal(fit_top, "det") +``` + +### Predict parameter values + +As with `unmarked`, we can get the predicted $psi$ or $p$ for each site or observation using the `predict` function. +For example, to get occupancy: + +```{r} +head(predict(fit_top, submodel="state")) +``` + +You can also supply newdata as a `data.frame`. + +```{r} +nd <- data.frame(ele=100, forest=25) +predict(fit_top, submodel="state", newdata=nd) +``` + +### Generate predictive map + +You can also supply a `stack` of `raster` objects in order to use your fitted model to generate a map of a parameter. +The `Switzerland` dataset supplied with `unmarked` contains spatial data which can be used with the `crossbill` dataset. +This example was adapted from the `unmarked` "Species Distributions" [vignette]( +First, we need to convert the necessary covariates in the dataset into `raster` format. + +```{r} +library(raster) +data(Switzerland) + +elevation <- rasterFromXYZ(Switzerland[,c("x","y","elevation")], + crs="+proj=somerc +lat_0=46.95240555555556 +lon_0=7.439583333333333 +k_0=1 + +x_0=600000 +y_0=200000 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=674.374,15.056,405.346,0,0,0,0 + +units=m +no_defs") + +forest <- rasterFromXYZ(Switzerland[,c("x","y","forest")], + crs="+proj=somerc +lat_0=46.95240555555556 +lon_0=7.439583333333333 +k_0=1 + +x_0=600000 +y_0=200000 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=674.374,15.056,405.346,0,0,0,0 + +units=m +no_defs") + +``` + +Next we combine the two covariates into a `raster` `stack`. +We also need to name the layers of this stack to exactly match the names of the covariates as they appear in our model. +If you don't do this, `predict` will not work. + +```{r} +ef_raster <- stack(elevation, forest) +names(ef_raster) <- c("ele", "forest") +``` + +Here's what our covariate maps look like: + +```{r} +plot(ef_raster, col=terrain.colors(100)) +``` + +Generating a map of predicted occupancy probability is as simple as calling `predict` with our covariate raster stack as the newdata. + +```{r} +pr_raster <- predict(fit_top, "state", newdata=ef_raster) +plot(pr_raster) +``` + +### Simulate latent occupancy states + +One of the advantages of BUGS/JAGS is that you can directly model latent parameters, such as the true unobserved occupancy state of a site $z$. +Using the `posterior_predict` function in `ubms`, you can generate an equivalent posterior distribution of $z$. + +```{r} +zpost <- posterior_predict(fit_top, "z") +dim(zpost) +``` + +The output has one row per posterior draw, and one column per site. +The posterior of $z$ can be useful for post-hoc analyses. +For example, suppose you wanted to test for a difference in mean occupancy probability between sites 1-50 and sites 51-100: + +```{r} +group1 <- rowMeans(zpost[,1:50], na.rm=TRUE) +group2 <- rowMeans(zpost[,51:100], na.rm=TRUE) + +plot_dat <- rbind(data.frame(group="group1", occ=mean(group1), + lower=quantile(group1, 0.025), + upper=quantile(group2, 0.975)), + data.frame(group="group2", occ=mean(group2), + lower=quantile(group2, 0.025), + upper=quantile(group2, 0.975))) + +``` + +Now plot the posterior distributions of the two means: + +```{r} +library(ggplot2) + +ggplot(plot_dat, aes(x=group, y=occ)) + + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=lower, ymax=upper), width=0.2) + + geom_point(size=3) + + ylim(0,1) + + labs(x="Group", y="Occupancy + 95% UI") +``` + +# Example: "Stacked" model with random effect + +The `crossbill` data contains 9 years of detection/non-detection data. +A logical model choice for the full dataset would be the dynamic occupancy model, which estimates initial occupancy along with colonization and extinction probabilities. +This model is implemented in `unmarked` as `colext` and in `ubms` as `stan_colext`. +However, in some cases you might not want to fit a dynamic model - for example if you don't have enough data or you aren't interested in the transition probabilities. +Also, other model types may not have dynamic versions available. +In these cases you can fit multiple years of data into a single-season model using the "stacked" approach. +Essentially, you treat unique site-year combinations as sites. +For a helpful discussion on the topic, see [this](!topic/unmarked/OHkk98y09Zo) thread on the `unmarked` forums. + +Ideally you want to control for the pseudoreplication this creates in some form. +In `unmarked` you are limited to approaches such as including a dummy variable for site and/or year. +In `ubms` you can instead include, for example, random site intercepts to account for this pseudoreplication. +The following example demonstrates how to do this. + +## Format the Data + +We will use the first 3 years of `crossbill` data (instead of all 9), simply to keep the analysis run time down. +Converting the `crossbill` data to stacked format is a bit complex. +The dataset contains 267 unique sites; thus after stacking we should end up with a response variable that contains `267 * 3` "sites" (site-years). +First, we replicate the site covariates 3 times: + +```{r} +sc_stack <- site_covs[rep(1:nrow(site_covs), 3),] +names(sc_stack)[1] <- "site" +dim(sc_stack) +head(sc_stack) +``` + +Notice the inclusion of the site ID variable in the site covariates. +Next, we write a function that splits a "wide" dataset into pieces and stacks them on top of each other. + +```{r} +wide_to_stacked <- function(input_df, surveys_per_year){ + #nyears <- ncol(input_df) / surveys_per_year + nyears <- 3 + inds <- split(1:(nyears*surveys_per_year), rep(1:nyears, each=surveys_per_year)) + split_df <- lapply(1:nyears, function(i){ + out <- input_df[,inds[[i]]] + out$site <- 1:nrow(input_df) + out$year <- i + names(out)[1:3] <- paste0("obs",1:3) + out + }) + stack_df <-"rbind", split_df) + stack_df$site <- as.factor(stack_df$site) + stack_df$year <- as.factor(stack_df$year) + stack_df +} +``` + +Next we use the function to convert our original response data into a stacked form. + +```{r} +y_wide <- crossbill[, grep("det", names(crossbill), value=TRUE)] +y_stack <- wide_to_stacked(y_wide, 3) +dim(y_stack) +head(y_stack) +``` + +Finally, we do the same with the `date` observation covariate. + +```{r} +date_wide <- crossbill[,grep("date", names(crossbill), value=TRUE)] +date_stack <- wide_to_stacked(date_wide, 3) +dim(date_stack) +``` + +With our stacked datasets constructed, we build our `unmarkedFrame`: + +```{r} +umf_stack <- unmarkedFrameOccu(y=y_stack[,1:3], siteCovs=sc_stack, + obsCovs=list(date=date_stack[,1:3])) +``` + +## Fit the Stacked Model + +We'll now fit our top-ranked model from before, but this time with a random effect of site included in the formula for occupancy. +Random effects are specified using the approach used in with the `lme4` package. +For example, a random intercept for each level of the covariate `site` is specified with the formula component `(1|site)`. +Random slopes, or a combination of random slopes and intercepts, are also possible. +This model will take significantly longer to run. + +```{r, eval=FALSE} +fit_stack <- stan_occu(~scale(date) ~scale(ele) + scale(forest) + (1|site), + data=umf_stack, chains=3, iter=500, refresh=0) +fit_stack +``` + +```{r, echo=FALSE} +fit_stack <- stan_occu(~scale(date) ~scale(ele) + scale(forest) + (1|site), + data=umf_stack, chains=3, iter=300, refresh=0) +fit_stack +``` + +We get more warnings; again these should be fixed by increasing the iterations. +Our output looks similar to our top model from before, except that we now have an estimate for the site-level variance (`sigma [1|site]`) in our summary table. + +## Accessing the random intercepts + +In order to get the actual random intercept values, we use the `ranef` function. +Note that this function behaves like the `lme4` version, not like the `unmarked` version. + +```{r} +ran <- ranef(fit_stack, submodel="state") +head(ran$site[[1]]) +``` + +You can also generate summary statistics for each random term: + +```{r} +ran <- ranef(fit_stack, submodel="state", summary=TRUE) +head(ran$site[[1]]) +``` + +# References + +
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